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About anotherdeadhero

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  1. I need something harder then vodka to enjoy this game again, try paint stripper.
  2. anotherdeadhero

    Stream Snipers! [Dayz standalone] [YOUTUBE]

    People still stream this game, lol.
  3. anotherdeadhero

    Mil tents crashing servers?

    I dropped a military tent on a persistent server, came back four hours later and it was gone.
  4. anotherdeadhero

    Gun sounds are not fixed

    The guy was on top of the kiosk about 20 feet in front of him, you can see him in the video. He should have heard that shot.
  5. anotherdeadhero

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    'You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again.'
  6. Does anyone know if they are going to push this to stable before the Christmas holiday starts or is that for when they get back, would be really cool to get this to stable for Christmas because the gunshot sounds are one of the things keeping me away form this at the moment.
  7. Hello everyone, It has been a while since i have visited these forums but i was recently alarmed by the news that Brian hall is now stepping down as project lead for a new person to take the helm. He will of course still be on the team and no doubt will be working just as hard as he always has. Three project leads in the space of a year, the first one leaving the team entirely. I am really worried that this is a big sign of bad times ahead, slow progress and missed targets is regular for this team but to be honest, i am sure most people really don't see time as an issue if the final product is worth the time it takes to make, patience is not a thing i lack. I am just worried because i always like to look at things from a business perspective and having three bosses in the space of one year would really tell me that something is not working at that business. Of course this is just speculation and i know just as much, or as little as the rest of you. What are your opinions on this, do you think that the third team leader can have a good impact on the future of dayz ?? or do you think this is just another sign that the game is slowly failing, Do you think this will effect dayz and the 'progress' it has made in any way ??
  8. anotherdeadhero

    Should scopes in dayz have the ability to zero?

    Make that blunt axes and bent arrows so you cant tell where it will hit when you reslease it, then were on the right tracks.
  9. anotherdeadhero

    What is exactly happening or wrong when fighting zombies?

    That is a load of rubbish, this is an issue with the game, it has nothing to do with what computer you run it on.
  10. anotherdeadhero

    Should scopes in dayz have the ability to zero?

    spot on man, i have seen it happen to a few games as well and i feel like this game is heading in the same direction, i don't even play it anymore and if they keep heading down this path of listening to the people who shout the loudest they will ruin this game, i have no doubts about that.
  11. anotherdeadhero

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Please show me where i have complained about anything in this thread. Please enlighten me ??
  12. anotherdeadhero

    Can't we reset to 0.49 for a while?

    Ah i was genuinely curious, thought there might have been an announcement about a patch or something. I have not played the game in a while so i can't comment with certainty but i have seen the pictures and it just seems persistence is broken, loot was not spawning at all in experimental so they changed it for stable so that loot always spawns no matter what and this is why instead of no loot at all we have piles of loot. It just seems broken either way at the moment, my advise would be to find a server with persistence disabled to play on, once you have that server it will be exactly the same as 0.49 except you will have all the items from 0.50.
  13. anotherdeadhero

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Maybe so but not if it's just some made up disease, 'Oh here is madeuparitus because you know, eating humans'. Let's not invent diseases and infections with made up names just to punish a certain play style because you disagree with it. I think if it has some kind of mental affect on the player like what they already have where your character has laughing and crying fits on his own every five or ten minutes, it would throw stealth out the window, example you are sneaking up to the jail and he just starts laughing hysterically or say you are talking to someone who does not know what you are yet and then you start crying hysterically, they will know you are a cannibal and they will treat you as such, i think the laughing and crying is a perfect drawback to cannibalism imho.
  14. anotherdeadhero

    Can't we reset to 0.49 for a while?

    What Wednesday patch, have you been let on to some secret i don't know. ? Wednesday is for maintenance not for patches.
  15. anotherdeadhero

    Does persistance work?

    It depends what you mean by working, its a work in progress so it is wrking but it does not wrk if that makes sense. IMHO no it is not.