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About Kevin1998

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  1. Kevin1998

    The Four Communities

    WELCOME! The Four Communities are a society split into 4 factions along the same server in DayZ. Although this will currently start on PC, we will also recruit on PlayStation 4, when the release comes. Below are chapters better describing what this society of communities does and is. "About": We are divided into three types of people and 4 types of communities. Our survivors are selected as either of the three: Survivors, Rangers, and Runners. Survivors are more of the civilians of the group, all their jobs are to do is either work on base defenses (Upgrading and extending), setting traps, hunting, and other jobs similar to these tasks. Rangers are the TRUE defense of the group, they guard the bases by doing watches, secures areas nearby that eventually lead to "Outposts", and do meet-ups for anyone looking to join us. Runners are the suppliers of the group, they do runs into cities/towns and other areas to find supplies that they bring back to their community. "The Four Communities": These communities are to bring a type of trust and difficulty to each community. Each group will have a single leader, loyal members and their own purposes. Two communities will be friendly with each other, one community will be of hunters that will kill any opposing communities's runners/rangers they see and will also do base raids if the leader gives the go ahead, and the last community will simply keep to themselves, only protecting their own. May help, but also may not, it's however they're feeling on that day. The chances are likely they'll help out if they owe you a favor, usually gained by helping them out before. "Outposts": Outposts are generally just small bases spread around the map of DayZ. The main purpose of these are to spread out the four communities factions by providing either safety, or harm. (Safety for the friendly communities & harm for the hunter community.). These Outposts are also used for an extraction for new survivors, wanting to survive with us. There will usually be food, water and other supplies to hold you off until Rangers escort you back to home base. They'll be less defended and small compared to each communities's home bases, so be careful and wary at all times. "Requirements": At the moment the requirements don't request you having a mic, as long as you could contact via steam messaging or some other commonly used messaging application. The only strict requirements are to not break character much often and to change your username to your communities name. (Ex. If you're in the hunter community, your username would need to be [Hunt] ---; this helps by making it easier to spot if you're in a different or same community.) "Enrollment": Currently all we require you to give us is your Steam username, timezone, skill (What you're best at doing in H1Z1.), what community you would like to be apart of, and what position you'd like do have in that community. Soon, we will have a website that will have registration forms that will make enrollment much easier for both me and you. Steam Group: Link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheFourCommunities
  2. Kevin1998

    Horses and Bikes !

    There is only a few horse suggestions tbh about riding them. Nothing's wrong with a few reminders now and then :). But yeah, it would be cool to see horse riding in-game, also if you get hungry and desperate enough, you could eat the horse if you want. When I think of horse riding, I personally think of The Last of Us or the Walking Dead, and they really make use of them. Many suggestions about animals have to do with dogs as pets, which has been implemented plenty of times in other survival games and doesn't really feel right, besides when they die, you kinda get upset a bit. Just imagine you finding this horse at a farm a few miles out of a city, you take this horse in as your own, feed it and take care of it, along with ride it as transportation. All the sudden, you ride the horse in bandit territory and hear a few gunshots, you aren't focused on anything else besides your character's life and quickly take a few lucky shots, killing the bandits. You check around the area to find your horse and get outta there, but all you see is it laying there dead. I would LOVE to see horses added in-game. Would bring responsibility, immersion, and soo much more!
  3. Kevin1998

    My DayZ Wishlist

    So you want this game to be realistic (even though it's a zombie apocalypse GAME) but that means no shotguns or any other guns that are commonly used in the military can't be added? Holy shit, I don't know if you know this or not, but this is all my opinion isn't it? So could you take your tweaker ass attacking eagle dreams somewhere else.
  4. Kevin1998

    My DayZ Wishlist

    What game are you playing?lol
  5. Kevin1998

    My DayZ Wishlist

    I want to just go off by saying that I'm not sure if these ideas were already mentioned before in another topic because I'm doing all this on my slow ass phone, lol. Please excuse if so and I'll try and explain as much as I could without wasting to much of your time :P Operational Train: I think that it'll be nice to be able to find an abandoned train on the railroads and fix it up and be able to ride it around (auto not manual)to each train stop. Occasionally, it'll stop working, making it possible to be fixed again during a later time. You could hop off while on it but may end up with a minor to a horrible wound (depending on where you leap at). I think this'll be nice for quick transport throughout the map and could also be a good place for a group to conquer. Sewers: It could be cool to have another way of passage through cities and towns using sewers. Sewers will mainly be a dark place therefore highly suggesting you use some type of light. Could also contain a few zombies lurking inside. Bridge: Adding a long bridge for passage to different islands (similar to map from dayz: mod)could be a dangerous, risky way to travel but also the quickest. Great spot to conquer and set ambushes. Tunnels: A few ways to get somewhere quick but yet like the other passage ideas, it has a catch. Nearly the entire tunnel is packed with abandoned cars (maybe a military truck or cop car too)leaving the tunnel as a hard place to get around and more importantly, the entire place while be horded with zombies! (around 15-25) Guns: Here's just a few ideas for guns. Adding a M10 Shotgun (Med), M4A1 (Rare), M40A3 (Rare), AK-74U (Med), G17 (Low), MP7 (Low), MP5 (Med), etc.. would be great imo if added. Sound Traps: Saved best for last. Adding noise traps could be a huge thing if added. Players could find broken pieces of glass and be able to set it on the floor and if a player walks through, it'll set off a small sound of glass cracking possibly alerting the layer if close enough OR being able to get craft a sound trap made from cans and string tied together and once finished, you could set it on walls close and opposite from each other. Not as hidden but could be louder then glass. Also Can trap could be clipped by other players if noticed. Thats My List. Sorry if I incorrectly spelled words. Also, let me know what you think and if you agree with these ideas being added. And sorry for adding the M4A1 and MP5 to the list. I always thought it was an m16 and I've never used the MP5 before :/
  6. Kevin1998

    What's up with the Machete?

  7. Kevin1998

    What's up with the Machete?

    When I first started playing, literally the only weapon I was looking forward to was the Machete (Even including guns) and when I first found it (which was pretty easy) it was really small like a knife and dealt barely any damage.. Wtf?, I understand that their is more than one type of machete but I was really looking forward to the long bulky machete type, ya' know? like from Friday the 13th, the mod DayZ version, etc.. Please add the original machete in the game, not the garden kind. :/