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Vic Rattlehead

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Everything posted by Vic Rattlehead

  1. Hi, i have a little issue when logging onto any Dayz server. When i join i get a wierd blue screen where it basicly stops loading any further. I'm unable to make a screenshot of it. It isnt the so called blue screen of death, i actually can see a forrest and my character but everything is tinted light blue. Only things which have thier normal colours are the roads and the sun shine. At this point i dont seem to be in the server i joined, it looks more like the menu backgrounds without a menu. I know this becouse the backgrounds is different everytime and i recognized some of them in the menu. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Dayz and updated the drivers of my graphic cards trough AMD catalist control center. I played Dayz 2 months ago without any problems. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards, Vic
  2. Vic Rattlehead

    Wierd graphics bug when joining a server.

    I was able to join another server without any problems. Maybe it's a server side problem. I think my problem is solved. Thanks for replying.
  3. Vic Rattlehead

    Wierd graphics bug when joining a server.

    Thanks for replying Mark. I will try the things you suggested and let you know if it worked. And i did not modify any aspect of the game, it should be 100% clean. [edit]: I did the cashe check and everything was validated, still the same thing. [edit2] I deinstalled dayz with Ccleaner and reinstalled it directly after that. It did not solve the problem. I have read something about deinstalling the old gpu drivers before you are going to install the new ones. Could this be the problem? I didn't do anything with the old drivers, i just downloaded the new ones trough Catalist. Yhis is a video of me trying to join a server. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N7_bnC0pvM&feature=youtu.be