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About Z3T4

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  1. Z3T4


    Does it count if I first break his legs and then finish him off with the crossbow? Does server hopping count as cheating? How long do I need to be on the server before killing him?
  2. I've been enjoying DyaZ+ for months now. I only play regular dayZ if I want to play PvP deathmatch. Anyone know where the choppers spawn?
  3. This already exist in arma ... I think the default key is double-Ctrl to raise to lower the weapon. But I guess people are too lazy to use it ... Maybe you should run slower if you have your weapon up!? What I miss though is the option to holster the weapon, or put your riffle on your back/chest. Also "duck walking" / walking while aiming should be faster, it's painfully slow to aim and walk right now. It should be bumpy if you do not walk though. I think that having one button for both raise and aim would work. It should take maybe half a second to raise your weapon. And there should be an animation for it so that you can see if someone raise their weapon. It should also be possible to shoot while raising the weapon aka "rangers shot". There should also be a button to put your riffle on your shoulder. That would be cool!
  4. Z3T4

    Just in case you missed it...

    I think it was perfect when the only way to get rid of the zombies was to shoot them in the head! And buildings where like death traps. You actually had to sneak into cities instead of just running. And if you where out of bullets it basicly meant you where dead. If they would just fix hacking and disconnecting in the standalone we would have a perfect game. I don't care about clothing, different menus, more enterable buildings etc. All those things could be added later when the biggest issues has been adressed.
  5. Z3T4

    Make zombies better

    The suggestion has nothing about zombies hitting harder. Getting randomly punched to the ground is just annoying. Please read the whole post. And then analyze.
  6. Z3T4

    In game chat and silent kills?

    It would not be a problem if it was optional.So that server admins could turn it off. Also, if it was in the game description, it would be legal. PS. If you need to be on your EvE online comms even why playing dayZ you should consider taking a pause from that game ;)
  7. Z3T4

    In game chat and silent kills?

    Teamspeak etc destroys the experience of the game so I favor this suggestion. I have a more radical suggestion though: Make the game block all ports except those needed by the game. I can not address enough how out of game chat takes away from the game experience. When telling others about DayZ I have the in-game voice chat as one of the main arguments why the game is so great.
  8. Please make Zombies stronger! Right now you can just stand in a bush and you will be alright. Zombies right now is just a small annoyance. They are NOT scary at all. The zombies doesn't seem to mind me shooting on them or other players. Suggestions: * Add a timer to agro zombies so that they will hunt/look for you at least 5 minute before giving up. * Increase zombies hearing distance for gun shots.
  9. I joined CZ02 and it seems to be fixed.
  10. I got the same bug. I can only join private hives or I will get the message "Setup completed, please wait..." I think it happaned when I got killed by a tree. But it has been like this for over a month now, so I dont remember.
  11. I missed it. Did anyone record?
  12. This shows the humans true nature. Just go read some psychology and sociology. =) I'm very happy that murder is condemned and punished by the "community" in real life ...
  13. Z3T4

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I agree that a heat map would take away from the experience of the game. But as this game is still in alpha we should debug it as much as we can. It will be very interesting to see where most players go as it would tell a lot about how the mod is played. I guess most players will be around the big cities on the coast. But we can not base game design on guesses, it needs to be based on facts. Suggestion for Ander: You could make the heat map in different colors depending on time lived, bandits, etc. Ex: Green color: Those who lived less then 3 hours. Yellow: those who lived 4-10 hours and red for those who lived 10+ hours. Edit: Just got another crazy idea. You could export the database, removed all sensitive data like cd-keys and then publish it so that the community could make all kind of cool stats.
  14. I know a moderator goes though all posts. But I still think there are way too many threads for the dev team to handle and many of the threads have such a low quality that it's hardly worth it to go though the posts. So I suggest making a few sub forums for bugs: Example: a) New bugs b) Minor bugs, confirmed c) Important bugs, confirmed d) Trash can All new threads should go into A. Then moved by a forum moderator to sub forum B, C or D depending on the quality and replies. The idea is to let the community make most of the work. And make it easier for the developer(s?) to spot the important bugs. This would be a bad idea on many games, but I know there are a lot of programmers and game designers playing this mod, so let them do free work for you.
  15. Z3T4

    Passing out every time i log in

    It has happened for me too. But only when I had aggroed zombies. Logged out inside a house to get rid of the 5-6 zombies that was lurking just outside. I think it's supposed to be like this to prevent people from disconnecting with aggroed zombies after them.