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Everything posted by hombrecz

  1. hombrecz

    Where Can You Find Hunting knifes?

    If the hunting knife is another unicorn as combat knife is, I'd be pissed O_o. Funnily enough I could always get AKM with drum or two, but never combat knife.
  2. hombrecz

    CPU Question.

    Is that measured with hyperthreading off on those i7's? Because that kinda makes a difference, I've test it myself and can confirm. i7's with HT turned off, should theoreticaly become i5's with more cache. But what I agree with you 100% is, that i5 has far better price/performance ratio to those of i7's. There's no doubt about that. Old renderer is already getting gutted for some time, so here is me hoping that better client performance will come even sooner than with final release. We are allowed to dream right? :-)
  3. hombrecz

    CPU Question.

    Bah, you can always turn off HT in bios and make your i7 shine as well! :thumbsup: Oh how much I yearn for client optimalisation to see some decent frames in SA. By decent, I mean like 40+ in cities, because having i7 4770K and R9 290 and still go down as much as to 20 fps when it cities (depending on where you look), that sucks hard.
  4. hombrecz

    Weapon mechanics in 0.49 stable

    Like month ago, I shot a dude from mosin 3x time, he lived and wasted me with a pistol. Anyway I shot him point blank, 1x stomach, 1x arm and 1x legs. He fell down to the ground, pistol appeared in his head and BOOM, I was dead. But yeah, some desync must have played it's part, dude's animations, when on ground with broken legs whipping pistol, were far from smooth.
  5. hombrecz

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    Man you are hardcore, 1280x720?
  6. hombrecz

    [Maintenance] All Servers Are Down?!

    All aboard the hype train, next destination 0.49 Stable branch!
  7. I call bullshit on this one. Combat knife is a unicorn of DayZ, you can't just casualy find it and stash it in your boots anytime you like! ;)
  8. hombrecz

    What if...

    Let's be more radical and remove all firearms! Everybody would run with knives, hatchets, sharp sticks and top ranged weapon would be a bow or stone. Hmm nah, I think I will pass.
  9. Steal from backpack would need to have animation and some noise even if quiet one. To just click and have instant access to somebody's backpack is both silly and has negative influence on gameplay. Besides if you could do that, some folks would KOS even more, being affraid of jerks stealing sh*t from their backpacks.
  10. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    True, it looks like some alien mumbo jumbo. I guess that smurf hair "scientist" would really see that another proof of ancient f*cking aliens :-D.
  11. Merde comes into the mind, but that's about as far as my knowledge of french goes.
  12. I hope it woun't be possible. Seemed tad stupid, that you could open a backpack without single sound in a second. Anyway bare fists are instrument of doom, so if you manage to sneak upon prone sniper, chances are, you will beat the crap out of him before he manages even to stand up. And once he is KO'ed....well we all know how that story ends.
  13. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    I did not know you lived in Germany man :-). Ok we can have friendly dance in Petrovice, no problem with that :-D. There was crazy type of alphabet called "Hlaholice", that Cyril and Metodej who came from Greece, brought here (it looked like crap tbh, just google it). And according to googlle, after like 10th century, there was switch to Latin and Cyrillic, so apparently there was a time, when Cyrilic was used around here (did not know that). Still it must have been pretty darn long time ago, since Cyrillic was used as official language in these lands.
  14. hombrecz

    Do Stun Batons Actually stun?

    Weird I downed zed in like 3 hits, but I guess I must have hit the head.
  15. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    That could work, or it could go the other way, like Chaingunfighter suggested. So just maybe, vz.58 could be able to mount Acog provided you found mount or rails. But I'd be happy with either! Hmm yes...realism freak inside me is nodding to the notion, that vz.58 would be somehow rarer than your standard AK74 / AKM. To somehow make it worthwile it could be able to use Acog or something that AK's can't. Just an opinion though. Did you call me buddy? You are 100% right, in Czech rep we do not use cyrilic alphabet, but just your normal one that folks in western Europe and US use. Hence it is funny for us czechs to see mix of czech signs along with cyrilic ones. Same as our church is not Orthodox as in Russia, but your average european Catholic one, although we are not very religious. Probably because we had communism since end of the 2nd world war and those guys were not keen on concept of Jesus, but rather comrad Stalin or whoever reigned from Moscow at that time. But it is a funny thing, that our neighbours in Poland are rather hardcore christians and had communist history similar to ours. Regarding your sentiment about military stuff being too abundant I kinda share it. I mean it is inevitable that SA will get more of military stuff, but maybe once stuff gets balanced, all those AK's and M4's will be considerably rare. Well M4's being heli crash only are rare enough I'd say :). On the other hand every player draws his own line as when stuff is too abundant or too rare. There is nothing that devs can do to satisfy 100% of player base. All we might hope for, that game will reach level of balance acceptable for most of the players I think. I would hate to be forced to run around armed with only improvised bow and sharp stick.
  16. hombrecz

    Religion in DayZ, is a god out there ?

    That kind that baptizes you in your own blood and gore? Definitely YES! Plus we need priest clothing, but make it rare.
  17. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Yes thanks for that. I would feel a little offended if any folks thought our Czech republic looks like Chernarus when talking about anything else then geographical layout. I mean we really are not that poor, there are not washmaschines dumped everywhere nor our folks wear clothing from Russian fashion shop from 1980. Indeed! There are certainly more folks that would love this weapon in DayZ :). And I would still argue with Scubaman, that atleast with fixed stock, it kinda looks different than AK. Btw would love this old funky camo clothing as well hehe.
  18. As you correctly mentioned, our avatars are empty vessels, why they should resemble soldier veterans or people with understanding of weapons? You could argue that men are expected to have served some time in the army atleast as conscripts for few years. That would hardly cover women though. Personaly I'd be happy, if they did weapon animation with some guys from Bohemia, you know coders and other folks who might not be very proficient with weapons, and do mocap with them. But I can understand that many players might want their avatars show certain weapon proficiency, more so when they've got it themselves in the real life. So I guess it all goes down to personal preference anyway.
  19. I'd like to think that adjusting of how much the ballistic vest can stop, would be just a matter of tweaking. But I do agree, that it would be bad for gameplay, if we had the situation like in Arma 3. I totaly hated when I put 3-4 rounds of 5.56x45 into a guy's torso, only to see him twitch a little but nothing else. If this should happen in DayZ, I think it would be terrible. I also hope, that devs will remove/fix how the clothing atm absorbs so much of dmg. It should absorb nothing, but when you get shot, it should also not ruin 90% of what you are carrying.
  20. Not sure that was a good thing though. Also I hope we will see rather soon, the introduction of wounded animations. No longer should be player able to casualy sprint away after being hit with certain calibers (open to debate which exactly), but instead slow down, hold his side as shown in 1 of old devblogs and such. And ofc limping for players with injured legs after splint was applied.
  21. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    And that maybe one would have to loot specific sling for crossbow to carry it like a bow or something. Or as you said crossbow would be rarer, which I guess it is even now. But I agree, that if crossbow was made somehow noticeably better than bow, then maybe the bow could get the specific advantage of having specific "carry slot". Still I'm tad worried that this alone would make bow superior as the weapon for silent killing of zeds.
  22. I am all up for having items with ballistic protection provided it is done right. So it should be reasonably rare, there could be plates with various level of protection. If you got hit, you still should take some shock damage even if plate stopped the bullet. You should have less inventory space and be heavier wearing ballistic vest. I think this is the similar situation as when we are talking about machine guns. Those would be interesting in game, BUT might be harder to implement, because without stamina system, loot economy (soon to come) and other tweaks, they would be overpowered. I think same applies to ballistic protection. Btw ballistic helmet is ok, when I got hit wearing it, it knocked me down to quite lengthy coma, so I would call that balanced. What is far more worse is when civilian clothing is stopping bullets...
  23. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    It would certainly interesting to have SIG in akm round, but then again I hated AK in 5.56 so I don't know how that would play out. Anyway sweet rifle indeed. Well surely bow is more easy to carry, but then again, if only bow would be allowed to be carried like that, it would effectively make crossbow useless as I see it. Even now bow is lot better due to craftable arrows and how easy it is to make it, but I hope that bolts will become craftable too, making crossbow kinda on the same level as bow. So if we can carry bow, I think crossbow would need that as well. It's not like xbow is somehow superior to bow.
  24. Now if only devs presented us with the weapon list, they've made recently.
  25. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    I wonder, should devs add a way how to carry second "bigger" weapon? Or should player be able to carry a rifle and allow for bow or crossbow specificaly to be carried as well? Or is it enough to have what we have now and just drop the stuff we have in hands in order to equip weapon slung over the shoulder? Since game will be getting truly persistent loot, even unexpected server restart should not "eat" weapon dropped to the ground.