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Everything posted by Fatsug

  1. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Poor excuse of mankind are everywhere, just got killed point blank from a invisible cheater. Guess it's time to put dayz SA too rest until beta and see if they still allow cheaters too run around and fuck up everyones experience. What's the point of alpha testing if you can actually test something cause your getting killed by lowlifes?
  2. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Black balaclava camos and barracks, maybe tentsPSO-1 scope (for AK) barracks, tents and bunker possibleAtlas bipod all usual places Found them all in their normal places, however, PSO-1 seams very rare this patch, I like that. I've even found a skeleton style balaclava at a heli crash site. Too bad I lost that char too bugges relating too zombies. Got hit through the walls in one fo thoose 1 story yellow buildings that can have a mosin in them. :(.AK handguard seams quite rare too.
  3. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Mend it and then take the item on and off.
  4. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I got to stop breach camos, there is always more than you expect :( I'll miss you my sweet m4. Fighting seams very desynced at the moment, I took fire rounding a corner, second later the shooter was drawn on my screen.
  5. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I found booth the akm and ak101 in barracks so far. The Pso-1 scope I'm not sure about though, might be classed as high grade military loot which would mean dynamic event spawn only such as crashed choppers.
  6. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    badmins lootwhoring
  7. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I noticed ruined drum mags can be reloaded into the akm through the mousewheel interface. However no new bullets can be loaded into ruined drum mags. Found myself a crashed heli up north, unloaded my akm into some poor trees and picked up a m4 instead. Took a trip up the way way north west just to confim nothing is there yet, yeah nothing is there yet! :) Maybe in a few days? Meanwhile I'll make that region my home, if you get on my lawn I'll shoot no questions asked! ;)
  8. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Just run into a guy in camo (jail) at military base. Few issues with the encounter, I cloosed the door after me, there was no sounds from him opening it. Luckly I heard him breaching the stairs, from my point of view his gun was not in fire ready position still he apparantley shoot his sks since i took some damage. I killed him though with my akm. There was no sound from him shooting. I*m thinking we wont find pso-1 scopes unless we get a russian chopper crash site. Anyone found a crash site at all? Patch notes said something about such events might not work after server restart? Servers seams to restart or crash aswell randomly. If you guys have a hard time finding loot in starting areas it probably means someone already been through there recently. If your really strugling try find a low populated fresh started server to get the nessecary basic items to get out of there. I also recomend all third person players to try out first person, it creates a diffrent atmosphere for dayz.
  9. Fatsug

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Seeking clarity, will all .49 stable server be persistant?
  10. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Zombies hunting animals fooled me a few times :D. Suddenly you see a zombie taking of in a odd direction, you track it for abit too posibly put some lead into another player, but tada, zed be hunting a cow :)
  11. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    DayZ AU/NZ 0-4 (Experimental/Testing) is still running "Edit" Well it rebooted after 5 mins, guess it will get stuck on start up soon enough...
  12. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    If anyone with the powers see this, it would be a good time to fix most of the experimental servers remotley. Their stuck again so none can join them.
  13. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Did anyone found a crash site this patch? Excluding the two static ones ofcourse!
  14. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    This is alpha, sounds for opening doors are just placeholder. Surley more will be added in the feature.
  15. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I was playing on us servers from europe, was actually not to bad at all, just remove the filter that takes out servers aboove 100 ping.
  16. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    So after learning to avoid certain food I had no ctd's. Hurray. Suddenly sodas was high vaule loot :). (I crashed to desktop if I used tuna, spaghetti and sardines) Thoose we where warned about! I also had chd from eating peaches! I didn't test rice, powdered milk seamed ok to eat for me atleast. All fruits works and sodas aswell. Some of the experimental servers restart randomly far to often, others stay up quite a while. I've been running around the map scavenging for assault rifles and such. I found the density of 5.56 and 7.69x39 ammo beeing okay, however finding a magazine for the akm or ak101 was a hard task. I found a few akm, and only one ak101 far more sparse than previously on .49. Finally found a ak101 which i actually had found a magazine for, so now im really dangerous, watch out if your north west on 1p ;) I've yet to find the ak scope though, anyone found one? Can they still spawn in normal garages like in previous patch? The tents at airfield with only one opening seams to have no loot, I did find the odd item there but that was like 1 item per 20 of thoose tents.. Light guns like sporters are common, mosin rarer, sks was quite a easy find, assault rifles very rare as they should be. I've not yet found a crash site on current experimental build, are they temporarly disabled? It bothers me abit though to find sporters and mosins in military bases and the nwaf. I don't think they fit what should be there, sks, handguns and assault rfiles is what i would like to find there. I'm devided about the mosin to be there or not. It's afer all a very powerfull gun in the right hands. Oh yeah found myself two flashbangs and a he greande in barracks, nice addition to that loot table. Will come handy when i run into them annoying camo campers. := Fire jacket was a cool find. Doors beeing randomly open or closed is nice, but it needs work. Some times a door apear open, and you can enter, but when you want to cloose it, it only gives the option to open it first, after doing so you can cloose it, This makes the process long and very dangerous. Same things goes for some closed doors, they need to be closed first and then opened. A few concerns about zombies, some of them choose to ignore doors are shut, some of them hits you trhough walls from several meters away. Zombies also completly ignore fences and doors shut in fences. The changes to zombie behaviour is nice!
  17. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    The patch that fixed health system (the latest one) is the one that had a "faulty" exe, that cause people to crash. We are all sitting in the same boat waiting for the proper one. :)
  18. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    The new exe hasn't been published yet.
  19. Fatsug

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    New .exe aint out yet. The bigger size is due to the patch that was this morning that fixed health system.