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Posts posted by werneq

  1. i really hope this is not just for the purpose of looking at player movement , loot and death rates to balance the game, you know ... 

    haven't really read about them developing this for security and anti cheating reasons ...


    The first word in Status Report - Week of 15 Sept 14 is "Security"

    meh, maybe not the top priority.. lets see in the stable .50 what we got.

  2. AFter all this time playing i have really only now started to pack a rock so i can sharpen the axe machete etc. I just have to ask is it just me or does anyone else think 4 slots is excessive for a rock ???


    Maybe the right question is: How this guy can carry as much weight and keep running!!

  3. Something interesting I noticed


    After the .49 hot fix there was an issue with rapid cooling and no way to warm back up. Seemed like no matter what how much close I had on my avatar would get cold, and not warm up until I lite a fire. The 1st night of the hot fix I lite 3 fires in 3 hours, just to keep my avatar from freezing to death. My avatar body temp was always on a downward trend, no matter what. I was fully geared.


    Last night when I played it the temp system seemed to be back to normal, I started as a fresh spawn and played around 3 hours, and my avatar only got cold once. Then warming up after I got a jacket. Never had to lite one fire. It was also fairly cold on the 2 servers I was one, one was even cold and rainy. I even got wet. But no problems.


    It seems the temp issues might be fixed? Anyone still seeing the temp issues?


    Yesterday I experimented some like this. Running in the forest I have to set a fire 4 or 5 times to warm up, then I noticed that my pants are ruined... :P
    But I think this is pretty real. The game are localized into Czech Republic, and the climate are really cold (http://www.holiday-weather.com/prague/averages/)
    Think this: you are wearing a t-shirt, pants and running shoes in 7ºC (45ºF)!! I freeze just thinking.
    There's a "bug" in fire and warming up. If you get closer to a fireplace and receive the "You are slowly warming up" report just once, you are good to extinguish the fire and go on. No need to wait a while. There's a report for this bug (http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=17513
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  4. I have been testing a lot with server settings, just to get the configuration right.  No documentation of configuring loot respawn?


    Loot is hard to find near the coasts, which is sad.  Loot equality <> player happyness <> persistance, please fix the balance and make loot more available for normal servers.


    What i suggest is to make a survival server type, less loot.  Normal server type, more loot, more fun.  Hardcore server type, less loot, 1st person.


    You're playing the wrong game dude... This game must be hard.

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