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Everything posted by BeaverProductions

  1. BeaverProductions

    2 freshies vs geared guys + Nice ending (NWAF) |23minuts|

    Nice video guys. I enjoyed it
  2. BeaverProductions

    Chernarus In Real Life Pics

    I didnt accuse you of thieving the photos, merely that lack of full disclosure that they are not your photos means that by inference it can look like you are passing them off as your own. If you want to continue to post other peoples work without giving them credit, go for it. A simple statement saying "Found this imgur post" or something similar would prevent any ambiguity.
  3. BeaverProductions

    Chernarus In Real Life Pics

    Its good that you shared this link, but please in future give credit to the actual person who took the photos and posted them on reddit, as otherwise it just looks like you are thieving his content. Reddit user /u/ralexand posted these here https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/3hkw9b/i_visited_the_chernarus_area_in_czech_republic/
  4. BeaverProductions

    Beav - ☢ Point of No Return ☢

    I spotted a group of 3 players near Lopatino and decided to track them. I followed through Lopatino to the Heli crash site, then onwards to the bus garage near Vavilovo. There came a point where I regretted getting too close and passing the point of no return, I decided to engage rather than risk death to several armed players. Filmed on patch 0.57 just prior to the expected 0.58 release (which never came).
  5. BeaverProductions

    Beav - ☢ Point of No Return ☢

    Thanks dude I think we can all agree that generally, a 4 man squad up north will kill you 95% of the time. Perhaps they were friendly? I will never know.
  6. BeaverProductions

    Beav - ☢ Point of No Return ☢

    Yeah I do feel guilty about destroying them all, but thats DayZ for you. I had to cut out some parts, due to time constraints, where they seemed to be having a laugh. They wouldn't let one of their crew get back in the truck at the heli crash site and kept driving away and stopping. I was chuckling. Perhaps they would have been friendly, but thats the thing...I have to live with my decision to engage first as I will never know what the outcome would have been if I had said hello. Probably death for me
  7. BeaverProductions

    Beav - ☢ Point of No Return ☢

    hehe you're welcome. I used to be a scientist so the symbols mean a lot to me :)
  8. BeaverProductions

    Can't find any damn batteries

    I take it this in in stable? Yeah, you wont find any on stable
  9. Video Name: Into The Vybor Night Video Length: 12 mins Video Description Action Video Description: In this solo adventure, I get into 3 fights/encounters with at least 4 guys within 45 minutes of game play up north. The transition from daytime to dusk, then to the dead of night, really ramps up the tension for the final epic "Run 'N Gun'" battle against two assailants. The first fight starts at 00:45 The second fight starts at 2:00 The final epic battle starts at 7:00
  10. BeaverProductions

    Obtain higher FPS in DayZ

    What config changes have you made?
  11. BeaverProductions

    whats the plan for optimization?

    Around 1.5 actually for principal development
  12. BeaverProductions

    I miss you already Mosin

  13. BeaverProductions

    I miss you already Mosin

    Cheers Count
  14. BeaverProductions

    Easiest Tag and Release, Ever

  15. BeaverProductions

    Back and forth

    Nasty little situation you found yourself in there. Shit to die by wall banging :/
  16. BeaverProductions

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    Go here: http://www.izurvive.com/# Click the magnifying/search tool type in your town
  17. BeaverProductions


    Russian heli crash sites
  18. BeaverProductions

    Dynamic events locations

    We are talking about police car spawns also? Would love to see dynamic events where a police car screams down a road and crashes into a building.
  19. BeaverProductions

    Calm Before The Storm - PVP in Zelenogorsk

    In this clip, I get into a spot of bother in Zelenogorsk after spending 10 minutes making sure the place was empty.
  20. BeaverProductions

    Calm Before The Storm - PVP in Zelenogorsk

    All I can say is thank feck I had a drum mag :)
  21. BeaverProductions

    Shooting Fish in a Barrel

    In this clip, we were just about to head along to Vybor and stopped for some food and drink when we heard a V3S in the distance. None of us had Long Range Scopes for our Mosins, so the PU scopes got put to work from 800m. These poor buggers never had a chance.
  22. This video covers about 2 hours of in game time. We encountered so many players and had heart pumping fights at 4 different locations. Here are the best bits from 3 of them, a revenge killing, a truck attack and 3 different players at Veresnik Military Base.
  23. BeaverProductions

    I hate DayZ but I love it so much...

    Where in your first post do you mention you work in Win10? Working in Windows 10 doesnt make you any more of an expert than myself who Project Manages Clinical Trials and has worked in developing databases. Both partially relevant fields but completely different and not transferrable to DayZ development.