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Everything posted by TheTrollingAss

  1. Maps have never been useful for me and neither have books, why are they here? Same with wrenches and screwdrivers....
  2. TheTrollingAss

    Some small crafting ideas

    Soda can is more likely to be a lockpick..... Anyways not bad ideas. Alcohol + Rags + Matches = Molotov
  3. TheTrollingAss

    Just some Ideas about Hypothermia

    Yeah but temporarily it would make you feel warmer, trudging you through to the next area. Or it could be burned, in fact, Bandage + Alcohol + Matches. WHERE ARE THE MOLOTOVS.
  4. TheTrollingAss

    Achievements/ Leveling Up

    Radiation- It is in many survival-type games, seeing as this is russia, and a sick apocalyptic type game, radiation would have a definite use in this game, such as; Makes resources/access to certain areas harder, and thus makes items in that area more rare. Makes use of the gas mask, and their could be other objects too. Water sources would have to be cleaned, and animals from there shouldn't be eaten often. (Not like charcoal or water purification tablets have ever been useful). When radiation increases = general health decreases. ----------------------------------- Permanent leveling up (This could be optional on hardcore servers, to prevent too radical a change to the game) RUN- When you run for 10 minutes you achieve "Level 1 Runner". When you run for 25 Minutes you achieve "Level 2 Runner", etc... till level 10. When you achieve a level you recieve a small increase in run speed (lets say 1.5% a level, for a total possible 15% run speed increase). CLIMB- Similar, as you climb you increase your level, each level increases climbing speed a small percentage, or it allows you to climb steeper slopes easier, with each level. MEDIC- The more you bandage yourself or someone else, or use other medical supplies properly, you level up your MEDIC skill. The higher your level, the faster you bandage / splint yourself and others, and the chance you break your legs (from non-player interactons) is decreased. COOK- Whether your opening a can or cooking a deer on a fire, cooking is a skill, the more actions you do involving food or eating food, the higher this skill goes (open a can = 1xp, cook a meal in a pan on a fire = 7xp or so). When this skill is leveled up, you recieve slightly more food from every food source (no higher than 10%) and you are less likely to spill canned food when opening it, you also eat slightly faster. Others- Swimming, Bullet absorbtion (lol), Collecting Rain, Fishing, Sewing, Repairing, etc... When you die you recieve levels based on the average levels of your LAST 4 LIVES, so If you got to level 10 on all of those than you would be level 10 spawning. This would add more value to spawning in day z. IF THIS SEEMS OP THAN CONSIDER OPTION NUMBER 2: Turn all of these "Levels" into "Achievements" that do absolutely nothing besides making me feel special for running from Balota, to Berenzino, Back to Baloda. Thank you
  5. TheTrollingAss

    Visual indication of hitting your target

    There could be a loud scream or a sound effect for a bone breaking.....
  6. TheTrollingAss

    Poisons (and various herbology)

    As the game progresses their would be more use for such an idea, here is a similar proposal: 1. Aloe Vera - Small amount of calories if eaten, can be used to soothe burns, or as a protective agent against harmful bacteria or viruses, only grows in sandy areas. 2. Cacti - Can be cut for water, spikes can be removed and added to baseball bat for increased damage + bleeding chance, can be used to fashion a fishing hook, only grows in very sandy areas. 3. Grapes - Can be mixed into anti-oxident potion, which cures disease and provides small nutritional value, can be fermented into alcohol, which when drank generally causes the users screen to wobble a bit but adds a small (5/100?) bonus to damage threshold. 4. Colored plants - Can be used to make different dyes. 5. Marijuana - Attracts animals when harvested and placed on ground, can be mixed with aloe vera to create a potion that decreases bleeding chance upon being hit (for an hour or so?), has to be used more than 3 times with 2 minute intervals in between to cure sickness. Can be used to stop vomiting (in most situations). Another idea I had is taking zombie guts and rubbing them all over myself to avoid being attacked be zombies. Can I get a Hell Yeah?
  7. The first vehicles::::::: 1. The RollerSkate = With one roller skate your speed is slightly improved when running but they dont work as good on grass or other rough terrain. People will murder eachother to make a matching pair. 2. The Unicycle = This allows the Day-Z-onite to travel slightly faster from town to town until dev's can make real vehicles. This vehicle requires an air pump after 25 minutes of use, to keep it going. 3. The Skateboard = I mean I know this isn't tony hawk, but skateboards should take up atleast 3 inv slots and allows the user to travel on roads slightly faster, sharper turns than the unicycle, with a chance to fall off if used improperly. Can only break legs when grinding on rails XD. K mon dayz, ill take a half of a skate at this point, just dont make me run so much.