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Everything posted by jtsnowboy

  1. jtsnowboy

    will dayz work well on my non gaming laptop?

    You may be able to run the game but run and play are two different things.. Do a little research and see if you can build yourself something for cheap to run dayz and other games, I built this pc for 350 off of new egg. It plays dayz pretty well on normal graphics.
  2. jtsnowboy

    Your first murder!

    Me and my bud were looting the apartments in cherno, my friend was outside when I heard shots outside. He comes running in bleeding all over the place, while he is bandaging I sneak outside and into another building, my friend soon joins me, I told him to sit tight (because he was low on blood) while I deal with the issue at hand, ( I was nervous ) Armed with my revolver I made my way up the stairs. as soon as I rounded the last corner I see him with his Ak47 I Unloaded on him hitting him in the head, torso, leg and arm, I then ran back down the stairs bleeding like a cunt. my friend bandaged me. we went back up to find his lifeless body full of loot! That was my first, and NOT my last! :) It felt great beacuse this guy attacked my friend
  3. jtsnowboy

    Pvp, Too much of it nowadays?

    I agree, Everyone shoots onsite. I am willing to team up but have no way of communicating that before I'm shot. Maybe if there was way to tell if someone is friendly by looking at them maybe after committing a murder your player model changes to a model that looks like Casey Anthony.
  4. I really hope they come back soon, I am a heli freak lol I fly rc helis and love the physics of arma heli's its almost spot on to real heli control.
  5. jtsnowboy

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Is the zombie run or attack speed increased? I was killed while in a full sprint when a zombie hit me and knocked me down. I had no chance of survival the hour glass was barely drained when I died. I appreciate the over all difficulty of the game but I felt like it was a little much that I died so quickly.. Anyone else experience that? I hate getting gang banged by zombies like that espicially when they come threw a closed door and one tap me.
  6. jtsnowboy

    This game feels neutered.

    I Just read your guide, Its valuable. But currently its not just Arma 2 its mostly the mod as you know so leave it alone. (the situation not the mod)
  7. jtsnowboy

    Vehicle Spawns thread

    What server are you playing on, I have NEVER seen a vehicle.. Do all the servers have vehicles working?