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Everything posted by conzole

  1. Hey we at Anonymous Gaming want to let you know about our Arma 2 server and community. We offer you guys a great Arma 2 overpoch server on chernarus.Our staff team is great and always someone online to help and reply your questions. Scripts in the server: Coins+AdvancedTrading Custom WAI missions Tow+Lift Enchanted Spawn select Plot4Life Door Management Plot Management Custom NWAF,NEAF and balota + Small military compounds around chernarus Vectorbuilding and Snapbuilding What Kind Of Community Are We ? Anonymous Gaming is a community which provide gaming servers. At the moment Anonymous Gaming has an Arma 2 Dayz Overpoch server operating alongside our Arma 3 Exile Tanoa server which is often used for players of our servers as it provides a lower latency & better quality of audio transmission compared to Arma's inbuilt VON (Voice Over Network) system. We hope that your time with us at Anonymous Gaming will be an enjoyable experience. If you have any suggestions to further our growth as a community or any improvements you have that would benefit Anonymous Gaming don't hesitate to let one of the server admins know or make a post on our forums. Anonymous Gaming has an Arma 2 Dayz Overpoch server which has 50 slots. With more and more functions being built within the server, it keeps the players more involved and entertained with the server as each individual player feels that their contribution to the game has been saved and kept for others to use and benefit from or simply to allow the player themselves to benefit from. Please come join us in all the fun at: Website : http://www.anonymousgaming.co.uk Teamspeak: Arma 2 Dayz Overpoch:
  2. conzole

    The Big BOOM. Post your best Bombing photos in DayZ

    Hahaha Best video ever probably the best grenade in dayz so far?
  3. Hello boy/girl's im glad to announce the |SAB| Stealth Assasins Brotherhood have opened a Private Hive server on DayZ Standalone it's capped to 30 people for now! The SAB's are a gaming community that like all sorts of games. Here's the Server IP: You can also just go to filter and Put in The Brotherhood as hostname give it a min to load up tho. Our TS: You can come and hangout with us or get your own TS channel for you and your friends. And here is our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/sabclan/?fref=ts Server rules 1.No hacking/glitching. 2 No racist language or player names Other than that have fun!
  4. Hello boy/girl's im glad to announce the |SAB| Stealth Assasins Brotherhood have opened a Private Hive server. The SAB's are a gaming community that like all sorts of games. Here's the Server IP: You can also just go to filter and Put in |SAB| as hostname ive it a min to load up tho. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Our TS: You can come and hangout with us or get your own TS channel for you and your friends. And here is our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/sabclan/?fref=ts :)
  5. conzole

    |SAB| Stealth Assasins Brotherhood Community server

    14 ppl on tonnight its getting more poulated :) ill put it from an 30 man server to 40 soon!
  6. |SAB| Clan Dayz Overpoch Server | IP: | TS IP: | Active Admins | No Admin Abuse | Skalisty Island Mission :BANDEMONIUM | Self blood bag | Custom AI missions | Auto refuel | TOW Script | Cheap Base Building | PVP Allowed | Fast Trading | Gem Trading | Suicide Script | building Starter Pack | PVP Arena If you want to get a building material starterpack ask an online admin. Hope to see you soon and enjoy your stay on the server :)