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whet (DayZ)

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Everything posted by whet (DayZ)

  1. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    A little tip: if you filter for "" in the list, you should see all the server running the patch.
  2. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    The test build works for me now on most of the servers that are running it (stuck on loading screen before) and i use an arma X retail copy. Respawned and lost my gear (m249), but well, couldnt hold myself :) . Edit: after reading some other posts i think my respawn has nothing to do with this build, its because the arma x id s changed with the recent betapatches.
  3. Tried it too, the error massage is gone. But iam still stucked at the loading screen with 1.7.2 Here cant you get the patch : http://www.arma2.com/supply/game-updates
  4. whet (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Same here.
  5. whet (DayZ)

    Dayz Anim requires addon CA_Missions_BAF_2

    There s allrdy a thread about this problem : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28207-dayz-anim-requires-addon-ca-missions-baf-2/
  6. whet (DayZ)

    Graphics Card

    Edit: damn i totaly missed you want to spend just 150$ .. I would recommend a radeon 6870 then or a used 560gtx if its possible.
  7. whet (DayZ)

    Spawn as bird?

    Spawned as a bird on some arma 2 server but never happend to me in dayz.
  8. Having the same issue, updated manualy, have arma x. Also it seems to mess around with my armory inventory, i cant filter anymore, all is in an alphabetic order when i launch the main game with dayz. Postet allrdy in the offical update thread.
  9. whet (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Everytime i launch the new build (and 94444 beta) i get this error massage : Addon "dayz_anim" requires addon "CA_missions_BAF_2" Its correctly installed of course. Weird thing is that i cant start BAF (stuck in loading screen) anymore if i launch dayz, without the mod it works, so i suppose something is wrong with this alpha build.
  10. whet (DayZ)

    fire fight {video}

    +1. Its total chaos, hard to watch.
  11. whet (DayZ)

    360 no-scope with DMR

    Dont forget Dubstep ^^
  12. whet (DayZ)

    Scaring people at Balota! [Video]

    good stuff :)
  13. Yeah , its not centralized, its from huge botnets, wich have thausand or up to some millions of host nuking one target.
  14. whet (DayZ)

    US4 Nuke

    Happend on us45 aswell :\
  15. Hope DayZ will not go the same path that dubstep took, down the toilet o0 .
  16. whet (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    - Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez) Would be willing to pay that if the game becomes more complex and server can hold more than 300 players. - Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez) If it stays Arma multiplayer style. - Free to play, buy your shit? NO ! Also: - Community developed or studio developed? Both, you need both sides... - Community or studio servers? or both? Depends on server size.
  17. whet (DayZ)

    How to make DayZ look like this?

    Set post process efx and hdr very high , also raise gamma and brightness, dont forget it depends on the daytime aswell how the game locks. Post process efx will give you the blur and hdr the glare. I ve booth down cos i cant stand this look...