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About johnnygalt

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. johnnygalt

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    I've noticed that as long as I keep my health status at MAXIMUM health I stay out of COLD status. So I'm constantly eating and drinking to stay at top condition.
  2. johnnygalt

    DayZ standalone server files

    Any update? I want to host my private hive
  3. johnnygalt

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    The stove works for me. Went from Freezing to normal in a couple of min. Didn't get any "warming" messages though
  4. johnnygalt

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    I use the protable gas stove to keep warm. It only takes two spots in my inventory and doesn't ruin my axe. I turn it on and squat over the thing until my chesnuts are nice and toasty, usually only a few min at most. ;)
  5. johnnygalt

    KoS Balance / Justice System

    I'm a noob to the entire ARMA "platform" with DAYZ standalone being my first game. You bring up very good points. I just purchased ARMA 3 and will check out the other mods. Thanks!
  6. johnnygalt

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Agreed. Perhaps we could get a server rating system so users can rate the better servers up and noobs get the benefit of their wisdom.
  7. johnnygalt

    Dead Servers

    Why are servers listed that do not respond when you try to logon ? Last night I noticed like 20+ new servers listed that would not respond when you try to logon. Also, sometime servers I haved used before will not respond when I try to logon. Are the taken offline? If so, they shouldn't be in the list and should respond with a "offline" message if you try to logon.
  8. johnnygalt

    In Game Physics

    What's the "Official" word on handling of in-game physic bugs/glitches? Should they be reported or is that a near General Release cleanup task>
  9. johnnygalt

    KoS Balance / Justice System

    Thinking about ways to lower the KoS epedimic but still provide balance for PVE and PVPr's. IDEA - Justice System (could be server switchable option - "Friendly Server") - Bounty is assigned via the number of kills and the "type" of kills. - Increased bounty attached to killer for killing lesser geared players (i.e. spawn killers) - Lower bounty for killing higher geared players - No bounty attached if you kill someone with a bounty over certain amount. - Bounty based system with In-Game "store" for "purchasing" gear - Player names MUST be static and knowable to all players in game and in lobby. - Player bounty published next to server lobby - Top 10 Most Wanted List - Once killed and bounty collected it resets to $0 IDEA - PVP "Hot Zones" - Specific zones which are marked as PVP hot zones and KoS is allowed without bounty attached - Players cannot spawn saved game in a PVP hot zone (i.e. Spawn at Airport). Saved games from within hotzone will re-spawn outside zone when re-login