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Everything posted by Aysamo

  1. Zombies are way too damn fast to get rid off when they're chasing you. I try cutting corners, I try going inside, I try running through the woods, nothing works. The reason I can't get rid of them is because zombies are faster then me and have zero problems keeping up; so by the time I try to cut a corner really quick to break LOS, the zombie is stepping on my ankles. I think zombies should be really fast at first sight, then progressively get slower until they stop chasing. You could balance this by allowing them to hit you while they're running instead of having to stop to bite you. That way if you trigger a zombies LOS, you better kill it before they hit you and risk getting knocked out instantly/broken leg or some other crazy shit that usually happens the instant I get attacked. So the more zombies you aggro, the more you're gonna get hit increasing your chance of being downed before you can outrun them. There's probably a better way to do this, but zombies definitely need a speed nerf at least.
  2. Aysamo

    Bad version

    Getting the same thing, it was working just fine a few hours ago. When I use Six Launcher, it checks before I join, no problems verifying. I have and trying to join the proper version servers. Get booted for 'bad version'. However it wasnt doing this before but now it tells me the beta and steam overlay options are checked, but I never turned them on. And when I try to check/uncheck them in options, nothing happens; like the boxes are greyed out or something.
  3. Aysamo

    Simulate zombie sense of smell?

    I thought of something similar today, although instead of camping triggering zombies to sniff you out, recently bandaged wounds or active bleeding attracts a big horde.
  4. There should be a leaderboard for "most time spent loading". No seriously though, Every other server I join it takes normal wait time to load, but after it creates my character it sends me back to another loading screen that just says "Loading" with no bar progressing. I've sat and waited 15 minutes for it to load and nothing. Alt+F4'd, try again, same thing. But when I do get into a server finally, it's so fucking laggy I can barely move. My ping never goes above 30 on servers I join, so it must be framerate issues. Before this patch I had just the normal FPS dropping sometimes or slightly slow, now it's downright sluggish. The framerate problem started after 1.7.1, frozen loading screen is new in
  5. Aysamo

    So let me get this straight...

    I've tried this but it does not work. They don't give up ever. There was a moment where I hopped a fence and they got confused, I covered a ton of ground, turned around and they were gone. A minute later the whole swarm came back after me and instantly knocked me out. They're a little to intense when they chase you right now. People keep saying "go inside" but the act of doing that takes valuable seconds because walking in doors is glitchy as hell. On top of that zombies still follow me inside. They need to get slower the longer they chase you so that you CAN GET A CHANCE to break the LOS. After 5 minutes of running these turbo zombies should just stop or start to slow down. Some people have no problem breaking LOS, while others like myself just can't seem to figure out how to do it. I love how hard this game is but seriously turbo zombies need a slight nerf, it's ridiculous. "get good" is irrelevant. This is an alpha and it's a problem the game needs to overcome.
  6. I absolutely did everything in that post. Zombies would slow down or stop for a moment, then 20km later they'd be right behind me again. Running inside or turning corners did nothing to stop them. More would even come.
  7. Tl;DR This game is awesome, I would love for it to be harder, just increase the difficulty properly and not make godlike Reggie Bush zombies who are impossible to shoot until they hit you and still cannot be shaken off after aggro'ing. ----- Game was challenging before, now it's stupid hard. Why do I have to prone-crawl as soon as I get within 100km of a town, and then the whole time I'm in it? Before this patch I spent most of my time in town crawling anyway, but at least I could crouch-walk a good deal too. Now sitting up in a town = instant death. I can't even loot gear I find because it forces crouch, and I get agrro'd instantly. And in the patch notes it says zombies can now be shaken off your trail. LOL. I have yet to figure out how to break the LOS. Everything I've read doesn't work. Tried hitting the tree line, going prone and rolling. Tried going upstairs in buildings. Tried tagging them onto other players. These Ultra-Zombies are impossible to get off my ass. And spawning with no weapons leaves me no choice but to get rid of them or just hit respawn because I'm gonna die anyway. LOS mechanic is not the right way to go. It should be focused on hearing. This would make moving around at night (which is unplayable anyway but whatever) more intense. You can bump into zombies at night and not get aggro'd, but if their aggro was triggered by heightened sense of HEARING over SIGHT, it'd feel more realistic and engaging like it did before this patch. Before I was scared of making noise, now I'm scared of being seen by Reggie Bush the zombie 200km away that I can't outrun or get rid of. So before you make zombies HARDER, make them STABLE. Fix their movement so I don't have to wait for them to stop in front of me to be able to shoot them. Make them a little slower so I can outrun them after 5min of booking it into the tree line. LOS is a totally bad mechanic. Should focus on them hearing instead of seeing. And for the record I'm totally fine starting with flashlights. As long as zombies aren't so godlike and give no fucks about anything I try to do to avoid detection. After 40min of prone-crawling a town I still end up aggro'd at some point no matter what.
  8. Aysamo

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    Changes suck. People keep saying "GET BETTER KID LOL" but I'm getting spotted through walls. Reggie Bush zombies then simply walk straight through those walls and kill me. They can spot me from miles away which would be fine with me but I STILL can't juke out zombies who chase you down. No matter what I do I cannot break their LOS. Having no gun just makes this totally pointless and not fun. Zombie aggro needs to be toned down a bit, or make them really easy to shake off, because they definitely haven't gotten any easier to juke.