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About ralfidude

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  1. ralfidude

    dayz randomn LOL clips

    Well when we get into messy situations I usually turn in on to see if any LOLs happen, and indeed they do.
  2. ralfidude

    Day Z Videos

  3. ralfidude

    [VIDEO] Grand Theft Chopper

    Well I cant confirm if those were the admins I killed or not, but who cares... there are many more serious threats out there that need to be dealt with me thinks, like the hackers.
  4. ralfidude

    [VIDEO] Grand Theft Chopper

    Ok, il log in and see what happens.
  5. ralfidude

    [VIDEO] Grand Theft Chopper

    Yeah, it pissed me off... I'm afraid to log back in now... will I spawn in the air? hahaha
  6. ralfidude

    [VIDEO] Grand Theft Chopper

    So I'm being a harmless bee at the North West Airfield and all of a sudden I hear a chopper flying by. Out of curiosity I check out what's going on, and then I notice he's trying to land. Out come 2 banditos which quickly meet their doom at my M107 and THEN it's GRAND THEFT CHOPPER!!! YEAH!!! Right? Well no... ... and it started off so well... PS: Some of my compadres have told me to share this with you guys because they think that I might just have killed one of the admins on that server, and after losing it to me, he decided to restart the server. If that's the case, then the names of the two peeps I killed are: "Warpath031 YouTube" and "erkkie" Well, in any case, enjoy!
  7. ralfidude

    Bandit's, I have a question for you.

    If I see you and you have a weapon, your ass will get dropped by my M24... If I see you looking at me, even without a weapon, your ass will get dropped by my M24... If I see you even thinking of going for that lootpile that clearly has my name on it, your ass will get dropped by my M24... If I see you getting a group of survivors together, it constitutes a gang, ergo a threat, therefore; your ass will get dropped by my M24... Basically... your ass will get dropped by my M24... Well... After I shoot you 3 times that is because some guy thought that on veteran mode it would be hilarious to make the M24 a 2 to 3 shot kill weapon... I mean it's not like it's a sniper rifle or anyth... oh wait....
  8. ralfidude

    Sniper trolling

    Dallas and Seattle are two most hacked servers on DayZ. I have had players come in and change the weather every 5 seconds, from no fog to all fog, back and forth. I have seen players spawn in Apache's and light up everything in sight. I have seen players to go airport and spawn in a frogfoot. I have been to servers that all the zombies have been turned off. I have seen servers where in Stary Sobor, it looks like a garbage truck dumped a whole shit load of loot all over the tent areas. I have been to a server that a dude went ahead and delted every single item on you and your back pack for everybody in the server at the same time. I have seen another dude go ahead and aggro every single zombie that was spawned in to go after all the players no matter where or what they were doing at the time. And thats just to name a few.... but mostly, all of these were in Dallas and Seattle servers. So When you come across a dude, who has 4-5 tents set up in the middle of Cherno (Of all places where none of this loot spawns), with Night vision goggles rep tools and other items that have a less than 1% chance of spawning, in EACH of the tents, including a SMAW in his hands, and an M107 on his back, then you might think too that he "perhaps" be hacking just a wee bit. And we came across that dude for the second time that night, and he AGAIN had another m107 sniping from the same rooftop in another server not too long after that... So yeah.... I guess item duping or something.
  9. ralfidude

    Sniper trolling

    After having an ENORMOUS amount of bad luck with leaving people live only to get shot in the back, my friend and I decided to make it rain with the pink mist. We found a hacker who had an M107 and a crap ton of other goodies on him, and his 3 tents with 40 million items in them that iv never even seen before in DayZ, and we shot him and took his stash, (only the items that were part of DayZ, so as not to be cheaters ourselves). Then we proceeded to just rape everyone we saw, including some more hackers that like to sit on the roodtop and shoot people with their M107s and SMAW rocket launchers. The amount of cheaters is impressive in this mod... Here are a few snippets of our one day rampage. DISCLAIMER: you are about to see a few innocent and not so innocent players get whooped. If you dont like that sort of thing, DON'T PRESS PLAY, it's all part of DayZ so better get used to it!!