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Everything posted by BeaverProductions

  1. BeaverProductions

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Anyone know how long it takes to snare a rabbit or trap some fish? I set my rabbit snare before looting a town and checked it after about 15 mins and it was still empty.
  2. BeaverProductions

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Do rabbit snares disapear on server crashes or restarts? Are they not persistent? Dam, I was planning on setting one when I logged out then checking it when I logged back in again.
  3. BeaverProductions

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    A few of my notes from patch. First Aid kits seem to be bugged. Whenever you pick one up and drop it again it creates another one. There were about 10 identical First Aid kits in one of the blue hospital buildings.Dropping items sometimes disappear more often now. I found my items in another room of the building. Your hitbox seems to be much buggier. A lot of the time a zed spotted me and I ran into a building to fight it so I had cover from snipers, it would start attacking my hitbox at the door entrance. Only ever had this before at Police Stations. Also seems to be a bit more lag/delay/desync when fighting zombies. They would be facing the opposite direction to me attacking my desynced hitbox out in the open. Never had this before.Have they upped the zombie count? Seemed to be scores of them in Elektro and they seemed to spot me through buildings with no windows from 2-300+ meters away when they never had line of sight on me
  4. BeaverProductions

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Its a catch 22 regarding running/starving. If your bordering on starvation, I think walking to find food would take too long and you would be dead before you reach somewhere.
  5. BeaverProductions

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I think it just needs tweaked a little bit. I was starving then found and ate about 3 or 4 food items. I was starving again within 10-15 mins. Seemed a little extreme to me. I actually prefer to get off the coast as soon as possible. Went inland around the SE coast, looted Tulga to find food as I was starving by that point. Found a few bit of food but there was no chance I could survive going further inland. The new hunger system will probably be fine once you find enough gear to hunt/fish/grow food, but until you have collected all the required items, it seems harsh to me. Will try again tonight and see how it goes. Will head directly inland from a fresh spawn.
  6. BeaverProductions

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Played the exp build last night and this morning for about 5 hours total. Moved between coast and inland on the constant hunt for food. Also switched servers a couple of times to find unlooted areas to hunt for food. It was very scarce indeed. Resorted to berries and apples to survive sometimes when desparate but always in my mind was the fact that I probably would not find enough apples/berries to keep me alive and searching for them meant that I wasnt looking for proper food. I did find some but after a tin of tactical bacon, peaches and some fruit, within a short period of time I was starving again :/ All in all it wasn't a particularly enjoyable experience. Not once did I ever manage to get to the bright green energised icon. I didnt even waste much time looking for weapons as I was constantly flirting with death due to starvation. I tied a couple of rabbit traps, planted them, looted towns and cities then returned to the traps and they were empty. Searched everywhere for a fishing hook and was contemplating fishing to survive. Died before I found one. I personally think that the hunger system on 0.49 is too easy (on non-persistant servers food is everywhere) but the current 0.50 system is too punishing as there is the double whammy of little food and more severe hunger system.
  7. BeaverProductions

    Help this lost Bambi

    If you cant find your way back, take off all your clothes and leave DayZ running for a few hours while you do something else and you should be dead. If you have picked up something that would kill you faster (Disinfectant, Alcohol Tincture) eat that.
  8. BeaverProductions

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    Plenty of servers available in EU for 1PP. Do you live on the moon?
  9. BeaverProductions

    Holding Tent and Server Restart?

    Dont know about a tent specifically, but secondary guns will either still be in your hand on at your feet on the ground when you log in again. I'm assuming its the same for anything in your hands
  10. Ah right. I think you need to work on your comedy posts.
  11. BeaverProductions

    Hypothermia, knockouts, fires and strangers. Man... it was emotional.

    Love your stuff Mike. Poor Lottie
  12. BeaverProductions

    First Gunfight

    Sounds like a adrenalin fueled moment there. If you do spot someone, don't approach instantly. Follow him and see if he has a friend. I personally wouldn't approach 2 players unless both unarmed, even then its still risky. Before you make contact, make sure you have the upper hand, i.e. the dude is looting and standing still.
  13. BeaverProductions

    Couple questions.

    I'm sure your correct, but with optimisation, they should be able to direct some of the processing traffic to the GPU.
  14. BeaverProductions

    how does the rangefinder work?

    Rangefinders work by sending out a laser to the target. The light will bounce off the target and back to the rangefinder. The time it takes for the light to reach the target and back to the rangefinder allows you to calculate distance as we know the speed of light and time. distance=speed/time
  15. What has the game being in alpha got to do with forum stickying a handy bit of information about the current login issues which could lead to a character wipe?
  16. BeaverProductions

    Couple questions.

    1. Running/Walking doesn't affect hunger. I'm not 100% sure that running affects temperature, but I did see in a devblog that they had implemented it, but not clear if it was on experimental or stable servers or still in development. 2. On the bottom right on your windows desktop you should see a small speaker icon next to the date/time. Right click that and select "Recording Devices". There are options in there to tweak your mic. Once you have set it up, I test it by launching Sound Recorder (Start Button> All Programs>Accessories>Sound Recorder) and recording some audio and play it back to see what it sounds like. 3. Both Exp and Stable are DayZ Standalone. There is no access to the mod in this game. Experimental (0.50) is usually 1 patch ahead of the stable version (0.49). The devs use experimental to test out new things before they get rolled out to the stable servers. Google a guide on how to play the Experimental as you cannot join them without activating Beta-Content in Steam and downloading the patch. 4. Servers are buggy at the moment and restarting and crashing as random times. Some servers get stuck when restarting, so althoguh it looks like players are on the server, its actually crashed and you get the "Waiting for host" for a long time and nothing happens. 5. DayZ SA is a very processor heavy game and not so much GPU. Im sure this will change once the game is optimised. There are guides everywhere to get an extra few FPS out of your system. There are lots of options you can turn off which take up a lot of processing power which you dont really need.
  17. BeaverProductions

    Repairing items and clothing

    Try taking them off and putting back on - fixes the glitched status
  18. BeaverProductions

    DayZ Standalone - Beav Solo Journeys Part 3

    Hey folks. Part 3 of my solo journeys is now on Youtube. Showing my death, respawn, murdered again, and I needed revenge. My Guilty Kill
  19. BeaverProductions

    Blurry graphics for 3 days now(6 game hours)

    Yeah you can eat and drink until it says you are full/stuffed. I recommend always having the "Healthy" icon on you at all times as if you get shot and go unconscious, you can be regenerating when you are out cold.
  20. BeaverProductions

    Blurry graphics for 3 days now(6 game hours)

    Make sure your hydrated and energised icons are bright green. If they are, you should either see "Healing" or "Healthy" below them.
  21. BeaverProductions

    More loot?

    Not really. There are 2 types of server just now. Ones with persistence enabled and ones with it disabled. The ones with persistence enabled seem to have a problem with items respawning. If I go onto one of these servers you can travel from town to town and only find things like chemlights, hats, hammers (i.e. useless things). This happens even after the server restarts. Servers with persistence disabled will respawn fresh loot all over the map at each server restart. If you join a server with lots of people on it you are more likely to not find much, especially on the coast, as people will die and loot everything on the coast. If you join a server with just a few people on it you will have a greater chance of finding stuff.
  22. BeaverProductions


    Check out my video here at 3:30 to see how BOSS goats can be :)
  23. BeaverProductions


    Its tough, but if you get the right server with a little bit of lag, you can axe them to death :) Killed a few pigs that way
  24. BeaverProductions

    Server/update status?

    Why do you think? You have 623 posts, surely you know about wednesday maintenance...you know...the topic we are discussing on this thread?
  25. BeaverProductions

    Server/update status?

    Sometimes, but today may just be server maintenance. There has been no update from the dev team that today is anything other than maintenance.