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Everything posted by r0ck

  1. ...and I couldn't pick it up. :(
  2. Kinda screwed myself here. I was traveling around and a zombie came. I started to use my pick ax to take it down and 2 more zombies appeared. I ran for the ladder, and 2 more zombies showed up. I only have 3 bullets. There's 5 zombies. How would you get out of this situation alive without relogging?
  3. r0ck

    Shoot to KILL

    I said I was sorry! What more do you want from me!?
  4. r0ck

    INTENSE 1V1 (Among a zombie horde!)

    Felt like I was watching COD. Run around, shoot somebody. Run around, get shot. Repeat.
  5. r0ck

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    I generally avoid other players, but there are times when you just run into someone, or someone finds you first. Out of the last 6 people I met, only 1 shot me in the back. The others were friendly.
  6. r0ck

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    If you play the Hero, and someone in your group is a Bandit.... Perhaps, maybe you should find someone new to play with. If i'm walking around and come up on 2 people together, and one of them kills me on sight, then in my eyes you're both bandits.
  7. r0ck

    Fire doesn't warm you up.

    Be happy they didn't base the game in Texas. Then you'd all be running around naked, asking how to get cool, and dying from heat exhaustion.
  8. r0ck

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Anything in pristine. I'm not picky. Just trying to survive.
  9. r0ck

    Hey. What weapon do you choose.

    How does it compare to the ax when killing zombies? How many hits from the baton?
  10. r0ck

    How did you die the first time?

    I've never played Arma or the mod. DayZ standalone is a complete first for me. My very first spawn, 2mins into the game for the first time, I found a barn. I went up one side of the hay loft to see if anything was up there. Nothing. Across on the other hay loft I did see something. On my way back down the stairs, I jumped off the side about 4-5 steps up and broke my leg. (I didn't know I couldn't do that at the time). So, i'm crawling around with nothing. I spent 30mins crawling around looking for an ax, another player to help (of kill me so I could respawn), or a zombie. Eventually, I found a zombie.
  11. r0ck

    Hey. What weapon do you choose.

    Favorite weapon is the ax. You can do more with it than chop zombies. 2nd favorite is any gun that I can find bullets for. I'm not out to kill other players, only zombies, so any gun will do.
  12. r0ck

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    Doors make sound.
  13. r0ck

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Well, i'm an idiot. I spawned with a new character, immediately found a stun wand and a crawler. I tried to use the stun wand to fight the zombie and it had no effect. I kept trying, thinking I was doing something wrong, and finally, I died. After reading your post, I see what I did wrong. No batteries! :blush:
  14. r0ck

    Zombies Opening Doors

    Probably also already known, but in some houses, you can axe them through the windows while they are outside.
  15. It's the internet. You have to take the complaints lightly and carry on.
  16. r0ck

    Can't see any zombies?

    Can you explain what that means. I found the OP's zombies. Every time I spawn, I spawn right next to a zombie. Sometimes more than one, and one time 4 at once. I climbed to the top of a hospital with 3 zombies waiting at the bottom. They never went away. I jumped to a different server, and 2 zombies were still on the ground outside of the hospital waiting.