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Everything posted by hombrecz

  1. hombrecz

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Well there are ways how to mount stuff on venerable vz.58 and some of it must have been Russian. You got some wacky mounts like this: But later, after Velvet revolution in 89, professional soldiers liked to pimp their vz.58's like this and mount western optics/colimators. So in fact, vz.58 could be the "weird" Eastern weapon with ability to mount western optics :-D. Although the same could be said about AK with aftermarket rails on it so... Had to give you beans even though that 5.56 part sounded bit like a bait. Btw in British TV series "Strike back" dude were using this short Vz.58 quite a lot. I think it was that 5.56 version as well. Not sure who "they" are, but some folks would be utmost happy with game having correct/most common calibers for each weapon ;) Btw if I'm hijacking this thread, then I apologize to Chaingunfighter.
  2. I can't remember last time I saw MP5 or mags for it. Also is that damned RAK even in game? Haven't seen that that ugly beast yet, nor it's magazines. Oh how I wonder, how will the game look like somewhere mid beta, with loot tables somehow balanced and reworked.
  3. hombrecz

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Voted for all 3 of them, why not. Not that I expect devs to add that many variants at this time, but why not later. I also would love to have Sa vz.58 as well. Yes, it is not 100% different than AKM, but so what? Internaly it is different weapon, with wooden buttstock it kinda looks different, has different sound. Maybe they could introduce the model allowing for ACOG mounting and since it has different mag than AKM, it could be rarer weapon than AKM/AK74, but still of eastern provenience. Btw anybody excited to see the list of weapons, that devs supposedly finished recently? I imagine it will bring some people to tears, but it's better to know what's coming than not, right?
  4. hombrecz

    Has the battle been won?

    If the cause is common, I fail to see any reason behind arguing about whose arguments are better. Anyways it was said X times already, why AK sharing the same ammo as M4 is not very good decision, both from realism and gameplay side. Couple this with almost zero effort of introducing 5.45 (and also 7.62x54R) and voila, here you have palpable reason why some folks are unhappy and vocal about it. Also it does not matter if you like realism or not, the merit of this discussion was that game would be BETTER having mentioned calibers which is another reason why are folks vocal about that. Anyway we had this discussion before.
  5. hombrecz

    Has the battle been won?

    I love how majority in here agrees that 5.45x39 is !good! thing for the game, both from realism and gameplay perspective. Yet there are some folks, that will argue to the death about semantics trying to support dev's decisions all the way or just because they love to argue.
  6. hombrecz

    Another game copy

    I suppose if he were to create completely new Steam account, he could purchase new copy and play it? Anyway I guess we all know that you are infact "your friend" and should feel ashamed for cheating and ruining other people's fun! edit: darn, dude above was faster
  7. hombrecz

    Has the battle been won?

    The thing is, that AKS74U should be only in 5.45 right? If they wanted to pull that caliber trick again, they could have just introduced some shortened version of AKM, no matter how rare that one might be.
  8. hombrecz

    More spray anyone ?

    And I thought this was about adding more spray colors O_o.
  9. hombrecz

    Wooden arrows?

    Ah ok. In that case we can just pretend that those sticks needed for bolts are just thicker and have model of bolts reflect that. We definitely need the ability to craft them though, since without it crossbow is useless.
  10. hombrecz

    DayZ Menu and Gameplay Concepts

    Joe is my most favorite type of wh*re!
  11. hombrecz

    Dayz Video with edited menu screen

    Indeed Australian DayZ brother, indeed. Many folks got shot without hearing a thing, me incuded and that is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with audio. On the other hand devs acknowledged that audio is bonkered at this moment and past few status reports, there were notions of audio being reworked as well. So yeah, lets buckle up and ride alpher bus to it's final destination!
  12. hombrecz

    Has the battle been won?

    Well written brother, well written! Many of us got bloodied in this rightful struggle and there might be, in the end, a glimmer of hope yet! p.s. That was exactly what I though when reading about AKS74U being added since this baby is not chambered in anything than 5.45x39.
  13. hombrecz

    Dayz Video with edited menu screen

    Yeah I also hope for most of this making it into game. Btw can't wait for sounds to be done properly. Imagine hitting zombie in the head with you axe. If this action had proper sound, it would add so much immersion. Also skinning and butchering deer is so much better with sound, not mentioning sound of campfire and sound of meat being roasted and tons of other....
  14. hombrecz

    Anyone still have a Mosin+Bipod?

    Buddy had one...then he sprayed his Mosin and bipod was no longer attachable :-D.
  15. hombrecz

    Wooden arrows?

    Come on man! Without any hopes for crossbow bolts/arrows crafting, the crossbow will be next to useless and bow will reign unchalenged! But maybe industrials could spawn some kind of material, that could be used for xbow bolts crafting? Also hope devs will add more rare compound bow. Would make no sense to have only craftable bow right?
  16. So far, devs atleast chosen correct name for specific caliber versions (AK101 = 5.56), no matter that it is export version and having prevalent AK74/M would make a lot more sense. I think only Mosin uses plain wrong bullet, since we do not have 7.62x54R. I mean AKS74U should be in 5.45x39, but it is weird they would not mention incomming 5.45x39 caliber at all. If they wanted just some short AK rifle, they kinda could have some other type that indeed uses 7.62x39. And I hope the shorter version will have more of a kick. Hmm here is me hoping for 5.45 again O_o. EDIT: M4 drum might hopefully mean, that bugged M4 double mag will either be removed, or fixed as not to count as 60rnd mag.
  17. CZ527 will be fine rifle when it can attach scope and mag will spawn in civilian buildings.....and when loot is balanced.
  18. hombrecz

    Starting to think I'm too nice of a player.

    DayZ is lot about human interaction even though it often ends up in firefight or axe duel. Play the way you deem right, just be more careful in general. I've met a lot of friendly people, they are out there!
  19. Not biased, I just take them for what they are. Had PS2 for a year, then Xbox 360 for 2 years, ended up selling them and sticking with just PC. 95% of modern FPS are primarily aimed for console crowd so yes, I dare to say, that gaming got easier thanks to consoles. Tell me how many hardcore games you have on consoles? Stuff like Dark Souls and few others, but surely not that many. On the other hand, it is PC where you got some complex simulators, strategies, games like Arma serie....and yes, also Dayz. DayZ most likely could never come up to be, if there were no PC gaming & modding scene. But no, I do not want to end up ranting against next gen consoles. Not sure why I should, when they are often struggling with 60FPS at FullHD and have to resort to aim-assists etc. Everybody is free to play on whatever potato he/she deems fit.
  20. hombrecz

    dont under-estimate the sporter .22

    Indeed Sporter is fun gun! With luck, you can find mags in Office/school but yeah, I wish they were tad more common and spawn also in piano houses and red brick buildings, atleast those 5 and 10 rnd ones.
  21. Hmm £3000 PC ? That sounds like typical console player argument against PC, hinting that players have to spend that much to get good FPS. Anyway I was hinting at what is standard of console games, not at their weaker computing power. Namely lots of FPS games have auto-aim assist, auto-regen health and other "streamlining" crutches. Those are exactly what DayZ should never become, atleast not on PC (I do not care about console version obviously). So having said that, console version is where one could logically expect lots of streamlining to avoid "confusion" of "casual" player. So here I am, hoping that console port woun't negatively affect PC version one single tiny bit! edit: this is also reply to Chaingunfighter's above post.
  22. Things will get tough once getting food becomes problem, (fixed) zombies appear in bigger numbers and become threat, food and ammo become more rare, diseases start decimating players while antibiotics will be rare.... I just hope that confirmed console port will not harm PC version. Hell, caliber streamlining would make so much more sense in console port rather than in PC version.
  23. Well I guess that for me realism plays big role as well. So weapons, not in their most common calibers, is thumb down from me. More so, when it's needless. Sorry, don't buy that "it would be too complex" argument. But yup, now I am repeating myself once again, so I bid thee good night instead.
  24. Well yeah I guess. Just don't like needless streamlining, I really do not see anything complex in adding few more calibers and deepening the gameplay overall. I do not want only more calibers, but also stuff like hurt animations (limping, holding your side etc), weapons jamming if you do not clean them, diseases....damn all those possibilities. I just hope devs could capitalize on most of them.
  25. Guess I still did not accept the way devs think about calibers although it is probably lost cause to argue against it. And I'm not saying I will not enjoy the game anyway, if the other aspects are well finished like client optimalisations for better FPS, loot balanced properly, netcode improved, hacking brought to minimum etc. Still, to me, to needlessly compromise seems as wasted opportunity. I mean we have tons of mediocre games catering to casuals with tons of streamlining to the point of spoon feeding them, that DayZ could be invaluable exception in that regard.