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Everything posted by BaBooN671

  1. I've only been playing for a few days and I found myself in Zelenogorsk. All I had was the firefighter axe and some basic food and a few scraps for bandages. I found a lot of useful stuff as I made my way through the town until I came across the military base. I was searching the main building when these two guys burst in with a pistol and a Mosin rifle. I darted into the cell near the entrance and got my firefighter axe ready just as the guy with the pistol comes in and tries to shoot me, but I dodge the shots and get around him. With several swings I kill him and then charge down his mate waiting outside and take him out as well! In the process I broke an arm and my axe got damage, but that was so fun! Thanks to them I have an inventory crammed with pristine items too!