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About ThreeDots

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    On the Coast

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    Czech Republic
  1. ThreeDots

    some geography/map ideas

    I think people forget, that this map is Chernarus - originally small poor post-soviet country. Adding more and more cities kinda ruins this idea. I dont even like the new areas (can it be called town when there are only tenement buildings?) like Dubky, Novoselky and Chapaevsk... It fits to Chernarus like fist on your eye... Not mentioning that the larger city is, the worse fps you have when you are in. But I like Novod... it's nice city, larger than any other, that still fits to Chernarus image, but don't you dare trying to add any more... If you wanna large cities, then wait for some new maps...
  2. ThreeDots

    Readable books about Hunting/Fishing/Gardening/...

    I definitely agree with this form books should be written. The exploration part is nice, but to be honest I would not cut the information value of books anyway. In my case for example, when they added fireplace I didn't know how to make them, but I didn't go to forest and just try combine things, cut trees or something like that... I just went to wiki and searched for that. Finding out everything I need to combine to make stupid fireplace without wiki or some kind of other tutorial would take many many boring hours.
  3. At this moment there is many features/activities player can do (and more are coming), but not everybody reads changelogs or wiki to know how to do that. Now imagine new player coming into game knowing literally nothing. It would be nice if game had possibility to learn players how to craft a bow/arrows, how to fish, some medical basics, (later repairing vehicles), etc... If some of the books were readable (something like that diary in the mod) and were describing those activities with good explanation and nice pictures, it would be an awesome way to keep player in game instead of searching wiki, learning him about everything in dayz and it would give another use to books (and books are kinda useless right now) The names of books can be pretty diverse, but simply for example: First Aid (medical guide), Surviving in jungle (hunting), Scout guide (some basics for crafting, fishing, idk)... and many more can be created There could even exist books with list and description of weapons used on Chernarus and weapons used by western countries (heli crashes) I have so many ideas now what to put into books. What do you think?
  4. I just wanted to post something like that. We really need toolbelt for small usable items like map, compass, watches (if they add them), pen, ... And the map system as it is now is quite annoying... who in the world would split maps into 2-4 parts so we need to craft them again? And after crafting we need to assign it to 0-9 and then finally use normal map. Instead of finding solid piece of map, putting it to toolbelt (since that you dont care about space, positioning in bag, etc...) and pressing M.