Binoculars. As it stands you have a single set of binoculars that appear to be WW2 relics. I was going to suggest a laser rangefinder attachment but then had a better idea, add a rarer pair of binoculars that look military and have a laser rangefinder on them or as an attachment you need to find separately. Not in the hud itself but on the side of the binoculars so you can only see it when you have the binoculars up but are not looking through them. The laser rangefinder also adds the possibility of playing as a proper 2 person sniper team, one with the gun and the other one spotting targets and finding the range for the sniper to adjust his gun to. Rope, to go around the neck been suggested before but why the hell not its a popular suggestion. Also pulling out binoculars looks a little more friendly than a mosin with an LRS on it. (been shot, KOed then revived after explaining for this reason) Backpacks Spray paint is close enough to an attachment, Green and black backpacks would looks better on some players than a tan bulge on their back, I mainly want the black one(of any description, even if only a black smersh backpack on my back) to go with the black tactical set I use. For now I just drop all backpacks the moment I find a black HC vest. had 2 more ideas but don't think its possible they will ever make it into this game.