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Everything posted by hombrecz

  1. hombrecz

    A look at one of the new zombie models

    Yup, hobo with a shotgun right there! Was pleasantly trashy movie hehe. And yea, I would definitely play the sh*t of such character in DayZ. Bored of young handsome clean people, time for old grumpy hobo with pump action! Wish they release it soon (pump action shotty).
  2. hombrecz

    A look at one of the new zombie models

    Dollars? HE DID IT FOR CAN OF BEANS! Even flask of tincture on a bad day...
  3. hombrecz

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Not sure if you already talked about it, but there is supposedly bug where fireplace does not warm you at all, if you make it inside buildings. Also there is new theory that boots are bugged and are causing you getting cold. I was getting you are cooling off messages, found out my boots were damp and ruined, so I switched them and it help. Some folks reports that they need to always change boots when swapping servers, else game thinks they have no boots at all.
  4. hombrecz

    A look at one of the new zombie models

    This new model rocks. Now I wish that we can play as old grumpy hobo man ! I want my ingame character look like this ! And thats including that shopping cart !! edit: just noticed theres what seems as dead lady in that cart. Fk it, want it anyway!
  5. hombrecz


    WTF you did Rick? Did you cut somebody's head...again? Btw always nice to run wild half naked with your buddy aye?
  6. hombrecz

    The 22 rifle

    Would be ok with that, but personaly I'd be fine with mosin being just poor man's rifle with pu scope only and bayonet. But I understand that with how weapons are now, they wanted to have something like "sniper" rifle and Mosin is currently in this role with LRS. Maybe once SVD somes, then Mosin will be changed to pu scope only rifle, we shall see.
  7. hombrecz

    GTX 970 + 980 Owner's Thread

    Damn and here I am having bought R9 290 Tri-X some 3 weeks ago. Guess I should have waited, but the R9 290 was on sale for 285 EUR, which is good price here in CR. 780 was for some 350 EUR and supposedly the 970 will cost some 340 EUR, all prices mentioned valid only here in Czech republic mind you. In USA, you can get those cards for like 1/3 cheaper which makes me cry sometimes. So anyway I believe that R9 290 for that price was good price/performance choice and I don't mind higher electricity consumption that much. Btw I did not notice much of an improvment in FPS department as compared to previous HD 7870, when talking about DayZ. I dont think we will see any until the new renderer and client optimalisations, that would hopefuly make good use of our HW. EDIT: Rick, you rich bastard!
  8. hombrecz

    The 22 rifle

    I'd rather that Blazer and Cz527 accepted optics, rather than Sporter. Also Mosin might be better with just pu scope. I consider Sporter to be basicaly the lowest rifle, pimping it out does not make much sense to me, gameplay wise for sure. But I kinda agree with you, that maybe too many weapons are too modular as it is now.
  9. hombrecz

    The 22 rifle

    I'm saying Sporter is perfectly fine as close range weapon. It has it's uses now and to say it's worthless without scope and bipod sounds stupid. Anyway what's funny is, that you personaly was for having weapons that can NOT get any attachments. I kinda thought that Sporter is perfect candidate for that category as simple low caliber rifle with relatively common ammo.
  10. hombrecz

    Longhorn or Sawed-off Mosin?

    Sawn-off shotty all the way! Ok it is only for close range, but usualy kills in one single damn shot. Since shotty was fixed I fell in love with that beast. Also ammo for shotty seems to be almost the most plentiful from all rifles.
  11. hombrecz

    The 22 rifle

    Why would you put a long range scope on a short range weapon? I mean some CQB red dot thingie would make sense, but anything with higher zoom seems pointless given the fact, that 22.LR has crazy bullet drop. Same goes for bipod, for those under 100m shots do you really need it? I mean it is up to anybody how he pimp out his boomstick, but to say that long range scope and bipod would make sporter a lot better, despite the fact it is ment for closer range, seems as fallacy at best. I think that only thing holding Sporter down is it's magazines being so rare. If we could find atleast those 5 or 10 rounds more often, I think Sporter could shine and became popular atleast along the coast !
  12. hombrecz

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Personaly I don't want to see any large scale military weapon, not mortars, not artillery, nothing like that. I think that RPG is like the maximum suited for DayZ plus maybe some heavier MG's mounted on jeep or such. IED's sounds great and lets not forget that mortar shells could spawn even without actual platform to fire it. On the other hand, if we will be able to craft some IED's then maybe our "empty vessel" avatars will start resembling something like pro russian separatist and less the civilian survivor of the zombie apocalypse.
  13. hombrecz

    where are the guns ?

    Ammo seems either a bit more scarce or it was looted already. I am still not convinced that the loot respawn system is perfect. I mean it often seems that not much respawns at all. Yesterday, after few hours of looting, I had only 7 mosin bullets, dropped it for buddy at the ground floor inside school....and it vanished. Kinda pissed me a bit. Atm I'm using shotgun A LOT. It's the weapon I'm finding most ammo for, plus it's beast at close range. Thinking about carrying sawn-off as backup instead of pistol whenever possible (finding hacksaw is a b*tch though).
  14. Heh imagine the crazy chases in that! High speed pursuing in like 40Km/h speed :-)
  15. Yup since you can spawn next to Cherno, then Zeleno or Pavlovo military bases are pretty close. Also with tent city moved next to Myshkino, there seems to be tons of military spawns in that area. I just think it's too much in that area given that it is relatively close to cherno spawn (or Prigorodki). Compare that to any other spawn point and it is pretty clear that most south-west spawns are best as they are close to most military installations. So in my opinion, barracks the Zeleno and Pavlovo bases are a bit redundant and game would be better off iif they were removed.
  16. hombrecz

    Lovely People out there...

    Come on man, as much as I understand your frustration with those a**holes, don't call for any kind of censure! It could end with direct chat being turned off, which would hurt the gameplay a lot! Or are you aware of any kind of "filter" that could be used for voice chat? Personaly I don't, so I'd advise to just continue playing as it is. There are always jerks in any community, it is plain fact.
  17. hombrecz

    Melee weapons.

    I tend to disagree good Sir. Personaly I prefer splitting axe as that baby seems to be able to chop a lot more trees before getting ruined as opposed to fire axe. It can generaly 1 shot zeds and open cans as well. I think that problem with melee weapons is just the weird way you need to aim to get a hit. For me, it's mostly aiming a bit right of the "dot". I was able to kill zed with 1-2 hits to the head with telescope baton, crowbar and farming hoe, so I would not say they do low damage. It's those torso hits that don't do much. Hm well you can knock out player without helmet with bare fists too quickly, if you ask me. If everybody was Tyson, I would agree, but they surely ain't. Except for wonky hitting mechanics, I'd say melee weapons are ok against zombies, but against players? Well that's another story, it seems crazy I had to stab a dude like 15x with sks bayonet before he collapsed. Plus he most likely just bled out from all those hits instead of the damage from being hit. So yea, dmg of melee weapons needs to be tweaked atleast when talking about player vs player. And hitting mechanics are still far from complete.
  18. hombrecz

    First experiences in .49

    Went with buddies to NWA. Looted tentcity and spotted 3 players moving towards us. Waited for them to get closer, opened fire and I ended headshoted O_o. Buddies eventualy got all 3 of them. Another life, spawned Cherno (hooray). Looted some stuff, found shotgun and some ammo for it. As I was leaving corner shop, got ambushed by 2 black gentlemen (they started shooting me from behind but luckily missed me). 1st one I wasted with 2 shots, he even did not manage to fire his magnum. Second managed to hit me 2-3 times with CZ75 pistol and I went to coma. To my surprise I woke up after like 10 seconds and found the bandit dude bandaging around the corner (guess zombies had something to say about shooting). Needlessly to say, I shot him twice which was the end of him........and than, after like minute, got "no message received" O_o. So all i all, love it so far. LOVE that folks are back in Cherno / Elektro!
  19. Dirt bikes were already in mod, I think it's safe to assume they will return. I like the shitty moped as well :-). Would also like some bike with sidecar!
  20. People are finaly to be seen in Cherno / Elektro, I LOVE THAT. Brings back fond memories of cherno/elektro snipers. Also two black gentlemen tried to waste me when I was running out of Cherno grocery store. They should have reconsidered, as my shotgun proved to be instrument of doom for both of them. Wasted the first one, he had magnum, his bro shot me 2-3 times to my back with CR75 pistol. I went to coma but miraclously awaken after like 20 seconds. To my surprise the bandit was bandaging himself behing a wall few meters away (yes it was on 3rd person on server). I assume he aggroed some zeds when shooting me and they made him bleed. So up I went, reloaded shotgun, turned that corner and shot him twice without even aiming down the sights. Guess he was surprised heh. Oh boy, was my heart racing! So yay for Cherno / Elektro !
  21. hombrecz

    Assault weapon ammo?

    Big part of the charm is to play with cards the game has dealt you. So if you can't find AKM ammo, go with Mosin or Blaze or whatever you find. On the other hand I think the stuff respawn system is a bid weird still, so that often nothing much spawns once folks loot the area.
  22. hombrecz

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    I think it is a bug, that mended item looks does not change unles you re-equip it. You are right. Should be shadows.
  23. Well writen man! It is indeed the hardest thing to not become KOS machine. On the other hand balance is not bad either meaning sometimes you help a stranger, sometimes you might put a bullet in his head instead, preferably if he is armed. But yes I agree, it kinda pisses me off to get betrayed after helping somebody. And again yes, if they call you names afterwards, that's like icing on cake made of shit. Don't understand the need to call somebody a bitch, after you betray him like one.
  24. hombrecz

    Where Can You Find Hunting knifes?

    Hmm I guess you were luckier than me. I remeber finding one or two in very bad shape, but that was long time ago. Recently we got one, after we shot some unlucky chum at Balota and he had one. You might be right. Last combat knife I saw was indeed taken from a body of stranger at Balota! Hope it was not you O_O.
  25. hombrecz

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    Sometimes I get those "no message received" messages like server restarted. Anybody else? Btw that's basicaly what I dislike so far at the last patch.