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About wodofoto

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  1. wodofoto

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    Hi, nice to see how it all comes together now, even basebuilding is in and cars are back. I would prefer you add the missing bits of survival aspect/playstyle back into the game, after the bugfixing period, (bows, crossbows, fishing...) before adding new weapons and pvp centered stuff. I like to try surviving off the natural ressources, hunting for deer instead of bambi's beans. A way to craft a tent or stash with leather would be a nice addition for post 1.0 content. Could you please add persistence to the offline mode in the near future, as in character inventory, stashes/base parts and cars' position/inventory saved when exiting the game. I really don't like depending on mods in these regards, as they often break when the game updates to a new version. A rough ETA for persistent single player would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. wodofoto


    bump :thumbsup:
  3. wodofoto


    Nice to see the first new players on the server. Keep coming and check out anotherepoch.com for server rules; anotherepoch.com/stats for additional information. One thing i forgot to mention in the OP: The server has a full 24hr day-night-cycle and server time is GMT+1
  4. wodofoto


    tl;dr Check out this great epoch server: ANOTHEREPOCH (german/english anotherepoch.com) Hi, I'm Tom, a german DayzMod and Epoch player. It took me a while, to find a server with the set of features I expected, nice and respectful players to call ally or enemy and friendly, competent admins. Now, after playing for about two months on anotherepoch, I try to create some attention and invite you to be part of the gamerbase from England, Finland, Germany, Nederland, Norway, Poland and many other parts of the world, to survive the zombie apocalypse. To be clear: I'm not an admin, I'm not the server owner, I get nothing out of this, other than hopefully meeting some of you in Chernarus. So, why do I enjoy the server? 1.) The need to earn your stuff -- You can't donate to get a complete base with a little bird on every restart. Cinder is expensive and chainsaws are rare. It's actually an accomplishment to build a complete base and something worth fighting for, to keep it. That said, I play as a lonewolf hero and built myself a nice and safe home without it taking forever. 2.) Bases and locked vehicles are indestructable -- If you know how to build a secure base, nobody can steal your stuff, when you are not ingame. But be careful opening your front door. It's legit to remove your plotpole and take over your base. 3.) Risk and reward -- Bash and Klen are safezones, Stary, wholesalers, hero and bandit camp, boat- and the aircraftdealer are not. You can find easy AI missions to get a few weapons but also some hard, custom generated ones, that will reward you with building materials. Btw... never fly over green mountain. The AI mission up there can easily wipe a small team and blow you out of the air in no time. 4.) Variety -- You can walk out of a treeline and find a Mi-17, half an hour later sit in an osprey, drive a fuel truck to klen to sell it, or fight over a military offroad with grenade laucher in the middle of a small town. Empty keyless vehicles reset every morning, put something in the inventory and lock it away in your base to keep it for some fun, easy or protected travel later on, or sell it to get some cinder. Most important: Traveling around the map with open eyes is rewarded. You can actually find stuff. Keeping it is another story. 5.) Community -- I've yet to see an asked question staying unanswered, or a bunch of "bandits" driving along the coast to kill freshspawns. Don't get me wrong. It's not all unicorns and rainbows. I get shot at, I get killed, there are groups that fight each other without mercy. Don't expect the admins to only pay for the server and not play. They do and most of them are bandits. But they will never abuse their admin power to hunt you down or kill you and if you beat them, it's fine. Don't fear to get banned, as long as you don't cheat or break the few rules that are common sense. 6.) Performance -- I get solid 30-35 fps in Cherno and Elektro (55-60 wilderness), where on other servers sometimes my fps drop down to 14-17. Don't ask me why... Some Key Features -- Need Plotpole to build: Yes -- Need to maintain: 30 days (unopened safes get set to 0000 after 14 days. They are even listed at anotherepoch.com/stats; sweet sweet loot) -- 3 hour restart -- Auto Refuel (fuel stations and large fuel tanks) -- Self Bloodbag -- TOW and LIFT -- salvage all parts -- Added buildings, compounts and more... If you like what you just read, I hope to see you soon on ANOTHEREPOCH a 32 slot server with (for now) 12-15 players at peak times. The more the merrier. Let's have some fun and fill it up!