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Everything posted by hyerjohn

  1. hyerjohn

    Drive-by shooting in vehicles

    I think it should only be possible on bicycles and with only LMGs. Remember, realism is an important factor!
  2. hyerjohn

    Clutter The Streets

    The Streets in Major towns in DayZ are just way too empty in a real apocolypse, would the cars be magically stashed away? Not everyone escaped, although it seems they did witht he number of zombies we have now. Clutter them up with cars, rubble, maybe some downed telephone wires. Make it seem real.
  3. hyerjohn

    Welding / Welder

    This is just not really a viable option to obtain or maintain in the Zombie Apocalypse. I doubt to see this implemented, as it just not very feasible. Also, these people don't have any training. welding one's hand in not a pleasant thought.
  4. hyerjohn

    How can 1PP be improved?

    Yes. I've tried using my speakers, earbuds, and headphones. All are like that. It's not a major problem but just ruins the experience for me.
  5. I was at the Stary Sobor's newly re-added camp, and nearly all the tents were empty. I approached the last one, and inside the loot bomb, was the rare masterpiece titled "Vest de Smersh", so rare, it had to be in Italian. Did they change the smersh vest to be possible to find, or did a person with no life just happen to stop by with a spare smersh vest, yet with no backpack? FInding V3S: Finding Smersh Vest: Finding Helicrash/Backpack (Backpack was only item there):
  6. hyerjohn

    How can 1PP be improved?

    The main reason i dislike 1pp is because the footsteps mostly come out of the right side for me. Kills surround sound
  7. Yeah. Visted some barracks, found nothing, a heli crash, nothing. Like wtf. But then green mountain had like 8 75 round drums and a combat knife
  8. hyerjohn

    Discussion about weapon slots on your back

    Solution is what I do now: find rope and pretend its a strap
  9. With persistent severs and bases progressing, I feel it should be fair to add a river, that is more more than just a trickle. It should have clear water, and be healthier to drink than those brown ponds. It should look along the lines of this: Also, on the note of those ponds, why don't we get sick from them? Make water purification a real pressing issue, with boiling and tablets being necessary to survival. Whenever I hike, I bring along at least a water purification straw, and most of the time a few tablets as a backup. I currently live off the land in DayZ, and, at the current state, only find the water system to bit a mere annoyance. I think the disease chance should be along the lines on this: Swamp water: 90%Small pond water: 70%Lake water: 50%Small Creek water: 40%River water: 20%Well water: 5%After purifying water, the chance would all go down to zero. Well water should give a small chance, due to the factories seeping in to ground water. Also, to go along with these new dangers, a simple change, yet drastic number wise, drop in necessary water fulfillment. I have to drink a full canteen of water every 15 minutes in DayZ just to stay hydrated, while when I am out looking for animals to hunt, nothing ever drops. Why should it be this way? A canteen of that size would be near a liter, and 2 of those should be enough for a whole entire day. While this is too little, maybe make the amount needed a canteen an hour, while balancing this out by reducing the number of wells. My logic behind less wells? How often did you see wells around town in the 90's? As of now, boiling doesn't exist. And for good reason, the only thing you can boil in, as of now, would be the metal cooking pot. I believe that these three items should spawn separately: Canteen cover: 2x1 Canteen: 2x1 Canteen cup: 1x1 These items were standard issue ALICE gear, and are commonplace in the preparedness community, along with the hiking. They should look the same as the canteen looks right now, when put all together. Also, you should be able to put some water purification tablets in the kit. Finally, you can use the canteen cup over an open fire to boil 1/2 the capacity of a canteen. This would be surpassed by the current cooking pot, at four times the capacity of the current canteen. Thank you for reading this. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment below and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you again for taking the time to read this.
  10. hyerjohn

    Water Landforms, Systems, and Health

    Yes, that is my dream of what is to come in Dayz.
  11. hyerjohn

    Water Landforms, Systems, and Health

    I know there are rivers, and I have visited most of them. The problem is they are big enough to be called true river at the present.
  12. More zombies. At least 5x more. Less stored food. At least 5x less. Less stored sodas. At least 5x less. Have animal lard be usable as insulation in improvised clothing and for fuel. Have animal guts be used as rope for making backpacks as well as bows/fishing rods. Rarer gun spawns. More V3S's spawning with a back, at least a flatbed. I have found 4 today, and all had an empty back. Less towns. More places for tents to spawn than on roofs. Tarps, ropes, sticks to craft tents. Ability to refine logs into planks using an ax. Get more logs from a tree. Add nails. Use ten planks, nails, and a hammer to make crates, which store 20 slots. Use four planks, nails, and a hammer to make a two meter long fence, which you could put a cow in. Milking cows. Barricading doors with two planks, nails, and a hammer. Have fires be able to have more than five minutes burn on a single log. No persistence wipes every Wednesday. Add bikes. Add an SUV. Add a small commuter's car. Add a pickup. And most importantly, Less lag. At least 5x less.
  13. hyerjohn

    Where's the M65 jacket?

    No, of the five helicopter crashes I have found in .54, three were the UH-1Y-Venom (a.k.a. NATO) crashes. One had a M65 Jacket, and none had guns. I do feel the Mi-8 spawns guns more commonly, as in the two I have found, as least one AK model spawned, and a PM73 RAK spawned in one of them.
  14. I'm just curious. What would you guys like to see in a finished state added in now?
  15. hyerjohn

    Netting Rarity Reduced?

    I was in Kamyshovo this morning, when I decided to find my luck on the fishing boats, hoping to find netting. There are 6 or so boats around the shoreline near the town, and when I found 2 netting in the first boat, I thought myself lucky beyond belief. Then, in the next 5 boats, I found 7 more for a total of 9. Has their rarity been reduced, or should I go to Las Vegas right now? Edit: I was not on a loot crazy server, nor was I server hopping. Just was on a normal server as a new spawn.
  16. hyerjohn

    Netting Rarity Reduced?

    From the videos I have seen, the rarity of the nettings was indeed increased by people wanting them, but, the supply of them was also extremely low, with developers stating that it would be about 1 netting per server per restart.
  17. hyerjohn

    Status Report - Week of 24 Nov 14

    Maybe it is a new location???
  18. hyerjohn

    Next Vehicle

    I'd want bikes, ATVs, motorbikes, stuff like that. A lot more feasible that they would be around. But whenever vehicles get added, and baricading, you can see where I'm going:
  19. hyerjohn

    Duck Tape Usage

    Duck tape should be able to be used, on any clothing, to bring it up to Damged state. It would be able to be used on itmes like Down Jacket and Rain Coat too.
  20. hyerjohn

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Air Rifle and Pelet Gun
  21. If they remove the ATC, then they should remove all the ATCs. I live in Dallas, and it has a huge airport. http://soulofamerica.com/soagalleries/dal/transportation/DFW-Airport_Overview.jpg As you can see, it is huge. But, it doesn't have any military installments, besides the TSA. Now, about 100 miles away, outside a town of 120,000, is Fort Hood. It has aa population of 50,000 over 214,000 acres. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQncCPwZNwDcpS4Ggvp8VxyRWshHVHCrzugw_uPIcrUHMw0rZTV Now let's put something of this size into Dayz, If you want realism. Dayz isn't meant to be realistic, as you can tell. I, for one, don't want the ATC removed, and especially don't want a real military base.