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About joshua.alegria@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. joshua.alegria@hotmail.com

    Blurry main menu text

    Increase interface size..that worked for me
  2. joshua.alegria@hotmail.com

    1.7.1 the same shit performance?

    Try increasing the HDR quality option in video settings to very high and disabling antaliasing Also play around with shadow..test it on high and disabled.
  3. joshua.alegria@hotmail.com

    Low fps - decent computer

    Hi, When i first join a server everything seems fine and movement feels fluid. after awhile it begins to get laggy and my fps drops. I have no idea why this happens..i have defragged my computer..deleted alot of things from my computer. I can run games like battlefield 3 fine or battleifled 2, i can play saints row third on high graphics. I have a xfx 5850 1g graphics card 4 gig ram edit : Even if i put my graphic settings down and resolution..its still the same. edit2: I am now playing campaign and see how long i can play it before my fps begins too drop...if it doesn't drop i guess its only the server? or The dayz mod?