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Everything posted by umm_me

  1. umm_me

    Would They Do It Again?

    Yeah... in my experience I see thousands of players daily on full servers at less then 60ping. Id expect players to move on to other games, this game is not done... you cant really commit to 1/2 a game, didnt we all know this was 1/2 a game coming in? I expect most whiney forum haters didnt know, or refused to understand. Go talk to a player in game, then 10 more in game, then 100 more in game... youll quickly figure out how the majority feel.
  2. umm_me

    Would They Do It Again?

    Im sure the developers have been around the block enough to know that the majority of people who post on forums in NO WAY represent the majority of players... its been this way on every game forum since the dawn of time.
  3. umm_me

    To the guy I just murdered..

    you sir are the james dean of the pixels... your e-badness will never be forgotten
  4. umm_me

    0 FPS something wrong with DayZ Help!

    Yes 30ish FPS seems normalish to me. I dont have an FPS counter so Im estimating, but I dont think the game is optimized enough, in its alpha state, for 60fps. Now I will on rare occasions get FPS drops, but nothing so bad to say its 10fps all the time, rather a few seconds of every few hours, or visits to the biggest cities can cause poor poor FPS like that.
  5. umm_me

    0 FPS something wrong with DayZ Help!

    Well it is an alpha... but even still, millions of people play it without FPS issues like that.
  6. umm_me

    0 FPS something wrong with DayZ Help!

    It looks like you should be on pretty much the lowest settings and youd be fine.
  7. umm_me

    Dayz SA not realistic at all.

    Ive found outside unplayable... too much lag and server resets :(
  8. umm_me

    So everyone is right handed?

    Clearly the lefties were genetically vulnerable to the infection that started the zombie apocalypse
  9. Did you manage this without puking before the screen shot? How extreme was your hunger and thirst before filling up?
  10. These 2 statuses have nothing to do with each other... you can fill your stomach on water and still be dying of hunger
  11. umm_me

    The Mantra of a Dayz "Hero"

    Interestingly enough every unarmed bandit has this same mantra... with fine print on the bottom... "lol jk i found magnum ammo... YOU DEAD"
  12. umm_me

    When do you demand Vehicles?

    Im guessing you read the disclaimer but understanding it was hard?
  13. umm_me

    When do you demand Vehicles?

    I truly and deeply couldnt care less about vehicles... but I think it was Dean Hall that said in a recent conference that vehicles would be experimental "soon" and he expects them to break everything and get removed and readded many times before going live.
  14. umm_me

    Hack in my server

    personally I would not... you can kick a hacker, but they could simply come back... they might want to go somewhere they arent kicked and can harass people "faster"... its honestly the only thing i can think of that you could do and not break rules.
  15. umm_me

    Hack in my server

    Kicking players for that would violate the terms of service you agreed to.
  16. umm_me

    Hack in my server

    Just so you know, because you clearly didnt read the terms you agreed to... they dont rent private servers, they rent public servers.
  17. They always talk about the 3 year development cycle... i always thought that at the end of three years it would be in beta
  18. umm_me

    Goodbye Balota barracks

    I was playing monopoly once and was terribly upset by how hard it was to find a grenade launcher to kill the other players with. Needless to say I stopped playing monopoly until they fix their game.
  19. umm_me

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    If fighting a zombie with your barefists often attracts too many zombies and ends in your death, try not fighting the zombie. A lab mouse will not keep shocking its self to get a piece of cheese, be smarter then the mouse. Flat out run away from the zombie, alternatively trap the zombie... sometimes the zombie will clip out, trap it again... the vast majority of the time it will stay trapped. People struggle with the early game as fresh spawns because they do not respect the fact that early game is different then later in the game. When you spawn you are dieing... you need to stop thinking about m4s and find food and clothes. If the city is looted you need to think about moving to another nearby city, not the airfield across the map. Once you are warm and fed, then you can worry about getting your rocket launchers.
  20. If you have 10 zombie on you, you can expect 1 zombie to clip through a wall in the next 2 minutes. This is great improved over zombies walking through walls at will...
  21. umm_me

    Goodbye Balota barracks

    Before you could spawn, get basic gear and military gear in about 15minutes. Now you spawn, basic gear up enough to survive travel and weather, which takes time in which you need to survive the other bambis in the area... then you can travel 15min to NW airfield to where the other semi geared and geared players are, which is of course dangerous, once you survive that for awhile you are geared. 2nd model makes more sense for a survival game.... no?
  22. umm_me

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Anyone at Balota airfield or NE airfield? Those are the 2 possible map changes that pop into my mind right away...
  23. umm_me

    How did you first taste blood?

    Like my 2nd day playing, I was robbed by some people... then they were actually kinda cool and they brought me to bolata airfield. One of them got sniped, I grabbed his ak101, the other guy dealt with the sniper. A few minutes later I catch a guy flanking us. With absolute control and composure... i panic and lose the ability to use big boy words to call out his location. "OMG whos that... over here over here... who are you who are you" ... charge the bush spraying and praying like a pro... we killed each other.
  24. umm_me

    How Does Temperature Work?

    In my experience so far a rain coat/gorka coat and any pants both worn condition... then boots gloves hat in almost any condition above ruined... and your body temperature will be fine at all times. I am thinking movement has an effect now, but it is smaller then other factors.
  25. umm_me

    How Does Temperature Work?

    Your body temperature is most effected by server temperature, rain/ "wet-ness" of your clothes, inside/outside, proximty to fire, how much clothes, which clothes, state of clothes not ruined. Movement seems to have no effect.