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Everything posted by hombrecz

  1. I think that what you say would apply more to western countries, where people are richer and can afford expensive hunting optics and rails and stuff needed to fit that on Mosin. Chernarus looks rather poor hence I think Mosin with just PU would make a lot more sense. Lot more than Mosin with custom bipod, railing and 1000 USD optics.
  2. hombrecz

    Wooden Bows

    Sadly chicken is the unicorn of DayZ hence don't bother with bow atm. Also there is no quiver for arrows, which also makes bow play rather unpleasant. Anyway I look forward when we can craft bolts/arrows, have quiver for them and when this whole bow/xbow business will not be harder than getting mosin/sks and lots of ammo.
  3. Seeing that OP firmly believes, that AKM is shitty weapon, I am not surprised by any other foolishess he indulges in.
  4. hombrecz

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I'm not sure that being against adding "Veyrons" in harsh,gritty post-apo game in piss poor country translates into setting rarity bar insanely low. Also adding such hyper-rare stuff, which I guess should be powerfull, into game requires a lot more work than adding common stuff. I mean to have hyper rare and powerfull gear properly implemented in game would need complex stamina system, a lot better protection against duping, working global loot "economy" system, rare ammo and probably other tweaks. In case this can not be managed, game could be better off them most likely. Don't get me wrong, I want some very rare stuff ingame to provide sense of acomplishment or simply joy of finding extra rare piece. Thing is I am strongly against making this game western weaponry loot extravaganza. We need more western weapons than now, but we surely (imo) do not need every nor majority of those weapons to be in game in order to make game great. Sometimes less is more and if setting is bent too much, it will become too generic, which I believe would be wasted opportunity.
  5. hombrecz

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Yup, Chernarus is fictional and one would have to be blind to not see, that is it very poor country. Hence why expensive tacticool (I just like that expression) gear is nothing you would expect around everycorner. This is also why I was keen on having richer background story from Devs. That would help to manage expectations of what the majority of loot will consist of, what should be present but rare etc. Also I like how you post links like that. I mean yes, there is Barrett dealership in Prague. But does it mean you will find M107 ? No sir, it is illegal for civilians to have them, so IF the game was in Czech republic (I know it isn't), then M107 would be rare to the point of not worth of adding at all (ok army have dozen or two of them). Same as you can buy very expensive cars here, but those extra expensive models are also very rare. So would it really make a huge sense to even put them into DayZ ? I know some folks would be ecstatic if they could drive Bugatti Veyron in DayZ, for me it would seem just wrong. But hey, I came to accept two things. First, we most likely will disagree on most things. Second, Devs will do whatever they want regardless. Still this will not stop me from voicing my concern. Also I'm quite sure that our cultural differences play huge role in what we perceive as normal. Some hope is in fact, that only after SA is in Beta will the actual balancing start. That, I hope, is the real reason why we found most of the stuff in such abundancy and in often weird location. But yes, I still can't stop wishing for SA to provide more gritty and survival experience. Maybe not such a hardcore like the road, but certainly not the happy loot extravaganze we have now. I was shaking head in disbelief when looting Balota tent camp. Like 10 AKM mags, 2 drums, several SKS rifles and that camp was already looted ! Ok, I should not mention this much, since such concerns about balance belongs to beta as we all know. So let's hope, that later, weapons will most often be used just with iron sights and finding optic for your weapon will be something. That we will see more fights where folks have to use pistols, shotguns or other civilian weapons. That finding good military will be not as common sight as now and that ammo will have bigger value due to scarcity. Btw played on experimental yesterday and it was a lot more hardcore experience. Even if you scavenged whole Polana, you get only few pieces of food and some basic clothing. Finding axe and machette made me happy as I could then live off the land and survive. Only problem I saw when on looted server, villages often had absolutely nothing and that was making the game unplayable for me. So maybe respawn mechanics need to be tweaked, but once stuff properly respawns, it should respawn less stuff then now, a lot less. You mentioned rare chance of weapons spawning with attachments of sorts. From reality point of view,this makes perfect sense. From gameplay perspective, if it was a rare occurance, then I guess why not. Most of the attachments need to be more rare anyway.
  6. hombrecz

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I have yet to see serious person mounting say bayonet or flashlight to sniper rifle :-). Oh well, as I previously said, I hope aftermarket parts will be seriously rare given the settings although you can play "but Ukraine!" card now. On a side note, I would still consider "tacticooled" Mosin as needless addition to DayZ.
  7. hombrecz

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    You can have good weapon and you can still attach all kind of crazy stuff to it and make it tacticool. For example adding bayonet to sniper rifle would not make that weapon unable to kill people over long ranges, yet it would look most likely ridiculous. So nope, I don't see any contradiction here, just nitpicking. I still think that DayZ does not need to be weapon extravaganza in order to provide harsh survival experience. I hope, that once we are in beta, rails and after market attachments will become rather rare as well.
  8. hombrecz

    101 vs AKM

    Saying that AKM is shitty was really "good" argument lol. Btw all above video is proving is that you have no clue about bullet drop of 7.62x39 because you are not compensating for it. Here, I found your problem with AKM for you!
  9. I fail to see why adding more complex background to DayZ would hurt anything? It just seems devs don't want to bother, that is all.
  10. hombrecz

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Well the thing is, that DayZ SA had/has a chance to become unique game set in harsh post-communistic Eastern country ravaged by zombies. Now when everybody will run around with fully pimped out M4, FN Scar or God forbigs golden Desert Eagles, this game will become something else. Also poor country is not really place where you would expect tons of hi-tech weapons lying everywhere, eastern weapons should be prevalent since if the country is former member of Warsaw pact, it would have appropriate weapon systems, be it AK's or local variations using the same ammo (Beryl, Sa Vz.58, Zastava etc). I see you mentioned Czech republic, place where I lived my whole life. I can tell you that weapon-wise, our republic was not heavily influenced by NATO, certainly not before 1989 where communist reqime was overthrown. Even after that, bulk of armament of our army consisted of Samopal vz.58 in 7.62x39 caliber and LMG vz.59 using 7,62x54R and SVD Dragunovs. Only years after change or regime the army bought few dozens of NATO weapons (M4's, m249, M107) but these are highly non standard and in vast minority. It is not hard to imagine why, such weapons costs a lot of money, which is something that many eastern countries do not have in overabundance. In 2010 Czech army bought around 200 FN minimis in 7,62x51 and in the same year, our arms factory in Uhersky Brod introduced Bren 805 in various calibers (5.56x45 foremost) which is being adopted by army, to replace aging but trusty vz.58 Now we know, from single not very complex reddit post of Scubaman, that there were NATO forces in this area. Ok, this makes M4 and other US Army stuff plausible. Still I think it should be a lot more rare, same for it's ammo. Personally I don't see much of value in adding say Sten or Tommy gun. Yes it looks distinctive, but is the quallity of this game really dependant on having every weapon there is? Also when 3d folks do not have time to introduce existing rifles with duct taped flashlights it most likely mean, they have ton of stuff to do first. Katana67 mentioned, that people should have the right to chose. Hell yes, but only WITHIN the given settings. When I'm playing Battlefield 4, do I need to be given choice to fire medieval crossbow or laser cannon? Is really watering down specific setting od DayZ SA good thing? Do we really need every weapon there is? Is it not better to be pressed to make hard choices, like if I will carry Mosin or CZ527 instead of chosing between carrying golden Desert Eagle with Lapua Magnum sniper rifle or Cheytac M200? There is really enough FPS games offering most of the modern weapons and even some obscure ones. Games which allows you to make your rifle the best tacticool instrument of mass destruction. I simply don't see why DayZ SA should become one of them.... p.s. I don't see harm in having say FN Fal or Garand in game, provided it's not tossed around every corner. Still I do not agree with "let's add everything that shoot" mentality when talking about Standalone.
  11. Single not very complex reddit post, that majority of folks most likely even did not see, is just not enough to describe DayZ SA background. Even your own post about about specific military forces was FAR more complex and that was just made up fanfiction with zero real value, since it was not from devs. Think what you will, it seems that devs are not bothered about DayZ SA background much. Having just one pitiful post proves it. But yeah, let's argue for sake or agument shall we? :-).
  12. hombrecz

    101 vs AKM

    Weird I can't see flying bullets at all, except for tracers ofc. Also saying you don't bother with AKM anymore sounds bit idiotic. In postapocalyptic world you would cream your pants finding AKM more so with drum mag. Oh well, enjoy your tailored AK101 supremacy, but don't be surprised when somebody kicks your bum with AKM though.
  13. hombrecz

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Hm personally I'm against majority of western WW2 weapons ingame as well as some modern oddities. I don't think that adding every single weapon there is would make the game better. Ofc you were not commenting on rarity, but still. It reminds me of czech tale about Dog and Cat making a cake. They put in everything they liked. Cooked it, but after eating it, they got sick.
  14. There was this single reddit post where Torchia said something about DayZ being part of Armaverse and that there were NATO forces in that country etc. I mean it was single, not very complex post and that's it. It's as devs did not think about it much at all. Anyway given the stuff ingame, the year surely must be 2000+.
  15. hombrecz

    101 vs AKM

    Oh dude, I see you went "CALMLY" full r-tard here. Oh well, bye bye.
  16. hombrecz

    Are they improving performance ?

    You, me and majority of players are hoping that the new renderer will help with client optimalisations and we will finally get decent FPS even in towns. If DayZ should always run like now, it would be HUGE let down
  17. hombrecz

    101 vs AKM

    Dude if you tailor fantasies, atleast stay consistent. In one post you wrote:"AKM can't even hit shit passed 500 meters.". In this other post you changed your story to "which is a piece of shit useful only up to 200". I understand you want to be e-badass, but chill down a bit and stop lying so obviously.
  18. hombrecz

    101 vs AKM

    Ammo for AKM is still less pain to get, than going for it to Barracks or tents. Personally I don't like the drum much, I'd leave that only for RPK. Ak101 might be more accurate over long range, AKM packs more punch in close range though.
  19. Some more NATO guns are welcome as long as they are considerably more rare then civilian rifles or AK's ofc. Maybe the problem with most of the gun debates is that not so many folks are mentioning rarity. Somebody says:"I want G36". Then Eastern setting lover goes:"Hell naw, we need more eastern stuff." And while I agree, that more eastern stuff is needed, some western gear is needed as well, should be just considerably more rare. Same with ammo, hence the AK101 was a bad move, connecting eastern rifle with nato ones. Hard to judge rarity when loot is FAR from being completed and tweake & ballanced. Let's pray to baby Jesus that duping will be fixed, item respawn tuned to be not too much, not too little and that Standalone will become a lot more about survival than about shooting with tacticool gunz like there is no tomorrow.
  20. hombrecz

    101 vs AKM

    At the moment, there is too much of 5.56x45 ammo around. Also way to much stuff at NWA as well. Anyway I'd take AKM over AK101 any day if I could chose.
  21. Sorry but what? By farming one would assume you mean loot cycling or server hopping or some other shady tactics. If you are asking how hard is to get the best equip now, then it depends. Was on NWA last night, somebody already went through it, so I did not find AKM of any type. Still there were several SKS rifles, tactical vests, pistols and crazy ammount of AKM magazines. Found like 10 in total, 2x drums and also few mags for AK101. Before going to NWA I found just shotgun and Blazer (twice) and some pistols. So maybe the answer is, that it is a bit harder to gear up, but maybe it just depends on your luck. Still there seemed to be too much stuff at NWA to be honest.
  22. Well as I see it, Dayz could use more improvised stuff in general. Really, taping flashlight to rifle is not rocket science. I also disagree with "taping everything". While adding flashlight would have sense for night, taping foregrip would be foolish as it would wobble and fall off quickly, since you would apply quite some force by holding it while firing the weapon. By going with the same logic you could disagree with adding baseball bat with nails. Why, when you could simply loot axe right? Well reason is to enrich gameplay, provide more options as well as add bit of realism. So I'm all for a lot more improvised things and since dev team has grown up considerably, they should find time to do this at some point. Rocket himself said, that SA should be supported for several years. I fial to see why adding things like ducting flashlight to rifles something impossible or non-desirable. Also why not saw-off most of the rifles too? We got sawn-off shotty, mosin, but why not sporter or pump action shotgun, once it's in? There is really no reason NOT to do it , except that it takes time and resources. But hey, they've sold over 2 mils of the game, PS4 port is in play, only the sky should be the limit !
  23. Scubaman made himself pretty clear, that the do not want to redo every model often. I still hope that further down the road, we will be able to duct tape flashlight on every rifle. It would enrich gameplay in my opinion and once new renderer is in, nightplay with flashlight might be a lot better than now.
  24. There is simply no balance at the moment, that is all. Once we are in beta, then we should be seeing some good military stuff being more rare, even clothing and ammo as well. So at the moment, it's more about adding stuff and mechanics, rather then ballancing stuff or polishing gameplay. I strongly hope, that during beta phase, weapons and ammo, will get more rare. Also canned food will not be that plentifull, so that we will have to hunt animals. I'm not saying I want 100% "The Road" experience, but I think scavenging should be harder in every aspect. So yeah, I'm waiting for beta to see how the gameplay changes (I hope it will).
  25. hombrecz

    Every so often you meet a player that changes you. This is Michael.

    That was true bromance! Loved it till the bitter end.