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About shinramyun

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  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Gaming, Movies, and jiu jitsu.

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  • Bio
    Zombie killing artist
  1. shinramyun

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    lol dam i feel bad for the russian guy. I remembered doing that once and ending up in the same result :D
  2. Nobody is backing hackers and who the fuck cares if you lost all your shit. This is alpha and anything is bound to change like character wipes to battleye improvements.
  3. shinramyun

    Do hackers have wallhack also?

    They could have been peeking around the corner with third person.
  4. shinramyun

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Sooooooooooo beautiful! I can't even imagine how immersive this game would be on that engine.
  5. shinramyun

    Get Your Shit Together

    Dude clam down man, I bet they already noticed this issue with the hacking scripts and are working on it right now. Geezzz the mod developers are not as clueless as you think they are.
  6. shinramyun

    Steam, Arma 2, and Day-Z

    yes and it's preferred to be played through steam.
  7. shinramyun

    DayZ - Amnesia

    Awesome! Make more plz :D
  8. shinramyun

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Hey Rocket, I just wanted to say this is one the best update so far but I think there are some fps issues from what i've been experiencing. Great job keep it up man...and get some sleep XD.