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Everything posted by TYLERLIKESTACOS


    Zombie distractions

    Essentially what I'm going for is exactly like what is in sniper elite v2 you pick up a rock/brick/bolt/bottle and toss it into an area around a corner from zombies to distract them and make them focus on that area and allow you to slip past unseen. I know this may make the game too easy but it can be toned down to where it only works if its within like 3 feet of a zombie or on concrete or something like that. Let me know what you think. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El00O2guBYQ
  2. Moderator Notice: I cannot reply to this post, but here is the situation: Bug reports require you to have your posts approved. Bug reports won't let me post this so it's goin here I was sitting at the loading screen for like 5 mins today then I spawn in my screens completely white, I have no gear at all, negative 6 blood, and my dead body was laying on the floor and I was standing on top of it getting shot but taking no damage. DAFAQ happened? I updated to 1.7.2 and now I can join like 2 servers and all of their pings are ridiculousness

    DayZ Stories

    I log back in by the army tents in cherno right away I hear shots going off and see a flare off to one side and instantly decide roof= safer than ground and climb on top of the building with the tents behind it. I walk over to the edge and see the glow of 2 flares and hear more shots kind of moving so I go to lay down so no one sees me and I'm almost at the edge at this point but I have enough room to take a few more steps so I thought it would be safe to lay down so I press z and instead of lying down like my character normally would he decides to sprint out off the ledge and lye down floating in mid air....... needless to say I hit the ground broke some bondes passed out and started to bleed to death. At this point I have about 4000 blood and start to bandage myself but again my character decides to be a dick and crawl backwards cancelling the bandaging 3 times until I'm down to 1200 blood so at this point I'm pretty much screwed.....
  4. I tried using a bloodpack on my friend and couldn't figure it out can anyone tell me how please?

    Can I move the debug monitor?

    It blocks my sound/sight icons so is there any way to move it?

    Can I move the debug monitor?

    see now that just isnt an option you fail to realize not everyone can afford to have those extra pixels :/

    Cycling server join attempts

    When I try to join a server through six updater it works up until it says waiting for host, then sends me to the regular OA menu and when I try to join a server from there it just friezes at the loading screen. Any Idea whats wrong?
  8. I'm planning on buying it either way if the steam summer sale ever happens but I was wondering if my pc could handle it even if its only on low/min settings. Specs CPU- AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core QL-65 2.1GHz Ram- 3.00 GB Video card- ATI Radeon 3100 It's a piece of shit but I can run a decent amount of games with it like the STALKER series SC2 and Killing Floor

    Can I run Arma 2 on this hunk of junk

    Which of us can run it him or me? And rAdd this isn't a thread for everyone to ask I'm just trying to find out if my piece of shit can run it

    Can I run Arma 2 on this hunk of junk

    Wouldn't the requirements be the same for arma 2 as day z since its a mod for the base game? Edit: My ram and processor more than meet the requirements for the base game so I'm assuming that they'll do fine for dayZ the only thing I'm worried about is that shit integrated video card I'm working with.

    Can I run Arma 2 on this hunk of junk

    The system requirement lab is bullshit it says I cant run half the games I play and I can run the free version of arma fine with moderate settings

    Zombie distractions

    I honestly haven't been able to run the game on my own pc but I've played it at my friends and didn't seem to be able to but that was a while ago so I don't know if it was implemented since then but if not then that's why this is up.

    Optional PvP settings for servers

    I know this may sound stupid to most people and personally I wouldn't use this option, but I was thinking it would be a nice thing for new players to be able to play on them in order to get their bearings and learn how to play before having to deal with people killing them on site with better weapons than theirs. The idea pretty much is to give people who set up a server the option to either make it a regular server with PvP or a non PvP server where all PvP is disabled. Let me know what you guys think.

    Optional PvP settings for servers

    It's a suggestion as an optional part of the game that is left up to individual server admins it wouldn't effect the overall experience of any server whos host did not decide to activate the option.

    Anyone know what my issue is?

    I'm running on a toshiba satellite l505D-S5965 with an ati 3100 series graphics card. The card has 1.4GB dedicated memory 4.0 pixel shader 4.0 vertical shade Arma 2 requires 256MB 3.0 3.0 And I still can't run it "supposedly" if anyone knows what the issue could be let me know I ran the free version alright with low settings but I heard that the full game has higher requirements. Oh and the ram cpu and everything else meets the requirements so that's not it.

    Anyone know what my issue is?

    If I can run the free version of arma with slightly lower than normal settings do you think I'd be able to run the full game with minimum?

    Anyone know what my issue is?

    Again everything but the graphics card meets the requirements but the card is over what it needs to be and yet still can't play it


    It could be they just thought you glitched your gear back or something like that.

    Item list or something like that

    I'm hoping Arma II CO: will go on sale for steams summer sale so I can play this but I was wondering if there was a list of items weapons and stuff like that so I could know what I should look out for once I get the game thanks. :D Bump.

    Item list or something like that

    Thanks a lot