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About JohnMcClane

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. JohnMcClane

    Exp Update 0.63.147489

    Yeah, I got that. Unfortunately that's a clumsy and ridiculous requirement to play and a poor excuse for being years in and key mapping not working.
  2. JohnMcClane

    Exp Update 0.63.147489

    Control binding is completely broken. Spent about 20 minutes trying to reconfigure the controls to "the old mapping" to no avail. Can't play the game if I can't aim down the sights!
  3. JohnMcClane

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Newest live update for me: Stuck in first person on third person enabled server, pressing "P" for player list no longer works.
  4. JohnMcClane

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    You shouldn't. The game is based on realism right? If you're outgunned you're outgunned. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of .60exp so far. Only played for a few hours but in that time I have found the game to be more stable than at any time I've played it before. I know the new GFX engine is WIP, but as it is it looks great. I ran over to Berezino yesterday to meet my friend who spawned, and it was really cool to descend into the fog from the hills as the sun went down. Encountered a few zombies along the way too. I like the way this game is heading right now. If they were to stop adding new features today and simply refine what already exists, this would be a very popular game.
  5. How could you make up your mind about this game after only 2 hours..?
  6. Found 6 leverguns so far. They're all over.
  7. JohnMcClane

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Hey 3PO, nobody cares. It's a video game, one where you can do whatever you want. Get over it.
  8. JohnMcClane

    To Drew, Berezino Station

    Nobody cares.
  9. JohnMcClane

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Lol at anyone complaining about the difficulty of an MULTIPLAYER/OPEN WORLD/POST APOCALYPTIC/RULELESS COMPUTER GAME.
  10. JohnMcClane

    Make firearms less powerful

    If you were to be shot in the chest with any of the above from effective range, you would die with one shot. Unless you are very very lucky. If anything, weapons are underpowered. I constantly hit guys with 5.45 rounds and 6+ center mass rounds later they fall. Get shot with any gun at all in the real world and unless you're superman you're going to at least stumble.
  11. I enjoy both points of view. I typically travel in third person because obviously I have a higher level of awarness to my surroundings. However the primary reason for using 3P is just so I can enjoy the scenery. First person seems claustraphobic to me for the purposes of traveling. However when I know that combat is imminant, or end up in combat I switch over to first person.
  12. JohnMcClane

    been away long time - some questions

    DayZ definitely runs smoother on a SSD. I even noticed a difference when I went from one SSD to two SSD's in a RAID0.
  13. JohnMcClane

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    If we get rid of most of the guns, nobody will get shot anymore. That's how we (the US) stopped everyone from doing drugs.. :rolleyes: See how stupid that sounds? This entire thread is a parrot of the real life gun control debate we constantly have in the US. It always boils down to Those with guns have power over those without. Complaining about KoS is pointless, because thankfully the game isn't the way a few of you want it to be. Most of us are very happy with the current balance of power, and enjoy it. There are multiple play styles. The reason I enjoy this game so much is because it is the closest thing I have found in a video game that can recreate the feeling of fear I that crave. Go someplace shitty in the world for some period of time, and you too will understand this feeling - and rush. If you want to run around gunless and naked, have fun. Do whatever you want, it's your game. Arguing opinion is pointless. I'll keep on keeping on, and enjoy my long lived (and very well armed) characters.
  14. JohnMcClane

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    But neither are rare in the real world.. As of 2007 it was estimated that there were at least 875 million firearms in the world. I somehow doubt that Chernarus (regardless of its status a fictional place) with multiple military bases and camps would only have a handful of guns in it. Not to mention private ownership. Cutting the amount of guns in the game creates two types of players: Those who have and those who have not. Then what?