Gun stores, and Small arms. First off let me start by saying im pleased with this alpha. It feels better than the mod in many ways. Such as lighting, feel, scale, and realism to many things. Yet as a Dayz mod fan and player for years now i cant help but notice one thing is lacking. That is the feeling of PVP, bandit fire fights, epic raids on towns while shooting to protect your life, and your buddies life beside you. Some may ask why? They have guns, that should be enough, or "we dont want the game ruined by things like overpoch", and even " Its not COD!!!! its a survival game". I think what these people are failing to see is the feeling of adrenaline you got when have rounds come at you, and sometimes being out gunned with your Lee enfield vs a bandit with an M4A1 CCO SD. I myself am enjoying the survival aspects the standalone brings. Its truly epic all the things we can do, and will be able to do so i must say ROCKET AND DEV'S FANTASTIC JOB THUS FAR. I think we need just a little more in the way of small arms, and the ease of obtaining them. Here is my idea as followed. 1. Add some type of gun store, not with currency but a lootable one. Maybe 3-4 on the map would be nice, due to its massive size, and its growing. 2. Im not saying add a bunch of AK101's to it, but several bolt actions with a chance of AK's would be nice. Make its spawn about 5 maybe with various ammo, and attachments. Possibly some pistol's, also add packs to them, and other supplies. Almost like the markets, but more focous on guns and kit then food, and maps. 3.Once its looted, it does not re spawn untill a restart to keep people from farming it. I dont think it would be to much to ask for, and it would add more spice and excitement to the game. Or do 2 large one's kind of like a Cabela's store in dayz :)