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Everything posted by triplebullet187

  1. Anyone else keep getting DC'd from the server they are on? Then when you log back in your character is reset with nothing you looted? If not what am I doing wrong?
  2. triplebullet187

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    Ahh, alright thanks man.
  3. triplebullet187

    How Do We Report Hackers?

    I don't really know how to report but there are a lot of hackers on Green Mountain Sanctuary server if any admins want to try and ban them or something. Just an FYI. Encountered 4 different people hacking with 4 fresh spawns in like 20 minutes. Not mad, I enjoyed making them mad by talking a lot of poop lol.
  4. triplebullet187

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Dean seems like an awesome guy from all the panels and what not I've watched him in. So I know he means what he says. Really we just have to be patient and be happy we can play right now at all.
  5. triplebullet187

    Lovely People out there...

    Things I have learned so far. - Avoiding other players entirely is usually the best option - Bambi's are usually stupid and will try and kill you no matter what - Most players will KoS just because - If they don't use voice I will not trust them at all I would say about 75% of the time other players are going to try and kill you. The other 25% are people who will run away from you or will try and trade, rarely but maybe even team up. If they have their VOIP on you really just have to try and tell what kind of player they are. If they are armed with guns though, they will probably kill you.
  6. triplebullet187

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    I really hope this engine will make it run better. My 770 and 8350 run it pretty good now but sometimes the game just doesn't want to give me the frames I should have. There are times where I can get 60fps in Cherno and Electro and times where I can barely hold 30 there. That is really my main issue with the game but other than that it has been an awesome experience so far.
  7. triplebullet187


    If they add zombie pigs, I'm pretty much set for life.
  8. triplebullet187

    DayZ Development So Far - Dean Hall at PAX Prime 2014

    Sweet, thanks for the post!
  9. triplebullet187

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    I don't mind the base really but like OP said. I would like more focus on the wilderness instead of throwing in more towns and what not. I mean we spend a lot of time in the woods so why not make them have their own set of structures and or things out there for us to explore, at least more so than what we have now.
  10. triplebullet187

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    Ok, I DC'd off the multiplay server about two or three times and didn't lose my stuff so that's the good news. The other server I was on was the one that kept resetting my gear, I don't remember it unfortunately. Thanks for the help though. Even though the game is buggy and fps is a little moody, I'm rather enjoying my time. Cheers!
  11. triplebullet187

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    Ok, thank you. I played on what I believe was an official server. Hosted by multiplaygameservers.com. Anyways, I DC'd and kept my stuff so idk if that helped or if I was lucky. Pretty much I think we are just gonna see some hotfixes here soon to help fix whats wrong with the new patch.
  12. triplebullet187

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    Ok, thanks for the advice, how do i know if a server is official? Just got the game yesterday so I'm straight noob status.
  13. triplebullet187

    Updating dayz in steam

    Restarted Steam, yep, update is out.
  14. I think a 3pp shoulder cam would be great if it was like APB. So long as there was a key bind to quick switch your shoulders for whatever situation you're in. Then again I am a huge Fallout player so I feel right at home with shoulder cams. Either way is fine though. I'm a 1st person kinda guy.