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Everything posted by BeaverProductions

  1. BeaverProductions

    Bug Feedback is VERY important

    There are probably other tickets on the same issue, but the devs usually merge them. This one was closed because they think the issue is resolved. I know the tricks to get your character back and to prevent it being lost in the first place, I was just bringing this to everyones attention to make sure you are all reporting this issue , and other issues if it they do happen
  2. BeaverProductions

    Explanation Persisten server

    I logged into one of the current stable persistence enabled servers (not an official one) and seen a ruined Improvised Backpack in the middle of a firestation (with a ruined magnum inside). Now I have no idea if the backpack was ruined when it was dropped, but I suspect it was from someone that died in there and all their gear and backpack was ruined. Now I went back onto that server 24-36 hours later and the same items were still there inside the fire station. I believe whats meant to happen is that dropped items will degrade in quality then despawn after a period of time (dont know how long). Backpacks can be dropped and left for a few days before they degrade in quality and despawn (Dont know how long this takes but i think a few days) Tents should keep everything as long as you visit them every few days. We all know there are issues and bugs with persistence.
  3. BeaverProductions

    Bipod and Mosin

    There are videos on youtube. I'm hardly letting the cat out of the bag.
  4. BeaverProductions

    Bipod and Mosin

    What, that antibiotics dont do anything or the walking/sniping trick? Bug exploits should be for everyone, just just the chosen few :P
  5. BeaverProductions

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    Hehe nice one....and now your ready for revenge :)
  6. BeaverProductions

    Bipod and Mosin

    I dont think vitamins and antibiotics do anything at the moment. Forgot about another sniping tip, well its more of a bug actually. If you stand up and scope in on your target and start to walk forward, you will have zero sway.
  7. BeaverProductions

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    I think you would need to be playing in the morning and I would be online at night. Server pings would probably be to incompatible though :(
  8. BeaverProductions

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    Where are you based? Would be good to meet up and have a journey together. I'm in the UK so play most nights for an hour or two after work.
  9. BeaverProductions

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    I hope so. I started off as friendly, then as the assholes started shooting me for no reason at all, the dark side crept in and I was starting to become what I hated the most, a bandit. I'm not saying I will be some sort of saint, but I will try to communicate more with players I spot before I pull the trigger. Some days I might be a killer, other days I might be a hero. I think its probably just because I'm playing Experimental that people are friendlier. Most folks on those servers are there to experience the new stuff, not just murder random people. I am the generally the type of player who collects civilian clothes, makes my own Improvised Backpacks from Boar pelts, hunts for all the Mosin parts and survives outside the main cities. I occasionally take my Mosin and sit on the outskirts of Elektro, Cherno and Novo watching survivors run around. I try and locate bandits on rooftops who are just killing freshspawn and deal a certain kind of justice on them.
  10. BeaverProductions

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    I was on experimental last night testing the new guns. Found the Repeater and the new pump action shotgun. The server restarted and I joined a new one. I was in the construction yard in Severograd and as I zoned in I could hear a zombie aggro someone. I waited for what seemed like an age then moved out on the hunt once I was sure I didn't hear movement near me. My previous few encounters had guided me down the dark path of banditry as when I had previously tried to be friendly to players, they had just killed me on sight. A dead zombie was to the east so I headed that way. Within 10 seconds I seen a dude about 100m away. I lined up a shot. I had a decent shot on him but waited as he was still quite far away and the repeater isn't a terribly strong gun as it takes 0.357 rounds. I tracked him to the jail. I stood behind a wall and watched him loot the jail then leave and head to the Fire station. I could have had 3 or 4 shots at him by this point but he was moving most of the time. I followed him to the fire station and took up position at one of the big main doors and waited. He stopped to loot something and I took my shot and hit him. It wasn't a head shot and he managed to avoid my second shot and leave the fire station by the back door to try and flank me round the back. I went round the other way and it was a stand off like a spaghetti western. Both of us with our guns raised, 30m apart....not shooting. It was weird. He eventually started talking to me and said "Whoa whoa whoa, don't shoot". I actually didn't shoot. We eventually stood down from our stand-off and we started chatting and I let him bandage. I apologized profusely for shooting him and we had a lovely conversation for a few minutes we said good bye and went our own way. That's 3 German guys I had met on Experimental and they have all been really nice and more passive than aggressive. It was a bit of a turning point for me and the banditing thing I had been edging towards in my game play. I'm not sure if i will ever shoot first again if I have the drop on a guy unless the dude has full military gear and AKs/M4s - those guys can die. I will probably shoot if I'm surprised and don't have time to assess a situation and I'm trapped in a building. About 2 minutes later, I spotted another guy running up the main street, bold as brass, gun on his shoulder. As he got near me I started talking to him. I had the opportunity to kill him easily. Strangely, he just kept running in a straight line up the road. I chased him while talking to him all the time. He eventually stopped, looked at me, said something incomprehensible, then ran off again like he didn't give a fuck :) Later, I was having a drink in a bush close to a main road. After I was finished, I popped out the bush and a player was within 10m of my position. Neither of us raised our guns and we greeted each other and had a brief chat. He hadnt seen me at all until I jumped out the bush. I was looking for a Mosin and had both a Long Range Scope and PU scope ready in my bag. The guy had an SKS so I gave him my PU scope and he tried to give me a Long Range Scope he had in his bag, but I already had a pristine one ready for my Mosin. Yet another German dude on Experimental who was totally friendly. About 20 minutes later I was in the jail in Vybor and heard zombie aggro outside. I took up position in one of the jail back rooms and waited to see what would happen. The jail door opened and he ran into my room. Again neither of us shot our guns and I told the guy I heard zombie aggro but he hand not seen any zombies. We worked together inside the jail to see if we could spot who else was outside. Unfortunately the server crashed. Why does it always crash once you meet someone nice :( Experimental is where its at for friendly encounters just now, especially if you are away from the coast.
  11. BeaverProductions

    Bipod and Mosin

    This thread has become derailed. The OP was asking for sniper help - not some arguement about if a mosin is a sniper rifle at all.
  12. BeaverProductions


    Finding it a little bit difficult to decipher your post I'm afraid. I take it English isn't your first language? Thats perfectly fine, but try and say what your specifically having problems with and I will be more than happy to help. I take it your finding it diffcult to survive and cant find water/food/axe/weapon/ammo? Not sure what "no lag maps" means or the last sentence. If you find a pond, stream/river or pool of water, you can drink from those.Some houses on the current stable build do not spawn anything, some houses are goldmines for food. Everyone struggles with the game for the first 5-10 hours. Take this time to learn which houses are the best places to find food.Axes generally spawn in industrial areas. Fireaxes can be found mainly in firestations in larger towns and cities.Jails/Firestations/Police station buildings are good places to find guns. The top floor room of schools and office buildings often have guns too. There are large brick red buildings which are also good for guns. Climb up the outer ladders of firestations onto the roof of the tower - usually pistols there and ammo.Use something like http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus to see where guns and other items spawn the most.Military bases have adnavced guns
  13. BeaverProductions

    Horrible FPS in cities after recent patches

    This is the core problem with your prespective on this. Let me be clear. THIS IS NOT A GAME Its is 11 months into a 3 year development cycle to make a "game" When it is released into Beta its almost a game. Its not a "game" until its gone gold and released officially. This is my first Alpha testing experience in a title of this magnitude, but have tested numerious beta development builds on various "games". Many have been buggy messes and been playable or unplayable to various degrees. I can image that COD/Battlefield was a friggin mess at Alpha stages. Thats why most companies dont usually allow early alpha aceess. What you have paid for is called "Early Access". You paid a small amount to test the builds and report problems/issues/bugs. I would ask you, how many bugs have you reported to the bug tracker? Thats what you are supposed to be doing here. It was cheap because of the financing model. We bought "Early Acess" to fund the developement and that means we dont have to buy the full price game when it is finished.
  14. BeaverProductions

    Bipod and Mosin

    Oh and one more thing, if you use these tips to snipe me, I will hunt you dont and remove your kidneys (in game I mean) :)
  15. BeaverProductions

    Bipod and Mosin

    A few tips I have acquired while learning to snipe: The bipod has been removed from the game (or not spawning at all). As a previous poster said, splint yourself before you settle down to snipe to remove any excessive weapon sway from zombie damage. Hold Breath still does work (kind of). Its just been drastically reduced in its effectiveness, but it does steady your aim slightly just beofe you shoot. You MUST remap hold breath to another key as if your constantly zooming in your scope, you will constantly be out of breath if its mapped to RMB and this will increase sway. Use the + and - keys on your keyboard keypad to zoom and scout areas. I usually only use the RMB zoom when Im ready to fire. Have your FOV set just to the left of the "o" of "Field of View" when ranging your target. If you dont, your ranging will be off. Once you are ranged, you can increade/decrease FOV if you like but remember to put the FOV back to the "o" if you need to re-range if you spot someone further away or closer to you. To range your target, imagine stacking the target on top of each other. If you can only fit 1 player between the centre of the cross hair and the tip of the thick vertical line coming from the bottom, thats 100m away. If you can fit 2 players inbetween these reference points, its 200m etc. It gets harder to estimate the further away you are from the target. You can also guess the range by ranging against doors on houses in the distance if sniping into cities. Players are about 3/4 the hight of a door so you can use that to guess distance. Its not perfect but will be roughly right. Use the measuring tool on the online Dayz maps to calculate exact distances from known locations. I use izurvive.com as we use that for squad positions anyway and has the firestations and police stationsclearly marked on the map. You can also go on low-pop servers and find your favourite sniping spot and take practice shots to work out the distance to, say for example, the hospital building, firestation. police station etc. Write these ranges down and also do this from a couple of locations as you should always move to another spot after taking a few shots to make sure you dont get hunted by sniper killers. If a Target is 650m away, you will either have to aim a bit higher with 600m range or a bit lower with 700m range. Here is a video that helped me loads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRXUsi7B1MQ
  16. BeaverProductions

    Horrible FPS in cities after recent patches

    I'm not a fanboy, I'm just a realist and understand what I'm testing/playing.
  17. Here is my new Experimental Starvation Simulator (patch 0.50) video showing a couple of battles and some interaction with people. Patch 0.50 can be brutal on the coast. With little food around, people must resort to desperate measures to survive. This can turn a normally friendly player (me) into a murdering bandit who kills for food. Please note that most of this fotage was filmed after my 6th or 7th starvation death. I eventually moved off the coast and now surviving. The first dude handcuffed a player while he was disconnecting which resulted in the player dying. I took the gun quickly to stop him potentially killing me and I tried to leave but was blocked by the dead zombie.
  18. BeaverProductions

    DayZ Standalone - Beav - Starvation Simulator (Exp 0.50)

    Defensive to comments like yours, yes. Perhaps you could have phrased it in a less dickish way?
  19. BeaverProductions

    DayZ Standalone - Beav - Starvation Simulator (Exp 0.50)

    Thanks for the sarcastic comment. I dont "ignore" zombies. I kill one in the first 10 seconds. I kill the one that followed the dude through the door at 2:30. At 6:32 I get hit from behind when trying to shoot the dude - I didnt see that zombie as I was hunting the player. I shoot the Zed at 7:02 when it attacked me again. I 'ignore' them as I am trying to kill the guy and messing about with zombies is a stupid thing to do when you're in a firefight, as your attention is on the zombie and not the far more dangerous player. I try to bandage at 7:53 and flap my controls when trying to get my axe out and kill them - I never said I was an amazing DayZ player. At 9:30 one pops out a bush 10 feet from me and I dont have time to get out the way. Seriously though, if your insinuating I should spent my time shooting zombies when not in cover in the middle of a battle, then your mad. I axe them when I have cover and is safe to do so. Shooting zombies is pointless as they respawn, perhaps you didn't know that. It also blows your cover and lets your enemy know where you are. At around 15 mins when the Russian guy was hunting me, I specifically didnt kill the zombie as the Russian would know that I was behind him. Must be wonderful to be you since you have never been hit by a zombie while playing DayZ or aggroed any when shooting in a fight. You are aware that they have significantly increased the zombie spawns in 0.50?
  20. BeaverProductions

    Tracking character lifespan/lifetime/longevity

    Some statistics would be good, but I dont know what kind of database they have or what information they record. Would be good to see how many kills you have had on current and all lives, how many times you have been shot or hit by zombies etc
  21. BeaverProductions

    The Weegees - Disaster in Elektro

    Would you like to see the continuing adventures of 5 or 6 bumbling DayZ Scottish idiots? This week we headed down to Elektro for some action...it didn't end well for most of us. My own team mate ended up killing me at point blank range.
  22. BeaverProductions

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    Keep them coming. Enjoying the reads. You should consider starting a DayZ blog.
  23. BeaverProductions

    Character restart after log back on Dayz

    Yesterday I killed a guy in a military base who was logging out in plane view (probably a server hopper) when there was only me and him on the server. He probably thought he lost his character to a bug. I also was hunting 2 guys in a town when there were only 3 guys on the server. Lost them unfortunately. If you were spotted, and being hunted by a dude, you might have been killed while you logged off. Your character lasts for 30 seconds after you press "quit". If you were running then stopped and instantly logged out, a zombie might have spotted you and killed you while your character logged out. Always wait about 30 seconds in a pine tree or in a shed or other structure to make sure no Zeds arrive before you log out, I take this time for a little inventory management. The other scenario is that the new server you logged on to wasn't connected to the central hive and couldn't load your character, so spawned you as a fresh Bambi. This can happen if you join it too quickly after the server just restarted and hasn't connected to the hive yet, It can also occur randomly for no reason, but the majority of the time its due to joining servers who just restarted. Make sure you wait until a server says 08:03 or 09:03 etc at least. I lost about 3 characters before I started waiting to join restarted servers, havent lost one in a good while now, although a few of my friends recently lost theirs for no good reason. They really need to implement a 5 minute block on people joining servers after it restarts. This should cut down on a good few character wipes.
  24. BeaverProductions

    Horrible FPS in cities after recent patches

    This luxury you paid for is the luxury of being able to enter the DayZ world and identify and report bugs as you come across them during the development cycle. That is all you paid for at the moment. There is no game, it doesn't exist yet. It is a game in development. If you thought you were buying a 'game', you didn't read much of the information presented to you before you paid the cash. The money you gave them was to aid in game development and allow them to hire loads more staff to develop it, not buying a game.
  25. BeaverProductions

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Same on the server I was on. Guns were everywhere in the tower, multiple spawns. I even found lots of guns on random roads.