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Everything posted by franco

  1. franco

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Is this trolling?
  2. The hacker's twitch name is loganator, in game name might be Owner. Not really hacking anything too crazy, just normal weapons. He isn't giving dukey stuff, seems like a good guy as far as hackers go, but is hacking none the less. Logan openly admits to hacking. http://www.twitch.tv/thedukey3
  3. This is exactly why you need to black out your info dukey, love your stream so far but there is no honor in receiving any kind of aid from a hacker. Destiny, Kai and everyone else has had to make this adjustment.
  4. They need to hide all the hud infomation and black the stream when they select a server. Hide name plates, all the top right information, anything that could be used in a hacker's search for them.
  5. Please let them know what they need to do.
  6. Every streamer has to hide their name and prevent this kind of thing. I honestly hope they become successful DayZ streamers, but they have to discourage hacking like everyone else.
  7. On Thornar's stream right now http://www.twitch.tv/thoranar