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Flight (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Flight (DayZ)

  1. Flight (DayZ)

    The Wolf Pack [DayZ Overpoch]

    I sent you a request on steam, but my account is on lockdown by steam because steam thinks I'm getting hacked. So message me on skype. jmh22333
  2. Flight (DayZ)

    The Wolf Pack [DayZ Overpoch]

    Name: Michael IGN: Flight Age: 15 almost 16 Location and Time Zone: Texas; Central Steam Account: [Add Abandonpuppy, and then message him that you signed up] What experience do you have with DayZ and with clans?: I played with many clans w/ at least 9 people and we were REALLY successful on a HIGH populated server. Sadly the clan went down. What can you bring to this clan?: I can help this clan a lot. I'm bad at explaining questions like this, sorry. What Squad do you want to join?: Hunter What Role do you want to have?: Scout Will you listen to those of a higher rank than you and follow their orders?: Of course
  3. Flight (DayZ)

    Overpoch Group Recruitment!

    Age: Almost 16 Microphone: Yes, a good one Skype: jmh22333 New to dayz? If no how long have been playing for? no; a year On a scale 1/10 how well can you fly a helicopter: 9/10 I can get people places Message me on skype.