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whet (DayZ)

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Everything posted by whet (DayZ)

  1. whet (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    On the other thread someone reported he got his key replaced by the german publisher, so if BIS will not help you should try that: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55668-cd-key-in-use-issues/
  2. whet (DayZ)

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Thats good news, thanks for letting us know. And from the other thread:
  3. whet (DayZ)

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    I continued the research abit, and beside the keygen thing i found this : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/40664-server-admins-stealing-guids-for-spoofing/
  4. whet (DayZ)

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Yeah, thanks. My key worked for almost 2 months and suddenly this happens :( .
  5. whet (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Can you guys pls move over to this thread : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55668-cd-key-in-use-issues/. So we can ve all ppl in one thread to link it and stuff.
  6. whet (DayZ)

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Iam afraid it will turn out that BIS says our keys are comprimised and its our fault (malware, gave our keys away). Then they wont replace anything and we would have to beg at the german publisher or our retailer, and they wont replace it neither ..... What i can see is , that several people (mostly german speaking region with retail versions) started to have the same problem around the same time, so we did all the same mistake or something is fishy with the arma key system/servers. Either way, its pretty disapointing...
  7. whet (DayZ)

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Oh dear , that doesnt sound good, i will try to peter games too over the weekend, but i mean its like 10+ ppl now on this forums....
  8. whet (DayZ)

    Moving DayZ to SSD

    Well i just installed arma 2 on the ssd since the chernarus map is used, OA is on a normal hdd, works for me.
  9. whet (DayZ)

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Well i start to see a pattern here, in the other thread (http://dayzmod.com/f...g-my-character/) theres another german player with this problem, he has Arma:CO retail tho.
  10. whet (DayZ)

    No Cd Key Error

    Some ppl have the same issue, post what arma version you own in this thread please: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55668-cd-key-in-use-issues/
  11. whet (DayZ)

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Hey, yeah ive the same problem, got the dvd box of arma x from a german retailer.
  12. whet (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Its not just about dayz, i cant play arma online anymore.
  13. whet (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Ive a retail dvd box.
  14. whet (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Well i get now the "cd key in use" message and someone else is playing my character, surely i never gave this key to anyone....
  15. whet (DayZ)

    CD key in use

    Okay this is happening to me now too. Seems like someone else has played with my character aswell. Had no problems with my arma X copy before. I contacted BI support.
  16. whet (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Forgot to ad that i had ghillie suite on me.
  17. whet (DayZ)

    Somone Playing my Character?

    Just spawned today with different gear on another location. Tried to restore my old char and died, didnt worked. Not sure what happend there :\ .
  18. whet (DayZ)

    Snipers ........its kinda like this.

    Thats proably not a sniper, sounds like 40-50m away max.
  19. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    http://dayzmod.com/f...360#entry299501 and http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28806-experimental-1721-test-patch/page__st__360#entry299276
  20. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    Main menu, corner down right.
  21. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    Well if you dont have the knowledge it can be very tricky, even for me its sometimes try and error and ive 20 years of experience with stuff like that, you have to have some patience tho. But you are right some ways, a good amount of users have to research more before posting here.
  22. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    Not sure about the steam version, ive arma x retail. I had to download the 1.60 update from arma2.com, then delelete the expensoins/beta folder, then update to 94700, and i copied the beta .exe into the main AO folder, because ive sound problems otherwise.
  23. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    Which patch version does your arma mainscreen state ?
  24. whet (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    You need the 94700 betapatch for this build.