I don't know if anyone else has already posted an idea like this yet, but after falling off a barn staircase today in DayZ I've thought about the mechanics of fractured legs: Honestly, if you fractured your leg in real life would you be completely unable to walk? I think players should still be able to 'limp' if they have fractured their leg but only at a slow walking pace. This at least lets you stand a chance in those situations where zombies or other players hit you when you're laid on the floor only able to crawl. If the situation was so desperate I think you'd be able to drag your injured leg along and hobble out of the way of danger into a building. Today I couldn't even check the clinic building for morphine because I couldn't crawl up the stairs to the main door. Sometimes it's just too hard to get a splint or morphine. To balance this mechanic, the shock value of the fracture should increase faster due to the pain, but slow down if you stop moving and rest. In addition to this, when you're in a group of people, other players should be able to fireman's carry you at a walking/ slow jogging pace. This would help your group move at a reasonable pace without having to wait for you. The effect on the player carrying you would be faster energy and water depletion and higher temperature. This would also be an interesting mechanic for when players go unconscious and need dragging into cover or to medical facilities or when bandits take players hostage. Imagine you've just won a firefight but one of your friends has been knocked out and you need to drag them out of the way. What if you're a bandit and you need to move a hostage that take's forever to walk? Tell me what you guys think about this idea with your honest opinion. I think it'd be pretty good, but I'm not expecting everyone to agree with me. There's always negatives to ideas that you don't see and only other people can think of. Cheers, Ghost.