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Everything posted by hombrecz

  1. I think that it really just comes down to how robust the loot is. Once we have enough weapons&gear, then police cars and V3S's can have their proper specific loot close to police station loot. Top tier dynamic loot, so basicaly heli crashes, will then offer the best one can get, the way I see it. Barracks would provide "lesser" loot as compared to heli crashes, right? Else it would not make sense to traverse the map looking for heli crashes. I'm trying to say, that once loot tables are robust, it will be just up to devs what they deem good enough for specific loot spots, be they static or dynamic. If done right, I could see that enticing players to move around the whole map a lot more than now, which I would be very happy with.
  2. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Hmm ok. Just wonder what will be the ultimate caliber, what weapon will it use and how rare it will be. Glad you like some of our Czech weapons! I always feel tad silly for suggesting them since I'm obviously biased in that regard. But still I think it is sexy beast. It's also modular system meaning they can swap some parts and make it either 5.56x45 or 7.62x39 and it would be very interesting, if some kind of modification kit was ingame allowing for caliber change of certain weapons, that allow that in real life. But those are just my fantasie, not saying it needs to be ingame or it's bust. Regarding AUG and G36 built in optics, I think they are significantly worse than say Acog or such, so maybe that could make it somehow "ballanced". So you get weapon already with optic, but that one is far from being the best one. But again, I'm fine with both having them or having models without it but with rails instead. And yes, I would dislike built in optics for weapons that do not normally do that. I mean even SVD Dragunov can be found without optics attached and personaly I would be very interested in trying such rifle with iron sights.
  3. hombrecz

    Dear Dolina Survivor....

    Ok fair enough, but you must be aware that majority of these posts end up with people berating OP for being KOS dick and seldom will get replies from victims, they are adressed for.
  4. I kinda like if that happens provided it is done well, so no super good dynamic crashes near spawning areas. They, in my opinion, need to be located significantly in north, north-west or so. Will be very intersting how this plays out. What kind of gear we can get from fixed military barracks, what will be in dynamic loot spots. Would be nice if we could see that weapon list, devs made and muse as what will spawn where.
  5. hombrecz

    Dear Dolina Survivor....

    But...but...that was the reason you made this otherwise useless thread in the first place no?!
  6. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    I would like that Kar98K they've showed, but if that was the only weapon using such ammo (7.92×57mm Mauser), then I'm not sure it would help game. I might have been influenced by devs, but I started to dislike adding of weapon with specific caliber, that only this single weapon would use. And I think European weapons would be a good choice of what to add. Certainly G36 or Steyr AUG with it's special built in optics would be cool, although some folks might argue they want every optics to be added as attachment and weapon spawn without it. Also maybe Bren 805 could be nice, or CZ 750 sniper rifle although that one would probably need to be restricted by global loot, same as SVD. I'd like full length M16 that could be pimped out to spr version with optics. And lastly, I still long for Sa vz.58 O_o. So yes, mostly European weapons, but I'm positive we will see lot more of US stuff as well. I wonder, what will be the most powerfull caliber in game. Will it be just 7.62x51 / 7.62x54R or will they go up to 30-06, .300 Winchester or even higher to maybe .50 cals?
  7. Some good info in last night's Hicks stream. I believe he mentioned that best gear should spawn in dynamic spots, so heli crashes and maybe some crashed trucks. I think that those should not spawn anywhere close to spawn areas ofc, since their sole purpose is to give incentive to people to travel around the map. That is why I hope devs will remove Cherno heli crash and any other close to coast.
  8. hombrecz

    What's up with the Machete?

    Oh yes, scabbard / holster is much needed. Same as sling for rifles, let's stop those weapons that are glued to our avatar's body.
  9. Tbh that does not bother me much. But yea, if you run with pistol you would naturaly hold it in just 1 hand.
  10. hombrecz

    Allies Victorious!

    Using DayZero, mod of which community prides itself in being hardcore PvP, as measurement of any PvE activities is plain and simply wrong. And even if adding of 5.45 will not promote trading in slightest, it will bring another bit of realism as well enrich weapon table.
  11. hombrecz

    Allies Victorious!

    All fair points except that the beginning of your post kinda killed it. Hating on WP weapons in general, yet playing game placed into former Warsaw Pact eastern country.....that must take some iron will to play such game. As much as you have every right to hate any weapon you feel like, objectively speaking you simply can not be against WP weapons being added into DayZ.
  12. hombrecz

    Allies Victorious!

    Also wonder if sometime later, we might get Vepr and AN-94 or any other truly 5.45 weapon. I mean it certainly is not a priority, I feel that new NATO rifle is needed a lot more, but still would be nice if added later.
  13. hombrecz

    Allies Victorious!

    Maybe not for casual caliber illiterate, but certainly does for knowledgeable players, who enjoy some resemblance to realism as well.
  14. hombrecz

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Well RPK should have more sway and be generaly less accurate unless bipod is deployed against some surface. But yes, it should be heavier...oh I'm so waiting for stamina / weight system to be added. Also please no more endless turbo sprint.
  15. hombrecz

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    All devs could do is rename AK101 to AK74M, since that is what it is, judged by the shape of magazine.
  16. hombrecz

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Good news indeed :-). Anyway I was excited to read that pump action shoty and "winchester" is almost ready AND that doors will stop being b*tch to open plus finally will make sound when opening! I was about to ask if we will get AK74(M) but now I remember Gews pointing out, that ingame AK101 model is in fact AK74M (difference in magazine shape). So I would expect AK101 to be renamed to proper AK74M, polish that model a bit more (that AK74SU model is sexy!) and voila, we have proper member of AK74 family! Please note the shape of magazine, do not mind different buttstocks or foregrips :). AK74M AK101 ingame model we already have
  17. hombrecz

    One night i imagine this

    If only STALKER offered coop for atleast 2 people as they originaly intended... Still great game anyway.
  18. hombrecz

    What happened to Pax Prime?

    Watched it all. Was nice but not any kind of revelation or such. Also wonder about that special PAX build, there was nothing shown in this vid. Btw another interesting "thing" was this Shannonzkiller killer in first row.
  19. hombrecz

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    That, in turn, reminds me of a dude who thought that gas operated gun mechanisms mean that you have to connect propane tank to the weapon in order to shoot....
  20. hombrecz

    Turning positive paid off

    Or he was just autorunning and AFK :).
  21. hombrecz

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Yeah that can be the case, I've mentioned it myself. Would be very interesting to see the final weapon list for DayZ and then have some discussion about weapons. I also think that it's safe to assume DayZ will receive more weapons of which some will be of western provenience. In the end, Western (NATO) weapons are more prevalent thanks to many sovereign states that are part of it. I would be very surprised if we did not get some Heckler&Koch assaul rifle like G36 and/or G3 of some sorts. Also some variant of Enfield L85 would not be out of place. We got UK pattern assault vests to go with it nicely. Steyr AUG that Austrian soldiers uses could come too, although Austria is not member of NATO (which surprised me tbh). I guess nobody can argue with NATO being in Chernarus at some point. Maybe the only "friction" point is the question of rarity of those weapons, ammo and attachments. Btw thanks for supporting vz.58. I know I'm a bit biased, so it's nice to see other folks like that old workhorse as well.
  22. hombrecz

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Do you mean G3SG/1? The one that used 1.5 - 6x optics with claw mount and had still full auto mode? Nice weapon indeed, but it might be tad too good since it would be like bundle of 7.62 assault rifle + powerfull and fast firing sniper rifle. Personaly I kinda dislike weapons, that have no drawback, speaking from gameplay side of things. But maybe those are just memories of DMR back in the mod. That baby did not even have full auto and was wrecking things left and right and still could be used with impunity due to having 20rnd mag and powerful 7.62x51 cartridge. Another problem was, that it's ammo was way too common though. Can't understand why it also spawned in industrials O_o. So personaly I'd prefer best snipers to be bolt action or slower firing semi-auto weapons, but that is just me. I am also not saying that weapons should be "nerfed", but maybe devs can pick carefully which model to add into the game, as not to make anything overly too good. Just my thoughts...
  23. Yeah but you excel at failing, which kinda makes you successful ! :D
  24. Well if the made plate carriers extra rare, then I'd like them in game. It would have trade off of being heavier and provide less inventory space than usual tac vest. But having plate carrier vest should not mean you are immortal. It should reduce dmg of shots or two (depending on caliber), before ballistic plate is ruined and you would need to find new and replace it. Also they could add plates of various ballistic procetion and those of higher one, would be ofc more rare than those protecting against pistol rounds. Just my thoughts though.
  25. hombrecz

    What happened to Pax Prime?

    I got the feeling devs are working their arse off to bring 0.49 to the stable. I'd rather have new patch on stable, than just read about it :-).