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Everything posted by blitzz92

  1. blitzz92

    More shops

    I personally woukd like to see more shops in cities. Like bog sumernarket like wallmart or whatever, hunters shop, guns shop, fishermen shop, medicine shop, more bars, more cofeterias, clothes shops, toys shops and so on and so on. Woukd realky make us all to explore the cities more I think.
  2. So as we all know DayZ devs are trying to make a better engine for the game. What I would like to see immediatly after the update that will upgrade the lightning and flashlights won't flash through walls. And a server change. There should be no 24/7 day servers at all. There should be cycles of day and night cause that's how real world works.
  3. Hello so I wanted to share some experience and to get some feedback on the rig that can play this beast at constant frames per seccond above 35. What I have now is (upgrades will be made): MSI GM760 P-21 Mobo (shitty I know). AMD FX 6100 @ 3.3Ghz. (also shitty). WD Caviar Green 1Tb. Corsair RM750. ASUS Strix GTX 970. Unknown manufacturer 8Gb RAM @ 1300 mhz What I'm now aiming for is: ASUS Maximus VII Hero Intel i7 4790K Intel 730 480Gb SSD Corsair RM750 Corsair Vengeance DDR3 @ 1866 mhz 16Gb ASUS Strix GTX 970 at some point going to be SLI Maybe anyone has something similar and could guide me through the FPS at DayZ? As I am building this system right now I want to know if it's any good or it will be just a waste of money. Abd yes i know that my CPU is currently hardcore bottlenecking my GPU but soon I'm getting the new mobo with i7. Thanks in advance. And here comes my experience with AMD. Right now at cities I'm getting 14-19 FPS @ 1080p. So anyone who is considering buying AMD FX 6xxx processor please don't. It's not future proof. When this CPU came out it was a competetor to i5 at the equivalent gen and right now it's just a piece of junk. And at this point the equivalent gen i5 completely destroys AMD FX 6100 at any task. I was a long term AMD user and no more. Bulldozer does not clean the sand off the bridge it's more like he's cleaning the sand off my grandma's ass. :)
  4. How do you know if it's prive or public? I have been stopped playong DayZ and it frustrates me like hell when after server restart I have to look for a server to play for ages cause a lot of them are spawning me as a bamby. So is there a way to know if you're playing private or public besides the server name?
  5. blitzz92

    Silly qiestion about servers

    Okay now I feel stupid. Thanks lol.
  6. blitzz92

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    I never stated that I want to chop heads off. And there's a lot more ways to slay an animal. Bows, Crossbows, Shots. Why do you pick the most idiotic thing with slaying them with an axe? WHO DOES THAT?! You said you wabt to be most realistic game so chopping heads is what happening and based on the realism level you should eabt it. Therefore you deny yoursekf by stating that you don't. And blood as a food or toxine opens up more options for survivors and bandits at the same time.
  7. blitzz92

    Poor performance on good PC (Heskey)

    Devs mentioned something about no optimization at all abd without new renderer there will not be any optimizations. You know...
  8. blitzz92

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    It's not a gore it's tradition of showing respect to animal you've just slain life. And a little bit of gore is not wrong either. Go to a hunting club and ask if they can drink some warm deer blood from just a seccond ago slain animal. Most of them will agree. And if we're talking about gore there shoukd be option to chop someones head off. Cause you know thst actually happens a lot theese days. #ISIS and stuff. So why drinking blood is unrealistic? It's not a barbie game with pink colors and ponies everywhere u know...
  9. blitzz92

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    I want to be a hunter from a Wakahakashibo tribe. ;) Cars aren't necesary too cause you have you know legs. Fishing isn't necesary too. Nor ripping the guts out of animal or making human stakes. All of those are nice touches to the game. It's nothing wrong to have a little more blood in the game than little fuzzy squirts out of you when you are bleeding or that blood bag.
  10. blitzz92

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    If following your logic then why should we have any other source of food than sardines? Why should we have any other water source than a pond? Why should we have any other weapons if we already have an axe and so on. This is a nice ritual that many hunters in real life do and it's not vampiristic nor satanistic. It's a ritual that many hunters do to respect the hunted animals and more or less it would give you an option to roleplay a hunter surviving only on his own supplies in the forests in the game. Nobody forces you to do this if you dont want to. Besides as the cold blood is toxic that opens up a new banditry thing. Found 2 friends and kidnapped them? Force feed them each others blood and watch them to die slowly and painfully.
  11. blitzz92

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    Please don't talk anymore. Read the goddamn google or whatever. Drinking animal blood is a very old tradition of all the hunters out there. Besides read the goddamn posts till the end. COLD BLOOD IS TOXIC. You dig?
  12. The military loot will be lowered massively when the game will be released. And this is not CoD and not BF4. I's not a game where your goal is to shoot other people. Your goal is to survive. And that means you have to get food and water. You have to get warm or cool yourself. You have to treat your injuries and diseases and so on. Shooting people is just a one small aspect of the game which is not the main.
  13. blitzz92

    New renderer questions.

    We will have a better looking game due to the fact that the new renderer will be able to use DX11 and that it will imply a better lookimg world lightning, dynamic shadows etc. etc. You could expect it to look better or pretty much the same as ARMA 3. We will get better frames per seccond pretty much instantly due to the fact that new renderer will be able to use your CPU a lot better and that a lot of rendering will go to the GPU and of course DX11 is much more so much more efficient at using thoae resources of yours. So yes the game will look better and yes you will have better frames per seccond and no the game looks will not change massively it will not look like cryengine or such. Why they are taking such a long time? Remember they are the men that created a mod for ARMA 2. So now instead of a mod they are creating the whole new game. So the tech is very limited compared to what ARMA 3 creators have had and it's not a god damn mod. Everything u had in a mod was already in a game more or less and this is what we have everything has to be created.
  14. blitzz92

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    Totaly agree with this. Blood is not bad for you as long as it's clean. And Hunters have a tradition of drinking the warm blood of a hunted animal as an act of respect for the animal. If the blood is old it gets toxic due to various chemical reactions. And human blood is poisonus.
  15. blitzz92

    What rig do you need to play this?

    I see. Thanks for your feedback mate.
  16. blitzz92

    What rig do you need to play this?

    Hey there. Sad to read it that u have issues with you rig. What FPS are you gaining in towns?
  17. blitzz92

    why cant i run dayZ

    Harsh but true.
  18. blitzz92

    why cant i run dayZ

    Dev's said something about no optimization at all and so on. Maybe that will help you to figure it out and stop spamming before u got KoS'd by forum staff.
  19. blitzz92

    DayZ Standalone- Steam: Preparing to launch

    Try to disable ur SLI as for now it shouldn't work in DayZ anyway. Oh you fixed it. Sorry.
  20. blitzz92

    Alternative to hiding a body.

    Would be nice if you could carry a body on your hands or if you could drag it. That would be alternative to hide body funkction and also you could carry or drag an injured friend that is unconscious out of the fire line and try to patch him up. :)
  21. blitzz92

    What rig do you need to play this?

    It's not about that it's just that I see no futureproofness at AMD's and I've been using AMD since Athlon 64 and when I bought FX 6100 I was happy at first but now I have a major dissapointment to it. I mean it was an i5 competetor but now even 1st. gen i5 760 outperforms FX 6100 which is really sad. Happy to see your satisfaction with AMD mate. Maybe I just went for the wrong CPU...
  22. blitzz92

    What I would like to see with the new engine

    Yep. But if you're a working man/woman you would be doomed to play only at night time during the work days.
  23. blitzz92

    What I would like to see with the new engine

    Sorry for the mistakes I've made. Ofcourse there shouldn't be a forced timezone stuff. Therefore there could be cycles that change through short ammount of time like 1h or 45minutes till the cycle change.
  24. blitzz92

    What rig do you need to play this?

    Nice! Let me know when you'll visit the towns! :)
  25. blitzz92

    What rig do you need to play this?

    Thanks for your reply mate! Glad to see that AMD still can do the job done. What rig do you have and what FPS do you have in Cherno, Elektro and other cities?