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Everything posted by ob1korobi

  1. Played in the HC server for a few days over the weekend and just wanted to say this is a great server. Actually didn't really run into many people but it is really stable, good ping (LA server I suppose). Thanks!
  2. ob1korobi

    Anyone excited for the .357 Lever action?

    Any gun really that I don't have to go dicking around trying to find a mag for is great.
  3. ob1korobi

    Implement a Moral stat?

    Just picture a world without facebook and all of the lovely little things we have in real life. Take all of that away except you only have a flashlight and a battery. That alone is enough to make you kill someone on sight.
  4. ob1korobi

    Implement a Moral stat?

    I like playing with myself. Wait.... that came out wrong.
  5. ob1korobi

    Friend dies as i Skin & Quarter Wild Boar [00:52]

    I was waiting to get Rickrolled
  6. I'm anxious for a beta but if it didn't come out for a year I wouldn't really care. Think about how great it is to actually be taking part in the development of this game in such early stages. The scope of what you can do in this game is insanely broad and every time there is a small improvement it makes a huge difference in the gameplay and it keeps it interesting for all who are taking part. I don't see a problem in taking those roadmaps and not worrying about them any more. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
  7. ob1korobi

    Any point of 2 drum mags?

    more pew pew for your pew pew. If you like that sort of thing
  8. ob1korobi

    Water from rain

    If by overpowered you mean it fills up fast then yes, I agree. Probably too fast but it should work reasonably quick for the sake of the flow of the game. Or if anything it only gives you 10 percent at a time and takes up to 10 seconds to get that much water. I would be okay with that. When polluted water is a factor you could easily collect in a canteen use pur tabs or even boil the water if you have a stove.
  9. ob1korobi

    Trading Post

    I really appreciate the replies on my post and I am well aware of how to go about putting up a want to trade post. I more than likely will update my post as I gather more loot and if someone is interested or needs something I have then I will probably will receive a pm. As with all of the replies regarding my post, those can be done via pm as well. This thread should be kept for posting what is wanted and what is needed. Thanks.
  10. ob1korobi

    Trading Post

    Posting what I need and what I have. Thanks for the comment. Not sure it was very constructive but it was pretty obvious.
  11. ob1korobi

    Trading Post

    Want - Tent Have - Lots of ammo. 5.56 and 7.62x39, 1x 30 round AK Mag(Loaded), Protector Case, AK Assault Vest, .357 Magnum with about 15 rounds. All Pristine. Please pm me. Thanks.
  12. ob1korobi

    Water from rain

    I have collected water in my canteen when it is raining. Fills right up. I have not tried the water bottle though.
  13. ob1korobi

    More Spray Pain Color Options For Latter Please! :)

    My head just explode
  14. ob1korobi

    Persistence and a wearable "key"

    This is only my second post so keep this in mind. I started playing after persistence was turned off for the most part. I have read a couple topics on this but I feel like this suggestion has not been made (at least not this way) Having the ability to store items to the hive that will upload to the server you are playing in and would remain there the duration you are in that server granted you have a "key" to access them. The key would be a wearable item on your person and as long as you have it you can access a storage locker type container that you could place anywhere on the map. Breaking into this storage locker would not be possible by other players if they came across it "unless" they have that key. Only way to obtain that key would be to kill you and take it or if it were gifted/traded. This being said if you died and your key is taken, if the person who killed you can find your cache then they of course can raid it and take whatever they wanted. If you can respawn and find this person and get your key back then all is well. As long as the person that stole or has your key is logged into that same server they will have your key. The moment the leave the server the forfeit the key and the hive will update your character the next time you log in and you will have the key back. That doesn't mean that the person who had your key can't pass it on to someone else either. They may do so and that other person can resume exploring for your cach. You could possibly get it back from them or trade. Keys CANNOT be stored in your cache so the person that kills you can't just go and hide your key in their cache. There are probably many ways that this could go but it would be a great way and I would sure enjoy it. Any thoughts?
  15. ob1korobi

    Persistence and a wearable "key"

    Thinking about this further, having a box that is only accessible by a key makes more sense than just being able to break into it with improvised methods for a few reasons. First off, you can put the box anywhere you want. Playing it safe would be putting it in the middle of the woods somewhere in a very rarely traveled part of the map. The flipside is placing the box in a more populated area closer to your AO and risk being killed and having the key taken. Another reason would be that you get the key back fairly easy so it isn't like you lose your loot forever. Let's say for the sake of a few other opinions on this particular part that you can only take a key once from another player. If say someone kills me, or trades me for my key, they cannot give it to another player. It is theirs to use the one time to open your storage. and you get it back. You can kill the person to get the key back during that session to prevent them from getting your loot. If they use it they use it and take your loot if they can find the box to begin with. Or they log off and you get the key back. You can never truly lose the box though. Also the box will disappear from the map so it cannot be camped later if you try to return to it. Once you get your key back you can place the box somewhere new if you choose. There are a lot of moving parts to this and it could for sure work with refining. It doesn't necessarily have to be a huge advantage either. Maybe just be able to store one rifle and limited ammo, food and clothing.
  16. ob1korobi

    Persistence and a wearable "key"

    because... But yea. Its a big map, making it hard to find other peoples loot. making it a little more realistic to hiding something in the real world from the denizens of the world. Being that there aren't many people left after the apocalypse, it is vulnerable but not very much and also not totally secure (hence having your key taken and able to lose it). You can already lose everything the way the system is now. What would be wrong with the ability and possibility you had a place to store some belongings to have that nobody could get to unless they met certain criteria? If you lose your key you ahve the opportunity to get it back on the same server. if the person who has your key leaves or doesn't retrieve it, you get it back.
  17. ob1korobi

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hey Dayz Forum. Been playing a few dayz now and I want to say I am really enjoying myself. I have had the opportunity to explore lone wolf and a couple of times with other friends. I really like what I see. The boundaries of the potential of this game seem pretty endless and I see this game really taking off when it finally goes into the actual final build. I don't have any kind of game testing or programming background but I have been a long time gamer and contributed to many betas over the years (Rainbow Six Series, America's Army, Battlefield, ARMA) Thanks for having this community to post ideas, thoughts, opinions and feedback. Looking forward to reading through here and taking it all in.