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Everything posted by Askelon

  1. Askelon

    More Spray Pain Color Options For Latter Please! :)

    Okay I see what you both mean. Point:Bright colors make you a target, and nobody in their right mind would pick that over camouflage(Except for signalling) Point:People should be able to choose. Well. I agree people should be able to choose what they do in this game. Wearing bright colors makes you highly visible. Don't like it? Shoot them. People may see that being so visible isn't worth it, decreasing the number of people who go all out bright colors.
  2. Askelon

    Non Lethal Ammo For Shotguns

    Create a shotgun that exclusively fires beanbags then?
  3. Askelon

    Homemade phosgene gas grenade

    I'd like to see the PBF Gasmask, as they are still in use in several Eastern Bloc countries. You could find them in Police Stations. I'd like them to add lots of various gas masks actually. That'd be hilarious.
  4. Askelon

    A big island instead of generic land in north and west

    I agree. Throw in some mountains or rivers, and bam you have a sweet natural border that would realistically prevent travel.
  5. Askelon

    About the MASKA helmet

    I was posting that due to this part of the original post.
  6. Askelon

    About the MASKA helmet

    Looking at this, it'd almost certainly restrict your vision though. The clear version, not so much.
  7. Askelon


    I think many longer swords have a spot in the center where it is indeed blunted, but that is designed so you can angle the blade in a way to stab through the chinks in plate armor.
  8. Askelon


    In fact, any sort of axe-like weapon is dangerous, even when totally dull. There's still quite a bit of blunt force if you hit someone with it. Not sure about swords though, I don't think really have a lot of mass to them, not enough to do serious blunt damage, anyway.