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Everything posted by hombrecz

  1. hombrecz

    Leather Sack

    I think that stamina system would balance it for both 1st and 3rd person. So having huge backpack filled with stuff would slow you down, you could not sprint or just for short periods, you would get hungry faster, because hauling all that stuff would be straining etc.
  2. hombrecz


    I've read about this as well. They are most likely quite rare though. Anyway I will start checking downed Mi-8's from now on, would love to find that vest and attach butt-backpack to it.
  3. hombrecz

    Leather Sack

    Hm yes, I also mused about leather sack being good because you simply need the deer pelt and knife/machette only. I had so much troubles finding rope lately, so that could, from gameplay side only, justify boar backpack to be larger. On a side note. I don't think introducing of large and camoflaged army backpacks would be bad. They could be rare, plus they would be kinda big, making your silhoute bigger and obstructing your overshoulder view. I guess that is not a big of problem on 3rd person servers, but it is a biggie on 1st person.
  4. hombrecz

    Leather Sack

    Yup, it should be the other way around. Or the big sack could be even 30 slots, the boarskin left 25. Still can't wait for some rare military camo'ed backpacks like Czech backpack was or the Big Coyote one. Edit:would love if you could attach some camping equipment to the backpacks. You know like fryin pan, canteen and such. Also there could be smaller hatchets, still capable of felling a tree, but maybe in more hits. Those smaller ones could also be attached to belt or backpack. Something like this:
  5. hombrecz

    Mosin burlap wrap with grass

    Kinda weird picture and not only because it's almost pitch black. You no longer can attach bipod to Mosin and personally I think, that Mosin is fine just with bayonet and PU scope. Such old rifle is best left barebones, not every weapon needs to have all these tacticool attachments. I'm glad that shotgun did not get rails and bipod :-).
  6. hombrecz

    crash sites

    Just found heli crash west of Cherno on the beach. Was probably looted, but there was several cleaning kits around which makes me wonder, if their loot wasn't nerfed a lot.
  7. hombrecz

    Leather Sack

    It's 90% the same as upgraded courier, but the texture is not one of the burlap sack but of boar skin :).
  8. hombrecz

    crash sites

    Ah ok, they've added 5.56 back to military loot.
  9. hombrecz

    crash sites

    Is M4 worth it? When ammo spawns just at heli crashes or in AK101 magazines, it seems kinda annoying. Seems that dupers or hackers get the most from M4 at the moment.
  10. hombrecz

    Leather Sack

    Crafted that badboy an hour ago from deer pelt. Just move machette or knife over the pelt, it will give you option to craft a sack. Good thing is you do not need rope or sticks to make it. But as it is, 25 slot boar skin backpack rules!
  11. hombrecz

    0.48 - things I've noticed so far

    True but lets wait till zombies are properly done and new melee system is fully implemented. Would be bit crazy to significantly boost zombies as they are now, I think. But yes, later I would expect zombies to survive several hits except for headshots.
  12. Ah ok, been nice talking to you.
  13. hombrecz

    When are the servers back on?

    Come on! He even sweet talked you so you have to oblige! :-D
  14. Sure, it's not like I've suggested both different way of reloading and how to pave way for not using backpack on the move. Yup, totally unrelated for shure.
  15. hombrecz

    When are the servers back on?

    I have to say, that so far I'm very happy with this new patch. Melee seems tad better, still not optimal but we are getting there and loot is finaly back. Not too much, but you still find something and that makes game fun for me. Also lots on new craftable stuff like leather bag (deer pelt), burlap sack wrap for Mosin, 1st stage of being able to craft arrows etc.
  16. hombrecz

    Lost my rifle TWICE now

    Fair enough. Personally I would not trade accuracy of keyboard+mouse for convenience of sitting on couch with gamepad. On the other hand if my wrists get bad from playing, gamepad might be my last option (out of necessity though). Just sayin'.
  17. It's actually kinda related since implementing what I've suggested would make it easier to stop access to backpacks while moving. I mean a lot of folks would cry if they had to reload only from inventory.
  18. For your sake I hope devs will put in correct velocity for level action rifle. We all know how horny you are after western stuff. With revolver, level action, cowboy hat, riders jacket....maybe all that's let are boots with spurs? As for shotgun speedloader bug....HTF I did not know that?! Is that bug still in or was it fixed? I kinda like shotguns, loved that they upped/fixed the damage, although it seems as shooting just 1 pellet.
  19. But why completely ignore my suggestion about jackets and pants having items easily accessible? I know how backpack worked in DayZ mod or in reality.
  20. hombrecz

    Lost my rifle TWICE now

    Even having spent dozens hours of playing FPS'es on Xbox, before I sold it, I could never appreciate clunkyness of gamepads vs precision of quality gaming mouse. I guess it also depends on how much you care about the outcome of gun fight. Only positive thing I see about gamepads is that your wrists are not under such stress and that you can sit on couch and pretend you play on console. Every time I see console players arguing about how their gamepads are better for FPS games I cringe. Not saying it is what you are saying here though.
  21. Why would you need to go through backpack, if you have bullets in pants or hoodie? There should be a difference of having items in easily accessible pants pockets or hoodie contrary to unslinging backpack and shuffling through it. My suggestion is it to allow only stuff from jackets and pants into hotbar. Say you have mosin rounds in hoodie. You put mosin rounds to slot 1. You have mosin in your hands, you want to load a bullet, you press 1 and you put 1 bullet into Mosin's internal magazine. Obviously you would need to press it 5x to load all 5 bullets. If it was AK and there was ak mag in slot 1, you would reload whole magazine by pressing 1.
  22. hombrecz

    Notes on the ground

    I think first improvement should be, that written notes looks different than blank paper. I'm tired of checking every paper I find only to stare at blank page O_o.
  23. hombrecz

    Lost my rifle TWICE now

    Wait what? You would really play Arma games on gamepad? I mean the infantry part, not vehicles ofc. If so then you never cease to amaze me Katana67.
  24. hombrecz

    Notes on the ground

    Personally Id like players having diaries a lot more. Maybe some entries could be automated, like when you kill a player or find a gun or something.
  25. hombrecz

    Notes on the ground

    Well yes, in reality you could cut off anything off your victims. Still not sure it would benefit the game O_o.