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About FireballRoberts

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. FireballRoberts

    Players on Maps

    I agree having this on maps is quite silly, it just makes for un-fair game play.
  2. FireballRoberts

    Players on Maps

    Greetings, So I've noticed on some servers that when you pull out your map it will show you your position as a blue dot, from what I have read this option is server-side. But along with my blue dot it will also show other players once in a certain distance, sometimes other players are blue dots some are orange dots. These dots will often disappear after a few seconds. I personally believe that this should be removed, but why are dots different colors and why do they keep disappear after a couple seconds? Thanks,
  3. FireballRoberts

    L85-AWS Cant Pick Up

    I recently found an L85-AWS at a Heli Crash site but as I click to pick the gun up it said something along the lines of "You cannot play/edit this mission...", I don't know the exact words of the message, that is all I read from at the time. The gun then vanished, I tried to log out then back in but no luck. Its a shame because an L85-AWS is extremely rare and has thermal optics. Anybody else have this problem?
  4. FireballRoberts

    Ghillie Suit. where? WHERE?

    Look in residential areas, I found every one of mine in a super market.
  5. FireballRoberts

    Saving Vehicles- Does it Work?

    Okay thanks for the help!
  6. I just found a tractor :) and drove it into the woods to hide it. I clicked "Save Tractor", there was no indication that I did save it but I assuming that saving vehicles is working. Are vehicles saving correctly or is it bugged? Thanks,
  7. FireballRoberts

    Saving a Tent

    Greetings, I have a quick question about saving a tent in Dayz. A couple dayz ago I found an old camping tent in a building, I proceeded to place the tent far off into the woods. When you finally have the tent placed it gives you a "Save old camping tent" option. Now from what I read, this saves the tent server-side so it wont disappear. But when I try to click the option it doesn't do anything. I come back after a couple of hours and its gone. My question is- Is saving tents bugged or am I just doing something wrong? If it is in fact bugged got any ideas for storing items? Any help is appreciated. Thanks,:)
  8. FireballRoberts

    Kicked from EVERY game

    I too am having this problem. I logged out and try to log in and I get kicked. I think everybody is having this problem. :huh: