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About Askelon

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Askelon

    US clothing, Vests and Backpacks at crashsites

    I'm not opposed to having US Military gear, so long as it's in Heli crash sites and excessively rare. I do also agree that gear from other UN nations should appear in Helicopter crash sites, which should be equally rare.
  2. Askelon

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    I disagree with the first part of your post, but I understand that point of view. As someone(Don't remember who and too lazy at present to go back and look.) already stated, the wat to prevent that is to make only a few hundred Golden AKs, across all of DayZ. Not per server, but the entire game. With increasing numbers of players, that will make it exceedingly rare, and become more so as time goes on. You might see a small group with all gold AKs, but it'd be ultra rare. As time went on, it'd be nigh impossible to see that, and even less chance to find the Gold AK making it even more valued and more rare. However, I do heavily agree with swords. Cavalry sabers are cool.
  3. Askelon

    Board games or Cards any one?

    That is.
  4. Askelon

    Government/Private Laboratory Facility

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trench coats!!!!!
  5. Askelon

    Hunger/Starvation System Idea

    I agree. Having this will tell you how hungry you are, in addition to being more realistic than being able to sprint for miles before dying.
  6. Askelon

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    Okay. Did you not read the OP? It's not a CoDish thing. Gold-plated AKMs do exist, and are commonly found captured from various insurgent groups globally. They were in ArmA II as well, which is part of the DayZ cannon. It's perfectly acceptable and reasonable that it could be found in Chernarus, albeit extremely rarely.
  7. Askelon

    Board games or Cards any one?

    Like in Metro 2033. 7.62x39MM rounds are the currency. That, of course, is in the book. In the games, specifically military graded ammunition is the money. The idea would be awesome. Using bullets as the unofficial form of cash would be sweet.
  8. Yeah. Banditry should remain an element, but less abundant than it is now. Surviving should take an element of reliance on others. It should be hard enough to force most bandits to change their ways, leaving the hardcore professionals who can do their job effectively.
  9. I'm not saying it can't. I'm just saying, that they can't be wrong. Wrong implies it's something factual, which opinions aren't.
  10. Askelon

    Board games or Cards any one?

    I think lots of games could be thrown in with cards. On a side note, I wish we could do Russian Roulette with the Magnum.
  11. Opinions can't be wrong. You can disagree with them, but an opinion can't be wrong.
  12. Askelon

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    We could also have the white winter uniforms that the lucky guys got issued on the Eastern Front as an even rarer item. Probably pretty poor at camouflage, unless a seasonal system is added. Then it'd be good for winters.
  13. Askelon

    gut feelings

    Morality is, as you stated, subjective as well. Players having to question themselves adds dynamics. Some people won't. The devs, I believe, are against the addition of a bandit/hero or Humanity system anyways, so I highly doubt these people will get anywhere with their requests.
  14. Askelon

    gut feelings

    The point is, you don't get to know what other players have done unless they tell you or they start to shoot. But roleplay is fun!
  15. Askelon

    Board games or Cards any one?

    Totally support this. Card games would be awesome, and since you can do so much with a single set of cards, it'd lead to endless opportunities. Hell, you might even see new games emerging.