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Posts posted by Dark-Odin

  1. I have three canteens, hunting knife, matchs, hatchet. I'm currently stalking players to steal a compass and a bigger pack off them, I have some morphine and pain killers, I have enough food to last for along time and I have a ghillie suit, I've been living in the forests for awhile now.

  2. Actually' date=' there is a way to misconstrue it. As in to say, the exact way you accomplished, by reading it in segments rather than a complete thought. I gave an example of what I was looking for in a player (someone who knows how to play the game) with no real context. What context I was searching for was a player who is familiar with how DayZ works. They'd be familiar with how DayZ works had the YogsCast given a more accurate depiction of the game. The second part of that sentence, which you decided was not part of my idea, was the type of players that could be drawn from that video, given the basis of what they saw depicted by the YogsCast.

    In short, you pretty much made me out as the bad guy who didn't want anybody who didn't know how to play at all to even glance at 'the holy mod'. What I was realistically saying is that I'm already sick and tired of seeing threads on this forum asking about nonsense that's in patch notes and the game description, and I don't really want a whole new 'generation' (if we could call them that) coming in and trying to argue that 'because the YogsCast did it, we should be able to do it too', as evident from some of the comments below the video.

    Granted, I didn't exactly word it quite as well, and I apologize for that. But I'm really just tired of all the complaining we get here from greenhands who don't know two bits about what they're talking and wanted to cut the snake off at the head.[/quote']

    All this is mute considering it's how you worded it which in it's entirety does not suggest what you start to discuss in your second reply.

    Your words ''I didn't exactly workd it quite as well'', I am happy to ignore this part.

    To be honest with you' date=' with how a majority of the Yognaughts have handled themselves on the handful of mods I supported that were mod-reviewed, I can seriously assess that [b']yes, they will watch one video and think they know how the game/mod works or just cry in the comments that they can't get it to work and that they YogsCast needs to make an installer for it. To this day, we still get the occasional Yognaught popping into the BTW forums asking about the YogBox or whatever silly pack they're working on now.

    Either way, none of that honestly matters, because if every other video on DayZ can be done fairly and entertainingly, why do the YogsCast get a free card? It just further digs them into the hole. Being edgy and unconventional aren't always the best way of presenting something, and I honestly feel that's definitely the case of DayZ, which is already a hard enough mod for greenhands as is.

    With as many subs that they have it's not really unexpected they will accumulate idiots within their community this isn't the fault of Yogcast or infact a reflection of the community surrounding them, but I do know how bad they can get just as I stated with the extreme fanboyism of this mod of which they're both same side of the coin, idiocy.

    Well alot of the playthroughs aren't exactly a true representative of what the game is about, many of the more known streamers or gamers tend to stick with showing gameplay down in the cities thats only a tiny bit of it and it's all action, then you have the different play style up north. Total biscuits if anything shows abit, he didn't show himself starting out with nothing, of course he noted he found an AFK player and stole the guys stuff from his backpack but he was instantly next to Rocket. Rocket also did a live stream with some guy I can't recall his name he was with a huge group of people, now mind you I only watched the last 20-30 mins of it but even then that didn't fully show the game for what it is, ok it had the basics in there get food, water, stealth to avoid zombies and all that, not sure if he actually showed himself spawning on his own and making his way to Rocket, probably not in that circumstance. Now of course those two are more lets plays with an interview but thats besides the point the gameplay is being shown.

    Now with the Yogcast they're not denying that they're being helped in anyshape or form, they're not misleading anyone at all so anyone with a right mind would know that it's going to be alot different in game, sure they started together and both with m1911's thats no difference to starting right next to rocket in the beginning of the interview lets plays.

    There is no harm being done what so ever, these guys aren't abusing it to gain an advantage they're simply doing it to make it alittle bit easier for them to put a series of shows together as they're busy with others aswell. They're publicising the game for free to many many of their subscribers who are intelligent enough to figure out on their own that the game isn't going to be like that. Seriously this is just alot of hot air for nothing, take them for what they are and forget about it, I didn't like their first Dayz video either but it gives players who haven't heard of it yet awareness it's around.

    Already summarized these points above. (Why I think their unconventional coverage for this mod wasn't necessary and why it's a problem to people like me on the forums who actually genuinely like to answer questions of people who are learning the game.) I don't understand why you feel the need to justify their way of making their video. If I have a problem with it' date=' I have the right to critique it. I felt it wasn't up to standards for a DayZ video, and I will stand by that.

    I don't watch a DayZ video for the comedy. Sure, something funny might happen here or there like a possessed ATV doing the dance of his people, or someone might brighten the mood a bit with a tiny anecdote about how he saw a pair of survivors fighting over a can of beans with nothing but fire axes. But for the most part, I watch to be enthralled and feel the intensity of the setting, feel the pulse-pounding action that's going on with the survivors involved, how they plan to outwit their foes. I didn't get any of that out of the YogsCast video, and I simply made a suggestion that they change their showcase of content.

    Will I watch further DayZ videos from them if this is how they're going to play out? No, of course not. I now know what to apparently expect, as does everyone who watched the video. And from what I read in the comments, if the way they play doesn't change, to a more 'traditional' playthrough for DayZ, they're not going to pull as many views as I'm sure that they're expecting.

    I'd like to just say that I don't have any vindication for the YogsCast or their viewers. Sure, I've been at ends with Simon and Lewis before, but I tend to stand on a 'issue-by-issue' basis when it comes to the two of them. And for the viewers, I know how dumb the community can be at large. But I also know that there are those few shining nuggets on the beaches. But for the most part, the Yognaught fanbase isn't very bright, and I hold them to it.

    Anyways, the whole point of why I'm giving this critique to them is so they will be able to pull in more viewers. Would I have loved to see the two of them scavenge for their first weapon? Hell yeah, that would've been more entertaining to me than Ridge just giving them their first pistols (or, as some people want to believe, them finding them and [i']then starting their recording for some reason). Watching them maneuver around zombies, completely defenseless, would've been grand. And my other big complaint is that there really isn't a point. If they run across anybody else on Ridge's server, are they really going to have that tension of being shot at by complete strangers? That's really a core part of DayZ, the human interaction with complete and utter anonymous individuals, to me and many others.

    As it is, though, I fear they're going to lose potentially thousands of views simply because they couldn't be bothered to play it without admin support, in what many DayZ fans would qualify as an authentic play style.

    Well I've already covered points in the last part so I'll try and avoid ground I've covered. I have a problem with you labeling an entire community into one, which is what I've been getting from you, I also was commenting in my first post to other people in this entire thread. I'm not getting at the point of you disliking it, I don't care if you hated the video or love it, I'm simply saying it is what it is and it's not to be taken seriously, I've watched many Dayz videos on youtube which are all about fun now does that affect the playerbase, you, me or anyones opinions of it, no not really because it is what it is. They're not pretending or atleast trying to decieve what the game is all about they're simply trying to do it in an entertaining way and they've admitted they were given and helped by Ridgedog. This community needs to lighten up abit especially with the carebear/cod attitudes.

    And I'll skip right to the end, you fear they could potentially lose viewers I highly doubt that as thats what the viewers tune in for the banter and the nonsense that goes with the Yogcast. This whole debate is done as much as I want to continue with pagefuls of replies, this conversation will simply go in circles.

    Point is it's not something to really give two shits about, they're bringing in players/customers their viewers will watch and it doesn't have any bad impact on anyone so there is nothing more to dicuss

  3. Okay' date=' great way to misconstrue my words. I'll give you a +1 for that. But I'm pretty sure you could pick up what I was getting at with the latter half the post. As in to say, we just want the YogsCast to play the game legitimately, rather than showcasing it in an easy-mode that will be unattainable for 99% of the players in this game.[/quote']

    There is no other way to construe that sentence in it's entirety

    ''Don't want less players. But we want players who actually know how to play the game, rather than believing they'll be able to get on the YogsCast private server and get pistols and morphine and et cetera right off the beach. ''

    This was aimed at new players brought in by Yogcast and by this you're implying they won't know how to play the game because they watched a video of two people they enjoy watching alot knowing very well they never play by the rules, everything I said stands prior to this comment.

    It seems as though you misconstrued your own sentence, you should of stated the Yogcast rather than players, which is vague to say the least and why I read it the way I did.

    If a legitimate first look is too much for them to handle' date=' or it's too boring for viewers to watch, the I think we know the answer as to what's going to happen there. Tons of other Let's Players have clearly pulled it off without the help of admins, and I'm quite sure the YogsCast can do it too.[/quote']

    Now onto your second point, Once again Yogscast especially honeydew and BlueXephos are known to play or showcase games in an unconventional way and anyone watching them for a long time would know this, their point is to entertain it's not rocket science. Also you're acting as if players will see this and not see other videos of the game on youtube, thats like saying players have just seen guys rolling in two jeeps a bus and a truck.. it's not very realistic that many will ever get that chance and people be like oh this game is great we can get vehicles and drive around then get in game and cry about no vehicles.

    Also' date=' how can their community understand that the way they're showcasing isn't how it's played? They've seen nothing to contrast that at large. Sure, I'm quite sure a sect of the community already knows that how it was played on the video is nothing like it is in-game. But what about those who are completely ignorant to DayZ, sans this video?


    Once again, they watch the Yogcast because they know exactly what they're like and expect from them, they have minds and can look up other videos and read the forums, if they don't then so what let them cry that they just wasted money because they got it for a mod that they thought was something else, that isn't a yogcast problem thats a problem in general life and they're called idiots, do you go on the word of your favourite gamer/reviewer on the basis they said the game sucks, everyone has their own tastes but also everyone always look into it, I guess you could call it common sense which evidently idiots lack, that is the way of the world, now is there any more weak arguments for the ''Oh no Yogcast hath brought Armageddon upon us''.

  4. I'm actually amused by this thread, especially with one of the latest comments

    ''But we want players who actually know how to play the game, rather than believing they'll be able to get on the YogsCast private server and get pistols and morphine and et cetera right off the beach. ''

    What!? first anyone new to the game will never know how to play the game until they've played it as for the believing, that isn't quite true have you even ventured onto the yogcasts forums you can actually find alot of intellectual people on their forums, not all of them are children or atleast act like children. Also majority of Yogscast followers already know they don't actually represent a game how it should be as they cheat and just generally mess about while playing a game it's more screaming and screw ups or literally how not to play the game. They're entertainment that is all they are, nothing more nothing less.

    Also So what if they come, hate it and quit or cry it's funds in the pockets of BIS, more money = more on development of future products, of course many may cry and bitch on the forums but wow it's not like thats not happening already, infact the extreme fanboyisim that this mod has next to yogscast community is just about the same level of idiocy. So who cares Yogcast are attempting to show a game off in an entertaining way, maybe not true to how it's played but their community understands that and many will give it a try, many will bring intresting debates while others will bitch nothing new here, so move on.

  5. Well I play with friends which makes this game more enjoyable, the downside is if you go into the major cities it's a free for all the fact spawns are close by and the abundance of Ammo so you get people who just keep respawning when they die, run back in grab their weapon and continue killing thats fine I guess if they wish to play like that but for a ''survivor'' that can be a real pain in the arse, because you kill them and they just keep coming back and just grab another weapon.

    That is a problem, of course then you have no side chat to communicate with anyone in server if you don't know anyone or wish to make friends, there is of course Direct chat but you'll need a mic, typing just gets you killed when they're in your face and in other cases the direct is turned off on some servers.

    It is a team game if you choose it to be sadly alot hampers that ability to form groups or people due to features being removed because of people calling for ''realisim'' among other facts, you just have to be persistant or ask friends to get the game to play with you and use coms which most groups do already so people like yourself are pretty much screwed until you have that 0.01% chance of finding someone nice when they're in your face.

    Also can people stop using the term COD, they're two types the original COD which was great! then there is COD MW/BO which is where people direct their hate lets differentiate between solid online experience to rambo nonsense.

  6. The removal of the side channel was not necessary didn't detract from the immersion at all and only to serve those who have third party coms while others whom wish to meet people in game and actually meet up with players that aren't using coms are infact at a disadvantage the whole point is you could meet up with people who could be friend or foe which is where the paranoia comes in and the very immersion. To top it off some servers have turned the Direct chat off so now you can't even communicate with people near you which just turns into a shoot fest you need the ability to converse otherwise we may aswell play a single player game.

    If Rocket is insistent that side chat is to be removed for good then enforce Direct chat on servers, if he hasn't done so already.

  7. So I've been enjoying this game for a few days and been lurking on the forums reading alot of the nonsense that goes with most communities and frankly people like Ferrard Carson come few and far between.

    The coms e.g., global/side. chat has literally no impact on my play what so ever and does not detract immersion which many are proclaiming. I can literally ignore that chat until I come across a survivor or when I'm hiking across the mountains. Me reading that isn't going to suddenly make me go oh no I'm not alone in this world, I already feel it, I know if I meet a survivor that there is a 50/50 chance he's going to Back stab me if he seems friendly or work with me, the paranoia is still there, the game still achieves that. So that dismisses the ''it ruins the solitariness gameplay'' because you're already feel as you have no companions and in most cases you don't!

    Another thing with this is, I have voice comms a third party program that many will infact use to play this with friends so it's already in my favour and guess what to those who use the ''hardcore gamers vs Casual gamers'' Hardcore gamers would be using third party coms with friends, so exactly how does keeping global/side in favour of casual gamers and more importantly how does removing it make this game more for the hardcore gamer?.

    Something else that was brought up is people should use the forums to group up or make friends which is alittle hard when you're unable to group up anyway which means using a third party device which in all technically would ruin the atmosphere that you all claim is ruined via having global in, I also can safely say in my 14-15 years of gaming the best place I've met people is actually in the game and I've known and still play with them even after all this time, forums are great but doesn't imply you will enjoy playing with them until you actually have.

    Further more the point of Realisim, I love games that try to implement realisim, Americas Army/Special forces and other Military sims that are otherwise not open to the public and used for training albeit those used for training are not made for entertainment and I'm sure many would infact get bored after a few days playing it but I digress the point is these games that are entertainment value aswell as trying to simulate realisim are still games, I can't imagine you flying say a Boeing 747 or Airbus, pausing it in mid air to go for some food or to empty ones bowls, in real life you'd have a co-pilot but for a game and entertainment point of view it's there, does this detract from your gameplay? providing you're into those flight sims and so on.

    Now that I covered all the typical questions flying left and right that have very little basis I can see where Rocket is coming from it's his project and therefor he can do as he wishs and as I stated It really doesn't bother me if it's in or not I have my own comms and I'll just treat everyone as suspect regardless as many others will, but what it does do is alienate people from making contact which is a no especially since it's a game. Adding in radios or other tools to be able to have comms is fine but as Ferrard says, give everyone it as a starter however make it so it needs to be recharged so they only have a limited time to use it when they spawn, thus if they wish to keep in open coms, they must power the thing which then makes them have to venture out still possibility of death and even make those moments where you feel you must do so in order to survive along side the food/water system.
