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About RazeRepine

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    On the Coast

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  1. RazeRepine

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I had a strange bug. I was fireing with a Makarov and then reloading mags with the mouse-wheel, 3 times, and all mags were gone (beside the one in the gun). So it seems that the emty ones did not went back into the inventory. Can anyone confirm this?
  2. RazeRepine

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Something is new today. On the easter weekend I was running land inwards and found some loot, not much, but something. Even crappy shit I left behind. But today there's nothing. I ran 2.5 hours around, sweaped about 7 villages and towns totally and all I found was a can of Pipsi and a wrench .... nothing else, even not in any outhouse. Not even a pink hat or something like that, which is left behind normally by everybody. I am half geared from 0.54 ... don't wanna know how a fresh spawn feels now o_O Does they turn the screw at the loot table? Or is there a loot explosion in a few towns like it was before on persistance on? (and I just have not found them on my servers?) Zeds are very cool now. Dangerous but stupid. Nice! But the loot table needs to be fixed. I am going fine with few loot, but you need to have more alternatives, like cooking meat on a stick on open fire and making fire without matches. Mandatory matches and cooking pot + tripod to cook, does not match the real survival feeling in my eyes. Never-the-less ... good direction now, just needs a bit more fine tuning ;)