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About rodsin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. rodsin

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I would like to be able to improvise a ghillie suit through crafting and wouldn't like to see rangefinders. Sniping shouldn't be easy in this game, it doesn't have a military background like Arma, it's a wasted "civilian world". This is where Dayz should distance itself from the mod and Arma.
  2. Oh forgot to say... 1 guy got the grand prize... got the longhorn with 5 rounds (i dropped them quite far from the longhorn) and a high capacity vest as a bonus. It was the guy that came back to the same place and laughed at it. Does this make me a a-hole?
  3. Ok This is my storie. There i was, walking around chernarus feeling the very cold breezy on my eyes, earing the birds, when i decide to go to the coast and risk all my gear for a bit of fun. I arrive to the outskirts of electro just to find a group of fresh spawns trying to loot empty houses. they were overwelmed and they saw me (must've been the sight of the mosin on my back and the M4 on my hands). I felt sorry for them. There they were, cold, hungry, with nothing to defend themselfs. So. I decided. I'm going to do a good deed, i'm going to help them. I give them some food and drinks and invite them to a game where the winner would win a loaded longhorn (wich i showed). They started jumping in joy. To aply for this game they had to leave their clothes outside one house and enter it (they all did it... what a longhorn can do). I close the door and tell them to wait a bit just for me to prepare things. No one is going to get hurt. I finally tell them that the game is about to start and i'm going to explain the rules. "OK. Ok. Good. Good" they say. I open the door. They look at me. And then. Just then, i unpin a grenade, throw it inside, close the door and watch it get blown to pieces. But hey. I was bored. And i helped them. No more cold and hunger. It was funnnn
  4. rodsin

    Finally found a can opener...

    imagine that but with an ACOG
  5. jump and scream "geronimoooooo" . Then kill them all. As someone said. 9/10 you can out run them. just dont stop whille climbing down.
  6. rodsin

    Inventory when running

    wierd.... i just alt-tab and it opens. I only stop when i'm sprinting and i want to open the inv. But that's my fault. The keybinds open the comunity window and i'm to lazy to change the bindings
  7. rodsin

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    When i decided that guns wouldn't be a priority in my new fresh spawns, the game became much easier, i even started finding alot more guns than before. Dont look for them, they will find you. And if Dayz were real life (yeah... i know.... big assumption) i would like to see any of us going around towns punching zombies/infected/brainless pieces of relentless meat in the head. That beeing said. You need to start playing the game as if you were one of the few survivors that woke up starving and without nothing after an event that wiped out most of humam life.
  8. rodsin

    Goodbye Balota barracks

    off topic also: i bet he's bathing reek on topic: i never go to balota and have a full decked mosin and a M4 with double mag plus 3 40 round mags, and grenades, and a sawed shootgun and even a longhorn just because i like it. You dont need balota. Why complain, just move to the west side of the map... maybe with concentrating the military loot in the west we'll see more pvp at those areas.
  9. rodsin

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    hunter backpack. But what i really really would like to carry is a black backpack (let me paint the hunter backpack pls)
  10. rodsin

    Am i a bad person?

    you have my beans sir. and thx for the idea of the "friend on the hill sniping"
  11. most commom mistakes i see latelly: 1 - ppl geting their new fresh spawns killed after sprinting to towns without checkins zombies and then coming to the forums complaining that the dev team fucked up with the zeds. 2 - ppl complaining their chars are getting killed by cold, whille wearing summer cloths, not heating up with fires or warmer clothes (yes they work, even if the weather system need tweeks) 3 - ppl getting killed by fresh spawns with nothing to lose because they trusted them enough to give them a gun or gave their back to them. And then comimg to the forums complaining about a-holes. 4 - The bohemia crew not dealing urgently with the cheaters/hackers that are currently swarmimg the servers and growing in numbers by the day.
  12. why the hell were you eating in the police station? Next spawn... dont forget to do that in the middle of the NWAF airstrip. Never eat in those places... you're just asking to get shoot. I dont usually KoS but if i ear you in a police station eating i'll pull my gun and fire it at first glimpse.
  13. rodsin

    Anyone Else Experienced This?

    picking this topic so i dont open another... i'm currently watching a dayz stream... the owner (i think it's the owner) is hacking like hell... he's killing ppl.... blowing hills and forests... i dont have any recording software... any mod in? i know the server name... and the cheater/hacker name just check this stream: http://www.twitch.tv/kaceytron
  14. rodsin

    0.49 crashsites (& a few observations)

    Lolo... wont give you mine freelly... it's quite easy to deck out a mosin... in cities you usually find everything to have a pro look mosin sniper.... LRS usualy spawn in the the 3 floor blue door houses and in garages... the mosin itself is quite usual also... as for the M4... those are really hard (that's why i'm kinda attach to my char)
  15. rodsin

    New Zombie Fail

    Its a usual technique in 3d modeling to copy/paste textures when working the model... it helps to give a better view of the final "product".... remember.... this is a leak of a future model that is beeing worked on