Hello everyone well ive owned ARMA2 for years now and since i just heard about this mod i though i would give it a shot it looks fun. However am having an issue when i access any NY/Dallas servers it says "You Have Been Kicked" would appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to walk me thru the steps, this is what ive done so far: - Downloaded the launcher from http://dayzmod.com/su.php - Ran the launcher which downloaded & installed Six Updater - Went to presets downloaded @DayZ mods - Right-Click (Update/Install & Launch Game) and it takes me to the game. But when i try to access any servers i get kicked or i receive a 'bad' error. If anyone could help i would appreciate it. Thanks!!! :cool: UPDATE: If anyone was having the same issue as me on the Physical copy of ARMA 2 CO then this fixed it for me, I patched ARMA2 but forgot to patch OA, So make sure to have these 2 patches installed: Arma 2 OA: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_93825.zip Arma 2 1.6 patch: http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&Itemid=20&id=756%3Aarma-2-combined-operations--operation-arrowhead--reinforcements-patch-1〈=en Hope i helped, anyways see ya in game (NY servers)!!!