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Everything posted by Twitch256

  1. Twitch256


    I more than often travel without any weapons and with a vest instead of a pack. A vest only holds six items, instead of the default eight. I do this because; it weighs less and you have less surface area while trying to sneak around. I have a major issue with bandits killing me, even when I cearly have no weapon, announce my presence, and tell them I will give them anything I have if they want it. Yes. Some bandits are just ***holes. I just like to travel leight and scavange goods for friends. As you can imagine, it is a pain in the *** to run from Cher all the way to the NW airflied, and be chased by a few dozen zombies without any supplies. I do this for fun, while other players see me go by and think "Oh dear God, I am going to completely avoid this crazy person." Often after making the mad dash, I will often get sniped by a bandit. For what would a bandit snipe me for? I have no weapon. I am being chased by a city worth of zombies, and I probably have nothing he needs. Turf? No. There is no private turf, because the zombies spawn everywhere. There is no safe zone, only survival.. So I ask.. Why not have cannibalism? It'll give those bastards a reason to kill me, instead of just being a bag of ****s.
  2. Twitch256

    Why did u become a bandit??

    After spending much time unarmed and always announcing myself in areas, then being shot regardless, I have decided to go bandit. I have lost count of times I'd be unarmed and be scavenging for food and medical supplies and end up getting shot. I'll say things like "I have no weapons. You may take whatever you want, just don't kill me." And what do people do? Shoot you. Why? Because **** people. That is why. So. What am I going to do? Camp the **** out of a populated area with a sniper rifle and keep it all to myself. PRIVATE PROPERTY! TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT. SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN! (pun!)
  3. Twitch256

    Please keep no-weapon spawns

    I agree with this thread. I like having spawned with no weapon. It makes you think more of "okay, I need to go find food and medical, before I find a gun and killing people right off the get-go." It really bothers me that you spawned with all the basic stuff you needed and many people would just run around player killing everyone. All in all, DayZ is a survival mod. Spawning with everything you need is not survival. For the people that can't handle the survival part of DayZ should go play Wasteland.
  4. Twitch256

    Bring back the Rare food.

    Kind of made me laugh. Food is pretty rare now, after they increased the spawn chance of common weapons/ammo, you find more ammo, or even guns without ammo than food.
  5. Twitch256

    READ: Lets get these Lighthouses up and running

    Great idea. Like someone earlier stated, no power, no light, but there are some old gas/wood light houses. This could and new gaming aspects, such as setting traps for survivors, or signaling other survivors/bandits.
  6. So. If I am understanding correctly, these zombies are not zombies, but infected? In the movie "The Crazies," people become infected due to a man made virus in their water. As the title says; people go crazy and start killing each other. In this sense, in DayZ, zombies should be able to use guns and go nuts as they not only kill survivors/bandits, but each other. In the movie "Dawn of the Dead," zombies are zombies. If I remember correctly, over time, zombies become smarter and learn how to use weapons. In this sense, in DayZ, some zombies should be smarter than others. Maybe make traveling around military bases more dangerouse and give military zombies weapons? In the video game series "STALKER," zombies are people effected by radiation, and get parts of their brain cooked, so they are shambling bandits with guns. Easy to kill, but slow and deadly with their AK's.
  7. Twitch256

    The Crazies vs. Dawn of the Dead vs. STALKER

    I like your thinking! Much like the T-Virus in Resident Evil. People lose their memories and don't give a damn on what they munch on.
  8. Twitch256

    Too much starting gear

    I feel as though players should start out with basic gear. From watching the intro video, it looks like officials had been sent in for whatever. In this case, they would have at least a pack, flashlight, a sidearm, a watch, and maybe a toolkit or knife. I feel as though starting out with medical supplies is too much and lets people start off careless. In the survivor aspect, most people have a watch, hunting knife, matches/liter and pack on them.
  9. Twitch256

    Hear players scream!

    I have heard myself screaming while low on blood and being chased by zombies, but I agree with you. There should be increased screaming and panic! Hearing zombies running and screaming after me is so common, it has become a custom. Nothing more freaky then hearing loads of gunfire, zombies shambling/screaming, then hearing the survivor scream from a mile away as the zombies enjoy their Manwhich!
  10. Twitch256

    Shaun of the Dead style stealth

    In the sense that the zombies are not zombies, but infected, would make you think they are more like "The Crazies." If this had been the sense, why don't they use guns?..
  11. Twitch256


    I was thinking of something like; if you murder a survivor and eat them' date=' or just find a dead survivor and eat them, it should give you more points to becoming a bandit. There could be levels of cannibalism and at higher levels, one could even eat zombies with little side effects. Maybe have less negative effects between raw and cooked human flesh. I don't know much about cannablism (and have never tried it), but I think it can cause people to become gittery. Much like having to take painkillers after taking a lot of damage, maybe making you shake, or as you said lose morality and start losing you sanity. [hr'] You do crazy stuff when you get hungry. While camping, I have had to make weapons out of wood and hunt with them for a meal. If I had been being chased by a dozen zombies while low on food and ammo.. I'd think my friend would look tasty after a few days.
  12. Twitch256

    Shaun of the Dead style stealth

    I like the title and agree with you on this suggestion. I have watched many zombie movies and played many zombie games. Zombies in every movie/game are pretty brain dead and have a really bad case of the munchies for Manwhiches. In the game STALKER, there is a mission you are sent to ambush another squad with a guy; problem being it is in a field with zombies. So what do you do? Shamble by them calmy. Shawn of the Dead. Shamble to the pub!
  13. Twitch256

    Weapon Safety Switch

    Safety switch would be a great idea. Due to how rare some ammo is, I find it a pain how I often will alt+tab, and instead of alt+tabbing back in, I accidently left-click the icon on the taskbar, which will alt+tab you back in and firing your gun.. Which will lead to a world of butthurt. When I rarely carry I weapon (I travel leight and like to look as friendly as I can), I like to double tap ctrl, so I point my gun down and it looks less like I am going to shoot another survivor, as it would if I had my gun up pointing at someone's head while talking to them. This only works with primary weapons.
  14. Twitch256

    Ghillie suits and temperature

    Great idea. I am not sure if the temp system really works?
  15. Twitch256

    An Idea to Stop most of the PvP

    I agree with this idea. I often travel with no weapons. Most people will think I am mental, but if you travel correctly and safely, you never need a gun, plus you weigh less, so you are much more mobile. Although you starting pack holds eight items, I like to grab the vest, which only holds six. People think I am stupid for this, but it also weighs less, thus improving mobility, and it gives people another reason to not shoot me; because I am less likely to have good loot. I always go by the saying "Don't kill other survivors. At the very least, befriend them so the zombies can eat them as you run away." I have always looked at shooting a survivor as a waste of ammo just over a can of beans, or to replace the ammo you used, or less and finding ammo you don't need. You are correct. In old zombie movies; if someone fires a gun in a city.. They get ****ed.
  16. Twitch256

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    For the second time now, I have died on spawn for no reason, knowing I had disconnected in a safe place. Would like for an admin to contact me to for full details.
  17. Twitch256

    Church Slaughterfest

    Using teamwork to create a zombie slaughterfest at a church. [attachment=997] [attachment=998] With Twitch (camera man), Colin (the bush), and JB (black guy that didn't die). and some other guy I forgot who he was..
  18. Twitch256

    Church Slaughterfest

    Sweet! Are you guys friendly? Server?