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Everything posted by daze23

  1. daze23

    Empty supermarket

    I don't really consider that the level of "confirmation" I was looking for, but whatever
  2. daze23

    Empty supermarket

    a lot of redundant speculation. has there been any official confirmation?
  3. daze23

    Empty supermarket

    I was walking towards a house with an already open door, and I'm pretty sure I saw a helmet spawn in front of my eyes I'm not sure loot only respawns on restart
  4. daze23

    Blood/Health regeneration

    seems to be something working. I got kind of hurt, was grunting and such, ate some foods, and stopped making all that noise
  5. daze23

    Empty supermarket

    has it been confirmed that loot only spawns on restart?
  6. that's where you went wrong
  7. this. I already found a military installment north of Kamenka. another where the supermarket used to be in Zelengorsk. and another west of Starry
  8. daze23

    Empty supermarket

    you gotta look on the shelves and in different places. but it's entirely impossible it was empty. in general, the looting is pretty different from the mod. anyone know if deer-stands spawn anything?
  9. daze23

    Server Owners get nothing????

    actually military bases are everywhere in the standalone
  10. daze23

    every server is dark

    yes, I'm making a slippery slope argument to see how far this logic of attempting to make everyone happy goes. but it's not like what I'm talking about is unprecedented and didn't already happen. most of my concern comes from what I already saw happen to the mod
  11. daze23

    every server is dark

    then maybe this isn't the game for those people. I really think the more open nature of the mod has bamboozled people into thinking this game can be whatever they want it to be. this is a standalone game, not a mod and/or variations of a mod
  12. daze23

    every server is dark

    what about those that "enjoy" spawning with an AS-50? at some point this game needs to put it's foot down and not try to please everyone. Arma 2 is still there for those that want to play however they want to be clear, I'm not happy with having to play at 2am to see daylight. but the solution IS NOT 24/7 daytime servers
  13. daze23

    every server is dark

    unfortunately those things aren't in Forza 5
  14. daze23

    every server is dark

  15. daze23

    Loot distribution is all wrong

    I just found a new military installment north of Kamenka. high value military spawns were always a death trap in the mod. it should be a little better now that they're more spread out
  16. daze23

    Able to hear other's teamspeak on server.

    I had this issue too. I could constantly hear breathing and keyboard clatter, but there was no one around me. I went through the player list muting everyone, until I found him
  17. daze23

    [SA] Anyone find bandages yet?

    I found a bandage by itself
  18. daze23

    every server is dark

    no, that is not the argument begin made
  19. hopefully never. people are still free to mod Arma II however they like
  20. daze23

    every server is dark

    that is a strawman, along with "every night goes on a year, you start wearing boxer shorts and carrying a rusty spoon"
  21. daze23

    every server is dark

    the mod and all it's variants are still there if people want to play on those servers. the nature of the mod made it easy for that sort of customization. if you want to look at it another way, many of them were just "Arma II mods" and not "DayZ" I don't see what any of that has to do with the idea that the dayZ standalone should have a single vision. otherwise it just becomes fragmented, and IMO that is how the game goes to shit
  22. daze23

    Nighttime and metagaming

    someone on reddit made an interesting suggestion to change it to a 20hr cycle. that way it would cycle day to day http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1t3tj4/sa_suggestion_rather_than_6hr_offset_servers_the/
  23. it probably doesn't help that many complaints about the mod were met with "It's an alpha!". the question is if we will ever be able to say "it's a beta!"
  24. daze23

    Nighttime and metagaming

    I really don't understand how shortening the night will help much, unless it's something rather drastic, like a one hour night. otherwise if the night is 12, 6, or 3 hours long isn't going to matter much if the only time you have to play is during that time just having offset servers seems better
  25. daze23

    every server is dark

    I think it's generally better than the mod. the mod really was "pitch black" and I don't think the devs should cave in every time people want to cheat to circumvent the intended mechanics of the game. that's how we ended up with all these stupid "24/7 daylight, spawn with everything, 1000 cars" servers many of us have been waiting for the standalone so we can play the "real" DayZ again. but already people are trying to turn it into candyland. I know that sounds harsh, but like I said, IMO this is how the game goes to shit